Noisy crowd at tonights Beat the Heat happy hour

ck1942's Avatar
The chocolate cake was delish!
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
You're right! I had some fun with some frosting and a couple of the ladies woo hoo!

I met some of my usual degenerate Tunnel Buddies which is always nice. I also met some bonafide motherfuckers that I've got a shit ton of personal respect for as far as their board contributions go. It's always great to meet some the grizzled vets. Peep game Homeys!

It was a fabulously talented provider crowd with something for everyone from old favorites, UTR's and new friends to make BCD. I made a love connection and continued my party just down the road!

I've also got a couple more fine ass ladies to holler at her pretty quick! You know who you are. All in all it was a very productive night.

Thanks CK!

Peace, Love, and #BHILF

DocHolyday's Avatar
I had a GREAT time with my lovely escort and met a couple of really cool gentlemen ^^^^ and a lady who are as cool in person as they are on the Board.

Keep up the fine job you're doing CK
You know I been curious for a while now about just who the fuck this DocHolyday Marshall of eccie from the Texas Badlands ruffling all these feathers was exactly and in walks this cowboy type who, as the Trumpster would say, is fuckin' "...straight from central casting." I felt like rounding up a posse right then and there. I reckon if we ever did it would be the "Pussy Posse".

It was good to meet you in person Brother!

Peace, Love, and #BHILF

touchofheaven's Avatar
Sometimes real life prevails you know! However I have full intention on being at both of the October parties... Hope to meet some of you lovely gents there
DocHolyday's Avatar
Bring it Ms Heaven, sorry you missed it on Thursday.

I want to send a shout out to JS. Good to meet ya Bro. Look, If you have never met JS, you should. He oozes cool. The man has ice water running through his veins. I kept looking for his surfboard leaning up in a corner. Then I was outside looking for his psychedelic painted VW bus. Didn't find either but did meet a really nice guy. Peace out Bro.
P.S. If anybody could round up a "Pussy Posse," JS would be the man to do it.
Meant to tell you last night happy birthday pick up kid LOL sorry it's belated had a great time at the party CK thank you look forward to the next one
Chuck10's Avatar
Met several new ladies (to me) as well as several tried and true ladies. Gentleman, as always, it was a pleasure. Thanks CK for putting it all together...
Dr Grey's Avatar
As many don't know. In Mays social, I had an awkward exit. I won't go into detail, but let's say I've recovered from a life changing incident and am ready to maybe see some ugly fuckers and meet some former ladies I've had fun with, as well as ladies I would love to meet. Glad to hear socials gaining popularity as they should. Hope some ladies can make my bday month in October a bang of a festivity. May One, bring the dark side for the night on Holloween Eve. Will You, be IT?

"It all floats down here" Pennywise
ck1942's Avatar
Since several folks have asked me privately (and in anticipation of biggie event requests ahead) here is a reminder of the active event invitation process.

-- All invitees must be properly vouched and verified, and re-vouched and re-verified on a continuing basis to stay on the invite list. Gents by two established providers (here or elsewhere including UTRs) and ladies in a similar process.

-- Additionally, there are minimum attendance requirements. At least every other month or so for local invitees. The social committee makes attendance allowances for travelers and for RW issues.

-- Best way to start the process is by sending me a PM or other contact requesting an invite or offering an invite nomination.

What we ask for males being vouched and/or re-vouched is that the provider confirm that he sessioned within the past 90 days and that he (1) respected her rules and (2) she believes he will respect the event rules. Female vouching is much the same.

We prefer to send invitations via hobby email as this speeds the process. Invitations are generally sent a week prior to events and several reminders may be sent as well.

The social invite protocol was first established in 2002.

Yes, events in San Antonio began then and have continuing ever since. Ditto for Austin.

15 events in San Antonio so far this year with five more planned; 20 total, typical for San Antonio. Austin - 11 events by end of 2017.

These events are not designed for everybody, and board membership has never been mandatory.

The event rules are there to safeguard participants and rules are posted in the public event announcements, included in all invitations and there's a link in my signature. We don't share meet & greet info with folks not in attendance with exception of disclosing our own attendance such as been done here or in the special private social forums elsewhere.

Happy Hobbying!

And happy socializing, too!
Peter Gozinya's Avatar
Thanks CK! Another fabulous evening!!!
I had fun and looking forward to the Halloweenie party LOL already got my outfit!!
DocHolyday's Avatar
Pardon me Ms. Bubble but (pun intended) you are aware there is a pre Halloween party being planned by CK?? CK, you're the MAN!!!
Purrrsia's Avatar
What a PLEASURE to meet you there! What a sweet, smart, and beautiful lady you are!