Guys...ever had a girl make threats if you wrote a bad review?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think the guy should tell people about the threats. On the other hand, if a guy gave me a bad review, I think it's kinda ballsey of him to ask me to provide a reference. I mean, he did nothing to get me more action, why should I provide a reference to help him get action??
However.....I would NEVER threaten the man or make up lies, or create any of that drama.
One more thing about references, I once had a man give me glowing reviews. But due to his behavior during the appointment, I would never give him a reference. He was abusive and drugged out. In time, other women contacted me abouthim and i told them the truth. Yes, the man gave me glowing reviews but he is abusive and on drugs so I can't in good conscience give a green light...... Originally Posted by incognito isis
This. Great answer.

Although I agree with Isis. Were a gent to give me a bad review, I'd consider it mighty ballsy to then ask for a reference. :P Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Really ladies?? Are you sure about that??

The one bad review that I've written on a lady did you know I still reccomend her to anyone that ask me about her. I tell them what happened and then tell them just make sure that they know what to expect going in and they should be happy. I was actually referring her to a well known, well liked member here as I was voicing my dissapointment loudest. Don't assume that because a guy wrote an honest/bad review that he is trashing you behind your back because I can assure you that isn't always the case.....

I have yet to recieve threats of any kind and if I did I belive my reputation here preceeds me therefore I would state my side and welcome her to state her side. Then I would let the ladies decide on their own what they thought.

As far as outting BRING IT!!! I am not scared of being outted. But that's just me.
London Rayne's Avatar
I too would give him a reference if he did nothing wrong. We are not talking about a BAD review, but reviews that as I said...highlight the positive and the negatives. If I refused to give a ref to every guy who said I "could not take much d3ck" I would have zero reviews and zero clients lol. If he was still sweet, on time, clean and did not bash me, he would in fact get a reference.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Now I do agree that it would still be stupid to ask for a reference from a lady that you wrote a bad review of.

However just think of the guys that had a bad experience with you and you didn't know it because he didn't write a review. However he is telling anyone that ask him about you what he really thinks. On top of that he is using you as a reference and you gladly give him a good reference not knowing he had a bad time with you.....
As far as outting BRING IT!!! I am not scared of being outted. But that's just me. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Isn't the bunny suit a dead give away?!?!
Calm down, lover. Lol. I didn't say I wouldn't give him a reference, that would depend on the person and the situation. What I said was I consider it ballsy. Which you have to admit, that is pretty damn ballsy. "I didn't like you/your service and I let the whole world know it. But could you tell this other chick that I'm a great client???" Lol, ballsy. Hell, I might give him a good reference just for having the balls to ask. (Assuming, of course, that he deserves a good reference. Sorry for stating the obvious, but it seems you have to lately, or people read all sorts of crazy shit into what you write, lol).

Really ladies?? Are you sure about that??

The one bad review that I've written on a lady did you know I still reccomend her to anyone that ask me about her. I tell them what happened and then tell them just make sure that they know what to expect going in and they should be happy. I was actually referring her to a well known, well liked member here as I was voicing my dissapointment loudest. Don't assume that because a guy wrote an honest/bad review that he is trashing you behind your back because I can assure you that isn't always the case.....

I have yet to recieve threats of any kind and if I did I belive my reputation here preceeds me therefore I would state my side and welcome her to state her side. Then I would let the ladies decide on their own what they thought.

As far as outting BRING IT!!! I am not scared of being outted. But that's just me. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
This is why I am going to ROCK YOUR WORLD!! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Rock on suga...rock on
I get to rock his world before you lol! Originally Posted by Valerie
Yes, you do...

Well rock about half of it off so I can take all of it! Originally Posted by London Rayne
I see you still drinking the kool-aid

Now I do agree that it would still be stupid to ask for a reference from a lady that you wrote a bad review of. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
C'mon should know by now to ask for the reference or P411 ok then write the bad review

...juuuuuuust kidding ladies, I've never done that
reviews are a pain in the azz.LOL Originally Posted by shorty
Yes, reviews are a pain to write. It actually takes me longer to write a review than it does to attend the session. Over 90% of my reviews are good ones, but occasionally, no matter how much I did my homework, a bad one or mediocre one slips through the cracks and I end up seeing her.

It's funny though how the ones who get the bad or mediocre reviews somehow don't think they are the ones at fault and naturally think they know everything about being a provider. I mean.... it's not like they have ever been a fly on the wall to witness a real session.

I did write a review a while back that got 46 replies (, several from guys who had a similar experience and some other replies thanking me for the warning. When the provider found the review, naturally it was me and not her that was in the wrong and she started texting me and sending me messages on p411. I blocked her both places but I doubt she learned anything from the review.

Ladies, if a guy writes you a mediocre review highlighting your strong a weak points, you should take it as constructive criticism and let it be a learning experience, not go psycho.
GinaXXX's Avatar
About half of the "bad client" alerts I receive, come to me right after a not so great review has been posted by the client. It's very common for certain providers to cause a little trouble for the clients they feel have done them wrong. Not ALL providers, just a certain, very vocal (in other words gossipy), bunch.

I don't put up with it though.

Gotta put in my $.02 here. It seems to me the point of the review process is to give honest impressions/reports of a session. The point being that WALDT and a gent who reads reviews should be able to find a lady with whom he will be compatible. If something which went on wasn't his - or her - cup of tea, then it isn't a bad thing, just a difference in taste.

The challenge appears to be HOW the review is written. An unemotional and politely worded comment shouldn't give offense, even when it is not particularly complimentary. So if we are engaged in an Adult hobby, why does it seem so many folks are not behaving like Adults? Just askin......

And thanks for bringing it up, Dear London! Muuaah, darlin'
If I were to get angry with a reviewer I kind of expect them to mention it. Thats the point of reviews. I'm used to directors critiquing everything though, LOL so i guess I'm not as sensitive as some girls about it.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
About half of the "bad client" alerts I receive, come to me right after a not so great review has been posted by the client. It's very common for certain providers to cause a little trouble for the clients they feel have done them wrong. Not ALL providers, just a certain, very vocal (in other words gossipy), bunch.

I don't put up with it though.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Haha Gina, imagine that! It works the same way around here.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
How could she possibly out a guy? Everyone is using a hobby phone and P411 right? This is supposed to be a fairly anonymous business yes? If they don't then it shouldn't be big surprise when something goes sideways! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Exactly! If you as a hobbyist are giving a provider enough information to out you, then this one particular lady is the least of your worries....... That is EXACTLY why you use screening services such as P411....

About half of the "bad client" alerts I receive, come to me right after a not so great review has been posted by the client. It's very common for certain providers to cause a little trouble for the clients they feel have done them wrong. Not ALL providers, just a certain, very vocal (in other words gossipy), bunch.

I don't put up with it though.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Yet another reason Gina Rocks the SHIT!! Thanks Gina for your professionalism......

I have had a couple of gals "threaten" me in regards to a bad review...... and I'm sure that I have more than my share of NationalBlacklist hits that are directly related to this...... Big Fucking Deal! The many many OK's I have on Gina's site, and the fact that I have many more great references from highly respected ladies around here won't be undone by one crazy chick upset about a bad review......

Honesty is always the ONLY policy in regards to reviews.......

topsgt38801's Avatar
Write the review and be honest. Just don't be totally negative and disrespectful. Bring out the good points and well as the not so good, but be truthful and don't whitewash it or don't use the reviews for revenge. If you get threatened, notify mods and and pursue the issue. If a lady does this or a hobbyists on a regular basis, they should be able to see a pattern.

If the review is bad or you did not have any chemistry, just make people aware it did not work but do not go into nasty details. Be nice and the way it is written many times determines the way the provider would react!

Mojojo's Avatar
Not really, I seem to get along with most ladies I meat. hint hint Valerie! lol
London Rayne's Avatar
It's funny though how the ones who get the bad or mediocre reviews somehow don't think they are the ones at fault and naturally think they know everything about being a provider. I mean.... it's not like they have ever been a fly on the wall to witness a real session.

Ladies, if a guy writes you a mediocre review highlighting your strong a weak points, you should take it as constructive criticism and let it be a learning experience, not go psycho. Originally Posted by pipefitter73
Well said!