Constructive Feedback...:)

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Sonya's Showcase gave me boner ...... Originally Posted by MOTOXMAN
Sir Motoxman...

I CONCUR 1000%!!!

  • Sonya
  • 11-06-2014, 02:52 PM
Sir Motoxman...

I CONCUR 1000%!!!

Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
I'm so flattered Slave G. You've been my girl crush here since I first saw you.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Ladies, I would hope there's some cutting and pasting and saving going on. You never know when it'll be your turn. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Sir JY...

You know how much I adore you... and you have always been good to me and I appreciate it more than you will ever know...

But I don't want to bash this gentleman... Eccie is a site to exchange information about ladies in the sex industry... His opinion of his time with me was not very flattering but he has a right to it... and I do not want to take that away from him..

I just wanted to publicly apologize to him and to offer to refund his donation since he was disappointed in me... that is all...

But thank you... for always being you!!

Your adoring slave,

Dorian Gray's Avatar

This would of been useful for the previous seven (7) post I belive.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar

This would of been useful for the previous seven (7) post I belive. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Sir DG...

I agree with you. .. the problem is I'm not as gifted as you with computers... I was trying to figure it out but I couldn't get it to work...

If you have time would you send me a pm on how to do this? If not I will have one of my men talk me through it. ..

Thank you for your feedback. ..

Your computer challenged slave,



This explains my fetish for techies.... I can't go into the APPLE store without getting completely turned on! !
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Sir JY...

You know how much I adore you... and you have always been good to me and I appreciate it more than you will ever know...

But I don't want to bash this gentleman... Eccie is a site to exchange information about ladies in the sex industry... His opinion of his time with me was not very flattering but he has a right to it... and I do not want to take that away from him..

I just wanted to publicly apologize to him and to offer to refund his donation since he was disappointed in me... that is all...

But thank you... for always being you!!

Your adoring slave,

Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere

My post was not clear. I apologize.

What I meant to convey:

Ladies, take note. This is how to compose, and operate, an "I just got a NO Review" thread.

That was the message I had hoped to express. My bad.

p.s., It is nice to see you out and about.
dearhunter's Avatar
No need to apologize for his don't owe him, all them fucktards who wrote them glowing reviews.......them be a different story......ijs
You don't owe him anything. I read the ROS and if

Here's an analogy of what the dumb ass reviewer did......That's like going to a restaurant ordering lobster tail that is totally under cooked and cold. Proceeding to eat the meal ...paying for it...NOT saying a word to the waiter or manager...and then going home and posting a bad review on yelp or on any other review board.

I never met SG I have no bias....but I will call an idiot an idiot when I see one...And that review is one dumb mother fucker...


Please be careful not to inadvertently reveal or discuss information disclosed in ROS. Adding Private Tags to comments referencing things not mentioned in public.


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#20 - The men and women of our board each have their respective private areas in which secure content is posted and a greater freedom of expression allowed. Each member is responsible for keeping the information in any of the private secure areas (Men's Lounge, Provider Powder Room, The Rest of the Story, posts which have been tagged as private) 100% restricted to the members who are intended to have access to that material. Revealing ANY content which was posted in one of the men's or women's private sections of the board will result in penalty, up to and including loss of your access to these areas. Full cooperation may result in a less severe penalty, and each violation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Repeated infractions will impact the severity of punishment.
animitasenthe's Avatar
I've never done a three way, but I think this is where I profess my very intent interest in doing one with Guinevere and Sonya. Just sayin...

Yeah, way to take the lead on publicly validating your serious intent on value added, customer focused service Guinevere. Kudos. You definitely just got added to my naughty, but ohh so nice, list of ladies I want to meet.

inspector farquar's Avatar
You don't owe him anything. I read the ROS and

Here's an analogy of what the dumb ass reviewer did......That's like going to a restaurant ordering lobster tail that is totally under cooked and cold. Proceeding to eat the meal ...paying for it...NOT saying a word to the waiter or manager...and then going home and posting a bad review on yelp or on any other review board.

I never met SG I have no bias....but I will call an idiot an idiot when I see one...And that review is one dumb mother fucker...

SNL..out Originally Posted by SNL9933
Not to nitpick, but I doubt SG was cold and undercooked.

Staff edit, Spice - added private tags
Sir GlobeSpotter...

Well, I am glad that I could be of SERVICE!! LOL... Sigh, and who says that OLD HO'S don't have their uses? LOL... Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere

i don't remember that clip below. But watch him screw the lid on at 1:32 then 4 seconds later, it is off. LOL

Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
I felt obligated to reply to this thread since its written about me. I love the love circle going on here, book club, compliments refund etc. Zanzibar I think you should propose to SG

I dont need an apology or refund. I wasnt trying to be rude SG. As I mentioned on my review I struggled to give yes or no. Because she did dress what I asked and did MSOG actually in 20 min. Hehe. I didnt walk away when I saw her and I contacted her for the first place. I never walk away even though there are times I said ohh God, I go for the mission and I complete it. I am a lil shy maybe walking away is not my thing. I should work on that.

She did what she is supposed to and provided the service. However I struggled to say yes because I wouldnt go again and if I knew I wouldnt go for the first place. I have a friend asked me after I get back he said How was it, I told him the same thing I wrote on my review. Providers shouldnt expect yes recommendation all the time and hobbiest shall provide honest review. Its all good at the end its my opinion not yours. Here is my list of questions though

1. She stated age 44 in her showcase. Really? Thats misleading. If you are so honest to refund me tell us the truth.
2. When were the showcase pictures taken? Recently? Or several years ago?if recent why asked me if she looked like her showcase pictures
3. Providers are not supposed to read the reviews. How do you know what I write about you. Thats against eccie rules right?
4. How do you price yourself 300 per hr level? If so girls like pennyN are $250 and lower. Are you sure you are on that price range? Or compatible to that level?
5. Lets just be honest, who was supposed to pay who? Are you the provider or am I the jigolo? Again maybe this is part of my fault but strategically taken pics and age disclaimer was misleading also no face picture but again I respect your privacy.
6. You are not supposed to give details about our sessions like 2 bells etc. I am the one who has right to write a review.

SpiceItUp's Avatar
^Small point of order. You were both there. She's entitled to discuss events that occurred just as you are as long as neither of you violate forum guidelines. Nothing she said violates any guidelines.
I felt obligated to reply to this thread since its written about me. I love the love circle going on here, book club, compliments refund etc. Zanzibar I think you should propose to SG Originally Posted by Mickdicker

but I already got a hobby wife. Ha ha ha it's cool though there are no laws against escort polygamy ;-)
^Small point of order. You were both there. She's entitled to discuss events that occurred just as you are as long as neither of you violate forum guidelines. Nothing she said violates any guidelines. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Are providers supposed to read reviews about themselves as well?