Yssup Rider's Avatar
He PALES by comparison to you, Unaliar! You are the most dishonest and incredible poster on ECCIE.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You keep saying that, Assup, but never offer any examples or proof. You know what? I think you are full of shit, and crave attention from me. Pretty sad. I just don't swing your way. Sorry.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

we ALL know that you're a compulsive liar. That you constantly misrepresent the facts. that you are forever painting yourself into a corner and struggling to find wriggle out.

and we also know that you, in all likelihood, suck cock in the men's room in The Salina bus station.

Please refute any of these facts.

Trust me, I am happy without your attention. but if you look through the pages, you'll find a large number of posters confirming these facts.

If you've stopped sucking cock in Salina, please provide links confirming such.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You got nothin', do you, Assup? Nothin' at all.

Neither one of these two parties gives a shit about the citizens who pay the bill for their ignorant decisions. Until people stand up, make informed decisions about government and demand limited power in spending nothing will change. People are too worried about left andright to see that 95% of our representatives in government are cut from the same Progressive mold. It is a vicious cycle that will not end until our country is bankrupt! Originally Posted by built4fun
Exactly! I wholeheartedly agree.

I remember in high school, long before I had any real interest in politics, I was walking into some building when a reporter came up to me and asked my opinion on who was more at fault for the recent budget that had been passed in deficit - President Bush Sr, or Congress. I looked at her like she was stupid and replied both. Congress passed an unbalanced budget, and the President signed it. Thus it was 20 years ago, thus it remains to this day. The blame for our addiction to debt lies in any politician who votes for a budget that is not in balance, but even more so with the apathetic, disengaged voters who keep sending thieves to Washington who rob our children blind.

I stopped giving a flying fuck about which party did what, or who spent what, a long time ago. Every single President since FDR has left behind more debt after leaving office than we carried when they entered office. Even Eisenhower, who is the last President who ever paid down any of our debt, still accumulated more debt during his 8 years than he paid down.

Since 1936, there have been only 4 years in which we paid down any of our debt, the last year being 1956. Nearly SIXTY YEARS ago. We have had sixty long years of accumulating debt - in that 60 years we have had both Republican and Democratic Presidents, and Republican and Democrat controlled Congresses. None of whom ever did anything more than pay lip service to balancing the budget. I have a hunch that if I did some research, I could go back and find a campaign promise by every last one of them to reduce the deficit and/or balance the budget.

We haven't just been lied to for the last 4 years. Nor have we been lied to for the last 12 years. We've had 60 years of bullshit promises. We've been promised that if we raise taxes just a little, we can balance the budget. Taxes go up, and so does spending and the budget never gets balanced. We've been told that if we cut taxes, Congress will make corresponding spending cuts. Taxes go down, but spending never follows. And through it all, our spending increases like a freight train with no brakes.

Now our politicians tell us that we can't cut spending at all. Not by one penny. To do so would wreak havoc beyond our ability to comprehend. So great is our peril, that to even reduce the amount by which our spending increases could do what the Mayan calender could not - end civilization as we know it. Talk about the ultimate white flag of surrender. It would be nice if they would just openly admit that we are so addicted to our current cash cow system, that we are utterly incapable of weaning ourselves off it.

This issue isn't about Republicans or Democrats anymore. We've had enough of both to know that they are all talk and no action. It is time for the American people to wake up, start realizing that they have already mortgaged their children and grandchildren's futures, and start paying back what we have stolen.

We could blame our own parents and grandparents if we want to, but what good will it do? When you find yourself in a hole, arguing about how you got there won't do you any good. The first priority is to get the hell out of the hole THEN worry about who put you there in the first place.

Every American should study this link, then ask themselves who is really responsible for our debt addiction. The answer isn't Democrats, and it isn't Republicans. It is US:
SEE3772's Avatar
Shut up and pony up. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Bailing out the banks annually or when needed because their leveraged (Derivatives) Funding BS warS sold on lies. Foreign aid to countries that don't really need it while the US and the infrastructure is in a state of decay.
Funding the UN, the IMF while the FED steals from us.
you don't get it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Bailing out the banks annually or when needed because their leveraged (Derivatives) Funding BS warS sold on lies. Foreign aid to countries that don't really need it while the US and the infrastructure is in a state of decay.
Funding the UN, the IMF while the FED steals from us.
you don't get it. Originally Posted by SEE3772
These people don't care that President Obama is the most dishonest and corrupt president we have ever had. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You keep saying that, Assup, but never offer any examples or proof. You know what? I think you are full of shit, and crave attention from me. Pretty sad. I just don't swing your way. Sorry. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
StupidOldLyingFart, you keep saying that "Obama is the most dishonest and corrupt president we have ever had, yet you never offer any credible examples confirming your inaccurate ASSumptions. "You know what? I think you are full of shit, and crave attention. Pretty sad. I just don't swing your way. Sorry."
redriverronin's Avatar
Looks like most people on this thread understand reality while again the liberals keep living in bizarro world.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have to respect you, BiSex. Most stupid people are embarrassed by their ignorance. You, however, are actually proud of it.
I have to respect you, BiSex. Most stupid people are embarrassed by their ignorance. You, however, are actually proud of it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Nice one...BiSex..HA! HA! HA!...Thanks
Nice one...BiSex..HA! HA! HA!...Thanks Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

There you have it folks. Frick giving his bitch Frack a high five!!

wellendowed1911's Avatar

we ALL know that you're a compulsive liar. That you constantly misrepresent the facts. that you are forever painting yourself into a corner and struggling to find wriggle out.

and we also know that you, in all likelihood, suck cock in the men's room in The Salina bus station.

Please refute any of these facts.

Trust me, I am happy without your attention. but if you look through the pages, you'll find a large number of posters confirming these facts.

If you've stopped sucking cock in Salina, please provide links confirming such. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I agree with Yssup COG you are a compulsive liar I have exposed you and Whirlway so many times with your filthy lies and deceptions.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You agree with Assup. That kind of says it all.

Maybe you can outline at least a few of the lies I've told. Assup can't.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
You agree with Assup. That kind of says it all.

Maybe you can outline at least a few of the lies I've told. Assup can't.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG do you really want to go there- remember your lies about your inside "sources" who told you that Rick Perry was gong to win the GOP nomination and then defeat Obama?
How about your many lies about how Romney was going to win- you claimed you had the inside knowledge, but you showed that you were nothing more than a senile old fart. You claimed you were neither DEM or GOP, but 99.9% of your post are anti-Obama and pro GOP.