How Are Jim Jordan’s Whistleblowers Coming Along

Jeff Landry our next governor is dumb as bricks.
Republicans are doing a great job. Just what the people elected.
... The Biden/Communist China corruption whistleblowers
surely seem to be coming along well.

Jim Jordan and James Comer are onto this every odd day.

And remember - "NO President is above the Law!"

#### Salty

The look at me being stupid committees not doing so well. Someone must have blown a whistle up their ass and they thought it was a smoking gun.

American is watching these morons

Republican committees are a laughing stock. Even Fox doesn’t play them up.

Stfu and get back to your laugh out loud committee. It's not like the country needs someone in the fucked up gop to work on a budget
Anything for another look at stupid moment

.... Not looking good for Joe - Hunter handing classified info
to a foreign power... tsk... tsk...
That's the latest revelation.

... Will Joe even be competent to stand trial two years from now?

#### Salty
Annnnd still no facts. What a surprise

##########just me
... You aint been lookin' - which is why you're so mis-informed.

See? ... You liberal lads need to watch Tucker Carlson's show.
Then you'd see and hear about the whistleblowers and what-not.

And you can surely view his show FOR FREE - right in THIS forum.

No need to thank me, mate - virtue is surely its own reward!

##### Salty
Tucker. Lol. At least we know you’re not being serious.

Holy smokes. How desperate and deep will the keystone cops committee fish with a hook with still no bait

desperate much

Still blowing smoke to the megas when he doesn't even have a lighter. Sad sad desperate situation

Just another post that the super majority no lifers on here will ignore. Too many facts
... Banks coming forward with the Financial Information
that Congress has asked-for.
Nice of Bobulinski tellin' them where to look!

#### Salty
And...what dems are requesting the bank info. Looks like the reds have been told to stfu

Poor little Jimmy told...don't fuck around on my streets you little wimpy azz. We will mtg you out of my town you whiney little skanky cunt