Anybody offering free hugs around here, I need a few -- Grrrrr

Where did I say all African American men were bad???? Is that in there somewhere, don't put words in my mouth.

Sorry you are offended about my comments.
mtabsw's Avatar
Lisa.... Havent met you, but like your posts.... Big hug from me too.
Big hugs to Lisa
Big hugs to Lisa Originally Posted by Dannie

y besos!
mmcqtx's Avatar
Hi my name is Lisa and this will be a bat shit crazy post.....

mmcqtx's Avatar
Bgi Eddie WAAAAAAAAY out of line. Lisa provides a service, a very personal service. She is experienced and that experience has taught her a few things. She has every right to restrict service any way she feels fit. Would you walk into a restaurant and point out to the manager that many people who do not wear shirts or shoes are perfectly hygenic and responsible? Would you argue for the drunk at the end of the bar after the proprietor has cut him off? Now if Lisa was receiving federal funds and was a part of a government agency, you would have a point. She ain't ....hugs Lisa, big strong pick you up and give you a little shake hugs.
Lisalisa...wish you were in front of me right now so I could Hug you...loved your rant. Hope it made you feel better. Can't imagine how tough it is for you girls...I sure appreciate each and every one of you. Take care, baby.
TAHGorch's Avatar
Big Hugs to you, Lisa. You're a Sweetheart.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Lisa, darlin', any time you want to get together for a little tea and sympathy, I'm your man. Although I've not had the pleasure of spending quality time with you (if you get my meaning and I think you do ), I've met you at a few social functions and found you to be a perfectly lovely, delightful and sweet lady. I am sorry that you're experiencing such grief, abuse and negativity from a few of the socially retarded guys on this site. All I can say is: Don't let the bastards get you down.

At the risk of being called a WK (again, sigh) I don't see a "racist rant." I see a young lady expressing her personal preference and clearly articulating some of the crap she gets about it. Could you please quote the OP, and explain why you feel it qualifies as a "racist rant?"

Would you make an appointment with L-L?


Doesn't that make you a gopherist?

D*mmit, L: please let me go back to using the *sshat epithet in public. Sometimes, it's just f'ing called for.

PS, L-L -- you remember those hugs I sent you by PM?

Hugs to one of my favorite ladies. Lisa, you are the bomb.
Lisa, You are one of My favorite posters here...
big hugs to You!!

Here's a song for You!!!
E-hug for Lisa...
I luv you and your posts...Lots of hugs sent your way Baby !!!
The first NBA policy that ever made me sad.

Great post Lisa, and not "bat shit crazy" at all. You make some good points. You're beautiful and obviously intelligent, and it's a shame certain people don't treat you the way you deserve to be treated.