
That was excellent advice from the classiest, most level headed, articulate woman I've come across so far in this line of work. Congrats on school, I'm sure you will succeed in whatever you choose to do.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Way to go, young lady! I'm so happy that you're able to pursue your dreams as not everyone has the motivation to push for what they want in life. You have always had mettle, for sure! Thank you for also taking the time to share some of your pearls of wisdom gained from your hobby experiences. Although some of those listed have been said before, not everyone will listen & take it to heart unless it's someone they respect & admire. Many of us here have those feelings for you.

You were great fun to work with in the past & I must say you are looking even more MAHVELOUS as you mature into a fine young woman. I'm sure you'll be breaking hearts right & left as you focus on your studies & snub the boys panting in your path. *mwahahaha* Don't be too hard on them!!

Best of luck to you & keep us abreast of your continued successes!

Good luck honey
Hi Sophia, glad I got to meet you before you retired.Best wishes on your new plans. Your awesome.
squiretuck's Avatar
It was always a joy and a privilege to see you socially and to have some special time with you. Your post is more evidence that brains and personality can be as sexy as your fine bod! May you only experience the best that life has to offer. Most respectfully, Squiretuck.

Congratulations! I would be honored to treat you to a fancy celebration dinner in downtown Austin or San Antonio for the classiest lady - let me know which city and what restaurant you desire. It will be super nice place..just for you darling. You have been an incredible support system to me in a very dark chapter of my life earlier this year and you reaching out and taking the time to contact me/understand me sets you apart from other ladies. If only you knew how much that meant! As Monk knows, I do have a secret crush on you...

Before I forget, it is refreshing to see you are advancing yourself academically! My sole purpose for being in the hobby is to pay for those hefty post-grad tuition bills, so I am proud of the other ladies who have saved up or are financing school through hobby earnings.

Anyway beatiful, Congratulations!!!


johnnieknox's Avatar
Some of these girls around here claim to be educated and classy, but from what I have seen it the only thing some of them have learned is how to run their mouths, self promote, and exude snobbery. Sophia, you come across as genuinely smart. You appear to be the real deal beauty and brains. I hope I get the pleasure of seeing you before you go.
Truer words were never spoken though this probably isn't the thread to say such a thing. Sophia is the real deal...and I don't think I've ever heard her call herself classy which to me just highlights the fact that she is. She's got that quiet confidence thing going on for sure.

Some of these girls around here claim to be educated and classy, but from what I have seen it the only thing some of them have learned is how to run their mouths, self promote, and exude snobbery. Sophia, you come across as genuinely smart. You appear to be the real deal beauty and brains. I hope I get the pleasure of seeing you before you go. Originally Posted by johnnieknox
Some of these girls around here claim to be educated and classy, but from what I have seen it the only thing some of them have learned is how to run their mouths, self promote, and exude snobbery. Sophia, you come across as genuinely smart. You appear to be the real deal beauty and brains. I hope I get the pleasure of seeing you before you go. Originally Posted by johnnieknox
+1 JohnnyKnox to what you said. (( first excuse grammatical/spelling errors on this response as I'm writing this on my smartphone)) - I agree with the various things you stated about the Sophia which is why I have been a fan of her for a while. Sophia and I have shared PMs for a good 18 months about what we planned to do
to advance ourselves for the future. She has always held a
positive attitude and possessed a kind nature. I can say, this
lady has some amazing goals and gifts. What a lady Sophia
truly is - confident, diplomatic and non-confrontational. My
God, just look at her many positive reviews and
high regard so many of us have for her. BigTex, JSparrow and MonkRasputin know how much I love and adore Sophia....and know that I have a crush on her (and of course, the beautiful KLOVVE).

Regarding education, many ladies cite they are in school, but
who really cares if someone thinks they are lying. They will prove that to their client(s) sooner or later through
conversation. Men are smart, they know better...especially if they are booking a lady for 3+ hours. Education is not always indicative of intelligence, especially for those who can not afford it, but if a lady is making $200+/hour she should consider pursuing a college education with all of the money she is earning. As a provider, I stay positive
and have met a few ladies here in San Antonio pursuing a degree in the Sciences who are beautiful and very positive individuals....and it make me extremely happy knowing these ladies aren't going to be whoring for the rest of their lives. That is powerful! I have worked my brown ass for the past 8 years in the classroom and it is insulting when people question it when ladies like us want to continue to better ourselves through more education with the money we earn from clients. I thought about writing a blog about my experiences prior to the hobby....working to civie jobs to finance my education during my undergrad/grad years a few years back. It is a challenge, folks...and a major challenge/hardship to be appreciated and respected. Anyone who doubts a ladies bio has their own personal issues, period. KLOVVE is another lady I met who reminds me a bit of myself in her struggle to juggle school and civie jobs before discovering the hobby. I dig her because of this...

I am grateful for all the opportunities I have had in this hobby, especially thankful for those who have helped me with furthering my studies. For the few clients who know my true identity and
have written glowing letters of recommendation for the university I was accepted into for my post-GRAD studies in Spring 2010 they
know I am indeed the real deal and how important education is to me (((THANKS GUYS, LOVE YA A TON))) I guess I am so sick and tired of people questioning me in particular. For those who have actually met me, sat down to have an intellectually stimulating conversation with me, you know without doubt that I am a super-nerd (duh... as CS says, "winning!"). So the advice that I give ladies going through what I have in the past and from what have learned is to simply disregard the ill judgement from negative people. They do their best to try and weigh you down. Not cool. For those who question my credentials, I challenge you to meet me in person. It would be my delight!

CALIFORNIAN, a hobbyist on these boards was also a major inspiration. Instead of belittling ladies or creating il assumptions, it is probably best to support those who are actually making a positive difference in their communities. (sigh). There are too many ladies on here who are doing amazing things with their schooling, volunteer work and contributing in some form...thanks ladies! Thank for being POSITIVE!! It shines through...

I have found that people will always doubt and question a ladies credentials out of ignorance or mere jealousy, but I always say that reviews written by intelligent men who can read between the lines are much more meaningful than pure speculation. I fear the scotch on the rocks is influencing my decision to write this....even my candidness, but I won't let things fly.
Some last thoughts...I do believe it is very appropriate for a girl to say she is in school - it tends to attract a true gentleman who desires a girl with brains and the other things....especially if she is cute and has great reviews...just some thoughts!!! EDUCATION ROCKS! Education is liberation.

Again, this thread is about Sophia and her very bright congrats again, S! I will be in touch!! I love you Miss Sophia and hope we can sip on some champagne soon.
What a lady Sophia truly is - confident, diplomatic and non-confrontational. My
God, just look at her many positive reviews and high regard so many of us have for her. BigTex, JSparrow and MonkRasputin know how much I love and adore Sophia....and know that I have a crush on her (and of course, the beautiful KLOVVE). Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Truer words were never spoken, you and I both had a crush on her! I wish you (AA) and I had been able to follow through with the doubles session with Sophia a few months ago. That would have just about topped off my hobbying career with a dream doubles session with two very sexy, bright, articulate and beautiful ladies. My offer is still open, but I do understand that SS seems to be moving on. I wish her nothing but the best! But if the two of you are inclined...........well, you get my drift! <wink>
BigTex: I am in....this time I won't get cold feet (because you and the others know that I have had a crush on Miss Sophia for the past year and a half). Count me in, Sir. I met the lovely Jules Milano the other, what a doll! Refreshing to meet a series of positive, intelligent and sensually (is that a word) beautiful lovelies.

Thanks! xoxo


Truer words were never spoken, you and I both had a crush on her! I wish you (AA) and I had been able to follow through with the doubles session with Sophia a few months ago. That would have just about topped off my hobbying career with a dream doubles session with two very sexy, bright, articulate and beautiful ladies. My offer is still open, but I do understand that SS seems to be moving on. I wish her nothing but the best! But if the two of you are inclined...........well, you get my drift! <wink> Originally Posted by bigtex
BigTex: I am in....this time I won't get cold feet (because you and the others know that I have had a crush on Miss Sophia for the past year and a half). Count me in, Sir. A Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Ahhh, the thing dreams are made of!
Ahhh, the thing dreams are made of! Originally Posted by bigtex

Sophia is a dream

I'm giddy over her sensual-ness and her recent endeavors. Sophia+BigTex+Angelina = heavenly bliss!!!!
I'm giddy over her sensual-ness and her recent endeavors. Sophia+BigTex+Angelina = heavenly bliss!!!! Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
A woman after my heart!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar

Sophia is a dream

I'm giddy over her sensual-ness and her recent endeavors. Sophia+BigTex+Angelina = heavenly bliss!!!! Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Ah to be a fly on the wall that night....... I find both these ladies extremely sexy in so many many ways....

Sophia I have always liked you and enjoyed the small amount of time I spent with talking with you in person...I wish you much love and happiness in all you do and great success.You more then deserve it