My penis is so big, it was used as the mold to form Lake Michigan.
two black guys standing on the golden gate bridge needed to take a piss. so they whip it out and start to piss off the golden gate bridge."I reckon one of them fellers was from Arkansas..... get it?" {Sling Blade}
one guy looks over to the other and says man that water is cold, the other guy says YEAH AND ITS DEEP TOO.
ATX Originally Posted by atxrefman
Dude..... My penis is so big, it has it's own penis, which has it's own penis, which has it's own penis, which has it's own penis, which has it's own penis, which has it's own penis, which has it's own penis, which has it's own penis..... I'm just sayin! Originally Posted by srvfinDude, those are zits.