Better face/Butter body or Better body/Butter face?

  • cylon
  • 06-30-2015, 05:17 PM
Personality and doggy style make up for a butter face. Just saying...
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
green eyes: "snake in the grass eyes I've been told"
Me too! Nikki the big eyes and freckles give you a very innocent appearance. Yummy Originally Posted by SOULFLY
What he said.
DallasRain's Avatar
freckles are sexy!!!
Homegrown512's Avatar
Short term, eg: hobby session, business trip, etc, give me the hot body. That pic KBF shared shows the wonders of make up. Short term = purely physical "relationship," so I don't care what the hell she looks like in the morning I only care about what she looks like with them clothes off...
^that sounded super shallow but I don't know how else to say it....

Long term, natural beauties have always been my type. That's what I had always looked for and asked myself "WTF is she gonna look like in the morning???" before pursuing potential long term ladies. Bodies change and can be changed, hell I know mine has (I'm just happy to say it's back in a great place), so I allowed a bit of wiggle room there...

Nikki, good on you for sharing those pics. The 2nd most important thing I look for in a lady is confidence... And you've obviously got some... Love it!

"RBF", never heard that before and literally laughed out loud at my desk just now. So true! I'm gonna use that. Thanks lady!
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Right there. BAAM no make-up. Love that. Love the freckles too, yup the freckles do it for me. That's how I like my girls. Naturally beautiful. Originally Posted by Kitty Bunny Fuck
Thank you
freckles are sexy!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain

Me too! Nikki the big eyes and freckles give you a very innocent appearance. Yummy Originally Posted by SOULFLY
Thank you, I am innocent in a very naughty way
Some days I like my freckles and some days I don't. The more I tan the more they show but they never get to dark where a little bit of makeup won't cover em.

You look just as good either way. The eyes are exactly the same.

This should close the lid on any implications that you're beautiful because of makeup Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Thank you

What he said. Originally Posted by Blue_eyed_shy_guy

Nikki, good on you for sharing those pics. The 2nd most important thing I look for in a lady is confidence... And you've obviously got some... Love it! Originally Posted by Homegrown512
Thank you! Everyone should be confident in themselves. We all have things we want to change but at the end of the day we all are beautiful in our own way.
Homegrown512's Avatar
Thank you! Everyone should be confident in themselves. We all have things we want to change but at the end of the day we all are beautiful in our own way.
Originally Posted by Nikki_Sweets
Exactly! I shouldn't have said "2nd most important"... Natural beauty (doesn't mean just one thing or feature but overall package), intelligence, and confidence all played equal parts when I was in my dating days.

It's funny, I read a "dear prudence" (I know my masculinity is in question for admitting that) about a guy that married a chick solely on her looks and now he hates her, himself, and his life for it...

She's gotta be smart!

Sorry wind, slightly off topic but still relatively close (?)...
The buther-faces are still winning???

Treadmill here I come!!!
Long overdue I know. I've been blindly banking on this face.

Yeah 'cause, I'm trying to fuck all of yall to make a living so I can be:


��the giiirl with the most caaake��

'cept I couldn't eat it huh?

Can't have it all I suppose!!!

Doll parts life.
Fletchlives's Avatar
Thank you hun, you are too sweet. This body has taken lots of work over the last two years to get right and not with any surgeries.

Of course we all prefer the whole package. Beautiful face, sexy body amazing personality. When choosing from your options I would have to choose pretty face and butter body. A beautiful face is my number one when judging ladies. Next is a tie with boobs and legs...

I shared a no make up photo on another board in my gallery and surprisingly it was a huge hit. Us ladies often get so use to being all dolled up and ready to satisfy an erotic fantasy that we forget about how beautiful we are without all the ad ons. I bet you would never know I have freckles... The second photo slightly shows them

Originally Posted by Nikki_Sweets
Nikki you look beautiful in both pics but I much prefer the clean, natural look. It shows how beautiful you really are.