Not Another Retirement Thread

cookie man's Avatar
Dharma congratulations on meeting your goal. You've always been a delight, and I'm sure in your future that will continue to be the case. Best wishes.
Aw thank you OldGrump! Cookieman, thank you for your good wishes. I'm really feeling some luv here =)
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 07-20-2011, 06:22 AM
Does that mean you wont be posting on here anymore? I've always enjoyed reading what you have to say. It's obvious you are intelligent as well as having a great deal of common sense. Of course you never did play WoW with me (you might have to think about that one for a while).
Anywho...congrats on meeting your goal!
Wishing you only the best
I'm so happy for you!!
You've always been a true lady and treated people in an honest and honorable way. The wisdom you've shared on financial matters has helped dozens. I loved your laid back attitude and generous spirit.

You deserve every happy thing that happens to you

pmdelites's Avatar

i wish you all the very best in the next phase of your life, wherever it takes you.
my meetings with you have always lit up my day and given me great memories.
no one else have ever curled my entire body!!!
thanks for everything you do and have done.

note to self - schedule an appt w/ dharma tout suite!!
I have enjoyed each and every one of our encounters, take care
FishGuy13's Avatar
I truly enjoyed getting to know you and wish you all the best! Will you PM a few more details of what is coming up for you next?
Do you plan on still posting, perhaps even just as a valuded poster??
I'll still maintain a house here. I have educational opportunities and plan to travel. I'll have a last "hurrah" before I go, I promise!

I think I will save my goodbye for our spa day. :-(

I am very sad to see you go, you have been a huge help to us ladies, always ready and there whenever I have a question about something. I only hope that you will still be around If only for a little while at least. :-( .

Thank you so much for being there for us ladies when we needed you or just offering a joke or just alittle bit of guidance, it will be greatly missed around here.
Well Lisa, I consider you a friend. I'll still be around in one way or another. I sure don't mind helping a girl out as I can. Let's go invest in something!
Wow girl! I've been so tied up with stuff and things that I haven't had a chance to call you where we could actually "talk" openly.

You weren't kidding about changes, were you?

I logged on here to post a thread myself but you beat me to the punch. Wow again!

I don't know what to say but we will DEFINITELY have to chat very soon!

Love you!
Mister Tudball's Avatar
I'll still maintain a house here. I have educational opportunities and plan to travel. I'll have a last "hurrah" before I go, I promise! Originally Posted by Dharma
I like to "hurrah". Count me in.
Congrats girly!

I wish you well in your next adventure.

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email me. We have a convention to get to!