Trump again suggests supporters should try to vote twice, ignoring warnings from election officials

Jacuzzme's Avatar
And some people still don't believe that trump is a fkn idiot Originally Posted by Tsmokies
It seems that your too simple minded to understand a sentence.
LexusLover's Avatar
It seems that your too simple minded to understand a sentence. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
TS's just jealous ....

.... Melania is the only one who can suck Trump's dick.

Besides .... Trump has made more money than TS has.

It all gets clear in the end.

What happens to Trump if Trump loses? He has BILLIONS and a hot wife to fuck!

What happens to TS if Trump loses? He has Bitten and Kumola!!!

In other words: TX will have NADA!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
This is what to be concerned about:
  • The China virus disproportionately affects the elderly
  • It spreads especially well in confined settings like nursing homes
  • The elderly tend to have more compromised immune systems
  • Many deaths, especially NYC, Washington, NJ, Michigan etc
  • Enter mail-in ballots sent to nursing homes with recently departed
  • Filed out and returned by whom exactly?
  • How many of those dead will be voting for Hiden Biden?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden definitely has the dead vote wrapped up.
HoeHummer's Avatar
TS's just jealous ....

.... Melania is the only one who can suck Trump's dick.

Besides .... Trump has made more money than TS has.

It all gets clear in the end.

What happens to Trump if Trump loses? He has BILLIONS and a hot wife to fuck!

What happens to TS if Trump loses? He has Bitten and Kumola!!!

In other words: TX will have NADA! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Spoken like a true WSND.

Melania is leaving Trump as soon as she can. Book that bubs
  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 09:22 AM
This is the DPST's accusing Trump and conservatives of doing precisely what they do.

The denial, deflection, hypocrisy - and avoidance of responsibility is staggering.

They have no conscience of Rules or fair play - it is Lie, Liel lie and

win at any cost to America's representative democracy.

Which they fully intend to destroy and Rule as a Marxist dictatorship.

Civil War is coming!
At least the DPST's hate the military - which will be forced to come to the defense of the representative democracy - and put to military tribunal the criminal DPST'!!
maybe they will let nazi Pelosi have her hair coiffed and a last meal of her designer ice cream before she goes to the gallows!
Lapdog's Avatar
....and maybe the sky is not falling after all.
  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 09:26 AM
Such a shame to be so deluded and waste One's life as a DPST acolyte.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Heil Ramboebsy, the de facto “fade” of the ECCIE WSNDs!!

Military tribunals, indeed.

Yous will not replace us, eh?
  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 09:30 AM
hh/Yr -Such a shame to be so deluded and waste One's life as a DPST acolyte.
LexusLover's Avatar
hh/Yr -Such a shame to be so deluded and waste One's life as a DPST acolyte. Originally Posted by oeb11
They actually believe Trump was advising people to vote 2x's.

When the dipshits do something, like collude with the Russians, they immediately accuse Trump supporters of what they do. And they actually believe they are escaping the consequences by doing so.

They are extreme retards.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This is truth. I’d bet if you polled leftists you’d find an amazing number that think Russia actually changed votes, or did something else of consequence. In reality their ‘meddling’ was comparable to 3 neckbeards in their mother’s basement with a Facebook account. Leftists just SO want to believe that there’s no way a guy like Trump could actually win an election that they’re willing to throw all common sense out the window, if they ever had any to begin with.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
They say H E advised voting twice to force the media to question the validity of mail in voting.
Gotyour6's Avatar

OP is so stupid he has to set notifications to remember to breathe in the morning
HoeHummer's Avatar
They say H E advised voting twice to force the media to question the validity of mail in voting. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Whoever’s the fuck “they” are, eh?

Poor WSNDs, they think this is going to end well for them.