Diversity strikes again...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
actually timpage, these rednecks are busy squealing about the about that other Neeegto who they just can't keep off the golf course ... Barack H. Eisenhower.
No, Timmy said that there's too many Jews and Asians in the "big tent."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Another example with deadly consequences; Antoinette Frank, New Orleans, Police, massacre, political interference. Look it up.
No, Timmy said that there's too many Jews and Asians in the "big tent." Originally Posted by gnadfly

Read it again because you didn't get it the first time.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-12-2013, 11:32 AM
Read it again because you didn't get it the first time. Originally Posted by timpage

I don't believe gonadfly can read it enough times to get it
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Gonad, you're a fucking idiot...almost on a par with Whiny.

I love the way you silly little fuckers try to spin everything. Unfortunately you've neither the still nor the material.
Another example with deadly consequences; Antoinette Frank, New Orleans, Police, massacre, political interference. Look it up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
In the time it took you to write that, you could have posted the link.

What's with the fucking mystery?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-12-2013, 01:27 PM
In the time it took you to write that, you could have posted the link.

What's with the fucking mystery? Originally Posted by ExNYer
knowing JD I'd say it was because she was black.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-12-2013, 02:39 PM

The test should be whether or not they bend the standards to meet quotas.

I note that the article says that there are 35 women among the 11,000 members of the NYFD. So some of them can pass the test.

And you need to update your stereotypes about doctors and enrollments as top-tiered colleges.

As a percentage of the population, Asians and Jews are over-represented in both fields. The Ivy League needs quotas to keep not only blacks and Hispanics in, but also non-Jewish whites.

I read somewhere that if they went on a pure meritocracy basis (test scores), the Ivies would be about 50% Jewish and Asian, 45% white, and 5% blacks and Hispanics combined.

Affirmative action primarily takes slots from Asians and Jews - other minorities. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I see you have been reading the Occidental Observer again...
I see you have been reading the Occidental Observer again... Originally Posted by Bert Jones
I have no idea what that is.

I was wondering what took you so long to chime in.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-12-2013, 08:53 PM
I have no idea what that is.

I was wondering what took you so long to chime in. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I had to tend to some business, that is why I didn't comment in a timely manner.
The Occidental Observer is an odious website that publishes things like your comment on the Ivy League, so it seemed like a good guess. I heard about them through the SPLC. The SPLC keeps an eye out for sites of that nature. Look up Kevin MacDonald.
I get it buddy. I just happen to think that the tent is big enough to allow all the qualified folks ...

By the way, I don't think too many Asians or folks of the jewish persuasion are missing out on employment because of an inability to obtain entry into a good educational institution.
Originally Posted by timpage
Right there in its subtle glory.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, there are just some people that you could print the gospel verbatim and they would say that you were wrong, could not believed, or were otherwise fooled. So you can look it up yourself. It happened when I was in New Orleans just about five miles down the road.

Sigh* Ms Frank (yes, she is black) was in the NO police academy. She had a lot of problems with authority, following orders, and a hint of mental problems. Her instructors described her as a bomb waiting to go off. The mayor, Marc Morial, used his influence to not only keep her in the academy but to allow her to graduate. Among many other sins, her main claim to infamy is that her and her nephew robbed a Vietnamese place because she had heard that they kept large sums of cash on hand. Her partner happened to be doing security for the place (as do many of the underpaid police officers) so she was busted. She took her partner's gun, lined up the whole family, and shot them including her partner. She missed a teenage girl who hid in the walk in. She left, drove home, and when the call went out she responded to the crime. Once on the scene she was picked out by the teenage girl as the murderer of her parents, brothers, and sisters plus her partner. After her conviction they found the body of her father under his own house which was now hers. She should have never gotten a badge but for the influence of a democratic mayor.
I had to tend to some business, that is why I didn't comment in a timely manner.
The Occidental Observer is an odious website that publishes things like your comment on the Ivy League, so it seemed like a good guess. I heard about them through the SPLC. The SPLC keeps an eye out for sites of that nature. Look up Kevin MacDonald.
http://www.splcenter.org/ Originally Posted by Bert Jones
I'm not sure what your driving at, but my comment about the Ivy Leagues schools doesn't come from some hate website. Stuff like that has been reported many times before in mainstream newspapers and TV programs.

Or have you not ever noticed the high achievements of Asians and Jews relative to their small numbers?

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but no one is entitled to his own facts. And those are facts.

BTW, I am not Jewish or Asian.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-13-2013, 09:53 AM
No, there are just some people that you could print the gospel verbatim and they would say that you were wrong, could not believed, or were otherwise fooled. So you can look it up yourself. It happened when I was in New Orleans just about five miles down the road.

Sigh* Ms Frank (yes, she is black) was in the NO police academy. She had a lot of problems with authority, following orders, and a hint of mental problems. Her instructors described her as a bomb waiting to go off. The mayor, Marc Morial, used his influence to not only keep her in the academy but to allow her to graduate. Among many other sins, her main claim to infamy is that her and her nephew robbed a Vietnamese place because she had heard that they kept large sums of cash on hand. Her partner happened to be doing security for the place (as do many of the underpaid police officers) so she was busted. She took her partner's gun, lined up the whole family, and shot them including her partner. She missed a teenage girl who hid in the walk in. She left, drove home, and when the call went out she responded to the crime. Once on the scene she was picked out by the teenage girl as the murderer of her parents, brothers, and sisters plus her partner. After her conviction they found the body of her father under his own house which was now hers. She should have never gotten a badge but for the influence of a democratic mayor. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Morial became Mayor in 1994, but Frank was hired in 1993. Someone intervened on her behalf, though, as you say. A psychiatrist recommended against her being hired. He sure turned out to right!!!

Sidney John Barthelemy (born March 17, 1942) is a former American political figure. The second African American to hold the New Orleans Mayoral chair, he was a member of the Louisiana State Senate from 1974 to 1978 and a member at-large of the New Orleans City Council from 1978 to 1986. He served as Democratic mayor of New Orleans from 1986 to 1994.

Antoinette Frank applied with the (NOPD) in 1993. Several red flags turned up during the hiring process. She had been caught lying on several sections of her application and had flunked two standard psychiatric evaluations. Psychiatrist Philip Scurria examined her and advised in no uncertain terms that she not be hired, saying she was "shallow and superficial".