black male with a nba policy


And snowballer whatever your name is please quit using me in every so called thread of yours. You don't even know me! Get over whatever your problem is! That's all! Originally Posted by Jemma Martin

Well for whatever fucking reason, he seems to have an ongoing problem with blondes with nice bodies..
i'm black, and I tip. If I can't afford to tip, I carry my own bags to my room, park my own car and make my own food. The fact that you're not getting tips from black people could be indicative of the attitude you have. Kind of a self fulfilling prophecy.


black customer sits in your section. You expect them to leave a crappy tip, which makes you give less than stellar service. You're inattentive, insincere and do not make a positive dining experience for your guest, based on your pre-existing stereotype. You get a crappy tip. You can't blame the guest, because YOUR SERVICE SUCKED. You don't know if they were going to give you a great tip or not. I really hate this, it happens all the time when I go out. It almost makes me feel guilted into leaving a big tip, as to not further perpetuate the stereotype, but I will not condone terrible service.
So what do you consider a non-crappy tip Sensual?

Also, when you are taken out on a non-P4P basis by a black man how much does he tip? Does it differ if the server is black or white, man or woman?

Women get better tips from both sexes in general. Females are seen as naturally more attentive than their male counterparts. Looks play a part too (duh) both sexes naturally acknowledge a woman's and tend to find more flaws to condemn if guys (pierced ears, prison or gang tattoos, grills, etc.) But those same flaws work negatively for ladies too, but mostly if they are in excessive quantities or combination. Whereas the level of service should be the only deciding factor, it would take someone extremely objective to only register that by itself. Unfortunately most people self consciously have already formed an opinion of you Before the service is provided.
I think its all in the individual. I had a aa client last week who came and spent little as possible, was out in 5 minutes lol. I then saw (after he left he had dropped his wallet on the floor). I called him and told him I had it. When he came back he gave me $50. I was shocked, but you can't judge by that really. If you treat people right, they most of the time will do the same!