CNN Doc says "the science has changed"!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just like the Fucking constitution can’t change, science can’t.

We all know the MSM is trying to pull the bull over our eyes.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
fauxi should be in jail. fuck that pompous cock sucker Originally Posted by winn dixie
I remember playing doctor as a kid. But I never knew you could lose at that game.

Apparently you can.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Going forward living with COVID probably will be like living with the flu.... Originally Posted by Tiny
Took you two years to figure that one out - which was stated two years ago, I might add, by the then President. Go figure...
HedonistForever's Avatar
Leana Wen's an emergency room physician, former health commissioner, columnist for the Washington Post and commentator for CNN. She's not a Democratic Party operative, so she doesn't have a dog in that hunt.

So, she could have taken the Conservative approach to all this and still have been given this spot on CNN? That's what you are telling me?

Now it's possible that, like Tucker Carlson, Steve Hilton, and the night time headliners on CNN and MSNBC, she's spinning in a way to sell more advertising for CNN and WAPO. But I doubt it. Nahh, it doesn't have jack to do with politics and that's a fact. Originally Posted by Tiny

And he did it anyway!

You just made the cardinal sin Tiny of telling us your opinion, is a fact. Here is another example ( in my opinion ) how this is ALL political.

Remember Joe Biden inferring, hell, he said it, Governors DeSantis of Florida and Abbott of Texas were "Neanderthals" in their thinking about masking and vaccine mandates and should be condemned for not following CDC guidelines.

Well, today, the CDC said that States/ Governors have ALWAYS had the right to decide what was best for their states based on how well their state was doing since, in my opinion, 3 Democrat Governors have decided to do the same. Really, that was the "science" all along according to the CDC? Then what other reason would Biden have to attack these two Governor's, Hmmmm, let me think.

So, when two Republican Governor's were doing EXACTLY what the CDC ALWAYS recognized what was their right to do, they were condemned but when 3 Democrat Governor's now decide what is best for their states, suddenly, that was the CDC's "opinion" all along.

Now we have the Governor of New York tossing out indoor masking at restaurants etc. But she will not toss mask wearing for children who from the very beginning, were the least likely to catch or transmit Covid with not a single verified case of child to teacher transmission even during Delta. But she is just doing what in her opinion, is best for the children when ALL the evidence suggest that this was never necessary and has harmed children immeasurably.

But many other Governor's like Youngkin of Virginia have given parents the choice to mask their children or not, the way IMHO, it should always have been like the Scandinavian countries did who never masked their children because the SCIENCE never said that would be a good idea.

Nothing political here huh? I say it's all political and that is my opinion. There hasn't been a FACT about any of this from day one, EVERYTHING we were told has changed. Facts don't change.

It's funny Tiny because while I was watching Steve Hilton give his opening monologue, I thought, I'm, going to put this up for Tiny to see never guessing that you watch Steve Hilton ( do you also watch Mark Levin )

I was surprised at your reaction but I guess I shouldn't have been. You have been all in on the Democrat side of this equation from the beginning, your right of course.
Ducbutter's Avatar
How many times have we heard that the science is settled?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
‘Full blown’ pandemic phase of Covid nearly over in US, declares Anthony Fauci
Biden’s top medical adviser says Americans will soon make ‘own decisions’ on dealing with virus
Fuck off, Fauci. I’ve made my own decisions since day one and couldn’t give less of a shit about what he thinks.
"CNN Doc says "the science has changed"!"

You misspelled "polling". Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Funniest thing I read all week!
TechPapi's Avatar
Funniest thing I read all week! Originally Posted by buzzlghtyr401

You need to hang here longer. The rightards around here keep us all rolling!

LexusLover's Avatar
The rightards around here keep us wrongtarads all rolling!
Originally Posted by TechPapi
TechPapi's Avatar
You need to hang here longer. The rightards around here keep us all rolling!

Originally Posted by TechPapi
You're 100% correct! I renounce my belief in all this bullshit, and will endeavor to start reading things that don't make me look like a rightard. TechPapi is my new hero. Bambino needs help. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I didn't realize we could change what others wrote. Thanks! I fixed yours too.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The CDC just said that their recommendations have not changed. What recommendation is that? Well, it's the recommendation that 3 Democrat Governors just made about masking. So The 3 Democrat Governors are NOT following the guidelines of the CDC. Then what could have possibly changed their minds?

We know that all political parties do "internal polling", the kind the public isn't suppose to see but is often leaked.

I wonder what the internal polling of the Democrats is saying? Should it be any different than the polling we are seeing? Just saw the latest poll with Biden being at 38% for the first time and compared to Trump's number at 42% at this time in each mans Presidency.

So the question is, has a politician or a party in this case, ever changed their policy due to the polling they get back? No? Never happens? Covid use to be the one bright spot in polling for Biden. All that "hope he can change things like he said he would" and things got even worse.

The people, many of which voted for Biden just to get rid of Trump, have now turned against Biden and for good reason in my opinion.

Just heard a report that about 38 million people have lost their jobs because they refused to get vaccinated and or wear masks. Hell, let's cut that number in half just to be sure.19 million people lost their jobs due "in part" to Biden policies forced upon them or so I'm sure many would say. I wonder how many of those people voted for Biden that will no longer vote for him or any Democrat that supported his vaccine and masking policies.

The question again is, would any politician or party CHANGE what they have been saying, if polling told them the people had turned against them? Politics over science. Gee, I wonder.
TechPapi's Avatar
Fuck off, Fauci. I’ve made my own decisions since day one and couldn’t give less of a shit about what he thinks. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Who cares? Not me. Not Fauci. I want you all to make your own decision. Couldn't give a fuck less. In fact, I don't want you righties to get vaccinated. Thanks for doing what I like.
adav8s28's Avatar
It doesn't have jack to do with politics. Almost everybody has had COVID or has gotten vaccinated or both. People have immunity. Originally Posted by Tiny
Agreed that it doesn't have anything to do with politics. The science has changed. You have 200 million double vaccinated people in the USA. The omicron variant is now the dominate variant accounting for 99% of all new cases. The Regeneron monoclonal antibodies don't work against omicron variant but the two shot vaccines do, in that they prevent death.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Agreed that it doesn't have anything to do with politics. The science has changed. You have 200 million double vaccinated people in the USA. The omicron variant is now the dominate variant accounting for 99% of all new cases. The Regeneron monoclonal antibodies don't work against omicron variant but the two shot vaccines do, in that they prevent death. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Well, not in all cases but some even though we can't give you any numbers. Just wanted to correct that for you.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just had a good laugh. Not more than an hour after I wrote above wondering about the "internal polling" of the Democrat Party, Tucker Carlson opens with "It would be fascinating to see what the internal polling of the Democrat party says about Covid restrictions, it must have been pretty awful because "something spooked them bad". In less than a week, they are dropping Covid restrictions even though the CDC who they say decides what they will do, "follow the science don't you know", says their recommendation on masking indoors "has not changed". Something sure as hell has changed and if it isn't the CDC's recommendation, what is it?

This is not a fact, this is an opinion that Carlson and I happen to share. I said it, thought it prior to Carlson saying it, proving ( should ) that I don't "follow and accept blindly" what Tucker says, we just happen to agree on about 95% of what he says even though I wish he would tone down his sarcasm which obviously, many people do not understand and quote what he says as "this is what Tucker Carlson said and believes" when he was being sarcastic, making fun of those people who did say what he just said and meant it. I guess great minds do think a like.