its time to come out and say it

Is the board here for ECCIE owners to make money?

Is the board here for providers to have a pool of clients?

Is the board here for hobbyists to exchange information with other hobbyists to see women? Originally Posted by NormalBob
These are not necessarily incompatible.
These are not necessarily incompatible. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Not necessarily. However, the greater the number of people who get involved increases the odds of incompatibility on some geometric function.
This is just a microcosm of society at large, where different people with different personalities, prejudices, self-interest and civic-mindedness try to coexist, not always successfully.
  • m2244
  • 09-07-2010, 10:21 PM
jack ,
where were you yesterday when it took me like four paragraphs to say what you just did in one sentence lol. I will say too it has been a lot better, at first I just kind of sat on here and read everything but never posted, I came on here when we had a lot of not so happy feeling people posting, then everything got much better. still with the occasional smart comment but i think it will fade out .
Good job Mary
This is just a microcosm of society at large, where different people with different personalities, prejudices, self-interest and civic-mindedness try to coexist, not always successfully. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
no more fascinating display of it than right that preverbrial "TRAIN WRECK"!!!!!
Yes, I know the spelling isnt great, its only tolerated for the ones with Vaginas.....
Can only imagine what their saying about you Mary in that room where the woman cant see what their saying, you wont find me there....And guys, can only imagine what their saying about you in that room were the men cant see what their saying, you wont find me there.
Just leary of the ones that claim to be self rightous and polite,tolerant etc...those are the ones thatll "jam" it in the farthest, and have heard if your TRini, that might hurt..
oh shit, let me clarify, had meant Tiny, mines kinda small, had some FAT fingers this bad...
mps0813's Avatar
way to keep it Classy BB...
as Rodney Dangerfield so elocqquentley put it, "Call me sometime, when you have no Class"...
way to go again buzz bomb. your posts are not only disgusting, but deameaning to people, very unclassy, and borderlibe neurotic. let me retract that borderline statement to full blown neurotic. i'm pretty sure you've ruined your chances permanently of seeing any provider on here.
my blackbook runnith over my dear..
With invisible ink that only super human eyes can translate...