'Sixty dead' after truck crashes into crowd at Bastille Day celebrations in Nice 'terror attack'

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So NOW EKIM finally admits what the rest of us have known all along... HE'S A LYIN LIB ! So much for all of his denials ! Now if he'd just admit to his love of dingleberry pickin and being a fudge " packee " !!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Glib and dingleberries.

Not a greater forum on ECCIE.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
How is the gun control working out for your Libtards!! fuking idiots!! wake the fuk up!!! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
How did this have anything to do with guns? How is that part of this discussion, dipshit?

Or are you just spewing bile in your spare time?

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Keep living in Disney Land.. does "It's a small world after all" continually play in your head since you are so fuking naive?
How did this have anything to do with guns? How is that part of this discussion, dipshit?

Or are you just spewing bile in your spare time?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
again with you ignorant Hillary tit sucking morons!!!!

all you Libtarbs saying banning guns will solve all of these murders.. I guess yall forgot Fuking Muslin goat fuckers will use anything to kill us. or are yall too fuking stupid to see this?
Glib and dingleberries.

Not a greater forum on ECCIE.

Shame... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Mebbe YOUR hero odumbo will send Lurch Kerry and James Taylor over there AGAIN to sing to them " You've Got A Friend " !!! Ya, that'll make it alright !
gfejunkie's Avatar
How did this have anything to do with guns? How is that part of this discussion, dipshit? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Funny. That's my exact question to Odumbo and the dimbulbocrats every time there is one of these Islamic terrorist attacks in this country.
BigLouie's Avatar
No terror attack. No hostages. Reports are that he was a French national, petty thief. More into women than religion. Upset and unstable over a failed marriage.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Denial is not a river in Egypt either.

You're vastly outnumbered in your opinion. Even the President of France knows he was a Tunisian MUSLIM.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
From Reuters:

French authorities were trying to determine on Friday whether a Tunisian who killed at least 84 people by plowing a truck into Bastille Day crowds had acted alone or with accomplices, but said the attack bore the hallmarks of Islamist militants.
Thursday night's attack in the Riviera city of Nice plunged France again into grief and fear just eight months after gunmen killed 130 people in Paris. Those attacks, and one in Brussels four months ago, have shocked Western Europe, already anxious over security challenges from mass immigration, open borders and pockets of Islamist radicalism.
The truck zigzagged along the city's seafront Promenade des Anglais as a fireworks display marking the French national day ended on Thursday night. It careered into families and friends listening to an orchestra or strolling above the Mediterranean beach toward the century-old Hotel Negresco.
At least 10 children were among the dead. Of the scores of injured, 25 were on life support, authorities said on Friday.
Bystander Franck Sidoli said he had seen people go down before the truck finally stopped just five meters away from him.
"A woman was there, she lost her son. Her son was on the ground, bleeding," he told Reuters at the scene.
The driver, 31-year-old Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, shot dead by officers at the scene, was known to police for petty crimes but was not on a watch list of suspected militants. He had one criminal conviction for road rage, sentenced to probation three months ago for throwing a wooden pallet at another driver.
The investigation "will try to determine whether he benefited from accomplices," Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said. "It will also try to find out whether Mohamed Laouaiej Bouhlel had ties to Islamist terrorist organizations."

Yeah that Frenchman Mohamed.............
gfejunkie's Avatar
Went to his death shouting "Allahu Akbar!"

Nope. No terrorism there.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Graphically reminded me of a phone call I made in 2002. In Kansas City they used to have a music festival at the base of the Liberty Memorial (before they ran the underground gay population out) every year. I remember in 2002 they were predicting 35,000 people. I made several phone calls until I got the guy who was supposed to be in charge of park venue security for the city (Kay Waldo Barnes (d)) was the Mayor at the time. I alerted him to the idea of a Muslim terrorist could get a semi with a load of gasoline and drive it right smack into the festival. Detonation would kill more than the World Trade Center attack and leave thousands horribly burned. He told me that terrorists don't care about music. ???? I said that this is the ultimate soft target. He said that there would be cops for crowd control. I said that those cops would be among the victims as they would fail to react to an attack in a timely manner. They are there for crowd control. I mentioned using "dragon's teeth" for security. He told me that he didn't think they could find any dragons in KCMO. I tried to explain to the moron what I was talking about

A single row could stop a runaway semi and trailor away from the center of the crowd. Putting a padeye on top would allow you to run a thick chain from one to another to prevent motorcylces and bicyles for entry. It would not stop pedestrian traffic. He sounded rather bored and repeated that there were no dragons in KCMO. This idiot is probably still in city government and we are still open to an attack like this.
LexusLover's Avatar
No terror attack. No hostages. Reports are that he was a French national, petty thief. More into women than religion. Upset and unstable over a failed marriage. Originally Posted by BigLouie

The Orlando terrorist was a U.S. citizen ("National"?), who hung out at the bar.

He had a good marriage! Apparently she went along with his desire to kill gays.

What was he "upset and unstable" about? Or do you have a clue?

"Hostages"? Is that the new "requirement" for it to be a "terrorist attack"?

I'm trying to recall ... it's been awhile .... how many "hostages" were taken on 911?

BL without prying into your personal life, what were you doing before you posted?

Whatever it was you probably should have kept doing it, and skipped the posting part.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
San Bernardino shooter was a U.S. citizen too.

Again, the glib sarcasm spewing forth in this thread is tasteless and shameful.

I won't be going to France again anytime soon, btw...
Graphically reminded me of a phone call I made in 2002. In Kansas City they used to have a music festival at the base of the Liberty Memorial (before they ran the underground gay population out) every year. I remember in 2002 they were predicting 35,000 people. I made several phone calls until I got the guy who was supposed to be in charge of park venue security for the city (Kay Waldo Barnes (d)) was the Mayor at the time. I alerted him to the idea of a Muslim terrorist could get a semi with a load of gasoline and drive it right smack into the festival. Detonation would kill more than the World Trade Center attack and leave thousands horribly burned. He told me that terrorists don't care about music. ???? I said that this is the ultimate soft target. He said that there would be cops for crowd control. I said that those cops would be among the victims as they would fail to react to an attack in a timely manner. They are there for crowd control. I mentioned using "dragon's teeth" for security. He told me that he didn't think they could find any dragons in KCMO. I tried to explain to the moron what I was talking about

A single row could stop a runaway semi and trailor away from the center of the crowd. Putting a padeye on top would allow you to run a thick chain from one to another to prevent motorcylces and bicyles for entry. It would not stop pedestrian traffic. He sounded rather bored and repeated that there were no dragons in KCMO. This idiot is probably still in city government and we are still open to an attack like this. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That Mayor sounds like a relative of EKIM ! Mebbe a distant " cousin " ? Same inbred IQ !