right wing economics

LexusLover's Avatar
I haven't been here long and this is the first post by you I have seen and I'm curious since you have not replied to any of the comments nor made any comments on the article itself. If you aren't here to debate and defend your ideas, what's the point of the post? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
No one else pays attention to him?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
“Socialists Identify With Humanity as a Whole”


We speak with Nathan J. Robinson, founder of Current Affairs, about self-interest versus moral conviction, the cruelty of conservatism, and the cluelessness of liberalism.



  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 11:03 AM
“Socialists Identify With Humanity as a Whole”

As long as they are not:white, male, straight, conservatives. Thank you YSL and Robespirerre - dead DPST muses.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
"Don't Tell Me We Can't Afford Medicare for All," Says Sanders, After NYT Details Insanely Higher Costs of US Healthcare


Sanders linked to the Times piece, which features graphs showing prices for common medical services around the world. The Times uses 2017 data from a report released this month by the International Federation of Health Plans, a group that represents chief executives of health insurers.

"Every time, the upshot is vivid and similar: For almost everything on the list, there is a large divergence between the United States and everyone else," the newspaper notes.

LexusLover's Avatar
I was trying to recall when I last had a physician who had an "Anglo-Saxon-Protestant" last name (or first one for that matter). I did know some foreign physicians ("overseas"), whose offices I visited occasionally, who proudly displayed their U.S. medical school diplomas and touted their U.S. "expertise" as a selling point for their services in their "homeland"!

Health care costs can be lowered in several ways, but one of them is recruit physicians whose lifestyle was adjusted to about $1,000 a month and will "suffer" the humiliation of residing in the U.S. for $100,000 a month!
  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 01:34 PM
"Don't Tell Me We Can't Afford Medicare for All," Says Sanders, After NYT Details Insanely Higher Costs of US Healthcare

None so blind as those who cannot comprehend basic economics.

Dead Muses for 9500!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I was trying to recall when I last had a physician who had an "Anglo-Saxon-Protestant" last name (or first one for that matter). I did know some foreign physicians ("overseas"), whose offices I visited occasionally, who proudly displayed their U.S. medical school diplomas and touted their U.S. "expertise" as a selling point for their services in their "homeland"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

THEY weren't the foreigners if you went overseas and visited them in their homeland. You were.

  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 01:52 PM
Quibbling over the word "foreigner" - when after all - even the native Americans immigrated across the Bering land bridge 10,000 years ago.
Deflection from the economic idiocy of Bernie and the rest of the DPST's completely unable to comprehend the cost and economic consequences of giving awau Trillions of dollars of "free stuff" to buy DPST votes.

Thank you - dead DPST muses.
LexusLover's Avatar
THEY weren't the foreigners if you went overseas and visited them in their homeland. You were. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I didn't call them "foreigners" goof-ball. Please ..... the dotted lines!!!

Please quit struggling to be relevant to the discussion. It's not working and it's terribly unbecoming. Do you want that in short form? That can be arranged!
Actually I have several friends who have left the U.S. after retiring and now live in places like Mexico, Portugal, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Israel, and Canada. While none of these countries are totally socialistic, they are certainly more socialistic than the U.S.

There are no solid statistics as to the number of people who have moved from the U.S. but most estimates are in the 9 million range. Obviously there are many reasons why people decide to leave the U.S. But my friends who moved elsewhere did so due to the cost of living in the U.S. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Your operative word...RETIRED.
If the cost of living here is too much for you, please send a beautiful postcard from the paradise you have chosen
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I didn't call them "foreigners" goof-ball. Please ..... the dotted lines!!!

Please quit struggling to be relevant to the discussion. It's not working and it's terribly unbecoming. Do you want that in short form? That can be arranged! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're just trying to make up for the fact that you called someone foreign in their own country. For as smart as you think you are, that was stupid.

By the way, it's not that you use big words. I've stated you use too many. Again, stop trying your dumbass combacks. They don't work. Dork.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Quibbling over the word "foreigner" - when after all - even the native Americans immigrated across the Bering land bridge 10,000 years ago.
Deflection from the economic idiocy of Bernie and the rest of the DPST's completely unable to comprehend the cost and economic consequences of giving awau Trillions of dollars of "free stuff" to buy DPST votes.

Thank you - dead DPST muses. Originally Posted by oeb11
a few "Native" Americans may have, but that whole theory is about as solid as the big bang theory.. meaning extremely flimsy. in my view.

Trump has effectively given away trillions, it just goes down as deficit spending for various items, like the military and tax cuts for the wealthy.
LexusLover's Avatar
a few "Native" Americans may have, but that whole theory is about as solid as the big bang theory.. meaning extremely flimsy. in my view.

Trump has effectively given away trillions, it just goes down as deficit spending for various items, like the military and tax cuts for the wealthy. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So much for your post.

The "wealthy" in this country create the jobs in this country and Trump is bringing their money home with enticing "tax cuts" that were APPROVED by Congress. The economy is still roaring!

The stats will one day be published by the LameStreamMedia. Extra money from increased income and tax cuts stimulated consumer spending .... like it did in 2018.

I'm sorry you can't applaud the roaring economy along with increased security for this country. Hate is unhealthy Tran.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So obviously your friends took advantage of the great advantages and possibilities afforded them in the US through capitalism to take their capitalist accrued wealth to retire in nations where they wouldn't be subject to taxes as they are no longer earning income and leech of the socialist program afforded them in those nations.

Retiring in comfort in another nation leaning socialist is not at all like escaping capitalism for socialism.

But thanks for pointing out that many from the US do indeed take their US cash to where it will benefit them better in retirement. Originally Posted by eccielover
Somewhat true. One couple simply wanted to retire in their early 50s and could not do so in the U.S. based on their income. None of the couples I know would be considered overly wealthy by most standards. As you said, they determined that based on their lifestyles retiring outside the U.S. would benefit them the most. And it didn't matter if the country where they ultimately decided to live was somewhat more socialistic than the U.S.

But they did "flee" the U.S. to seek a better future for themselves. Whether one equates that to fleeing a capitalistic country for a more socialistic country is open to opinion.
  • oeb11
  • 12-29-2019, 09:30 AM
a few "Native" Americans may have, but that whole theory is about as solid as the big bang theory.. meaning extremely flimsy. in my view.

Trump has effectively given away trillions, it just goes down as deficit spending for various items, like the military and tax cuts for the wealthy. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

CT - you are welcome to your opinion - however- the genetic population studies clearly uphold my point on the origin of humanity in the Americas.

We as a country are overspending on both domestic , foreign aid, and military programs. It will catch up to us - we are just larger than Greece which did the same thing.