I hope this is the beginning of the death throes of the unACA.

  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2019, 02:53 PM
bb-I do respect your point of view.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ACA was a mistake from day 1.

all that's needed to fix the health system is

- prohibit discrimination against those of pre-existing conditions
- open up the insurance market nation-wide
- theres a third one, but I forgot what it was....
I agree with no discrimination against pre-existing conditions but enough people with serious health issues cost much more than those in good health. This was the mandate that allow for spreading the(risk) cost of this by MAKING healthy people buy health insurance to cover the costs of the high risk people...there is no simple answer.

In any business cost analyzes and risk is a very serious issue in regards to the financial stability and well being of any company. I'm not siding with insurance companies but if a large enough number of their insured are costing them more than the individuals pay in they have to make up their loss leader somewhere else.

In my response to oeb I used the example of auto insurance...high risk drives pay more than good drivers. if you have many claim your rates will go up and you might even be cancelled.

The left wants everyone to think healthcare is a right...it's not...where does your right to things end. There is an answer to this but Gumment isn't it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Bigger Gummer-fuck it up pay my friends off isn't the answer to ANYTHING , just saying