How many has this happened to?

TemptationTammie's Avatar
I think if a guy NCNS you that he is no better and deserving of the same ass whipping the NCNS gals get. It's outright disrespect for someone. It only takes a few seconds to text or call and say, something happened, I can't make it.

I will never see EFN again because she has no respect for her customers. Too many guys have driven across town to her incall to have her leave them sitting in the car with no reply (including me) … that is straight up disrespect. On top of that, she has never once taken ownership of her actions and offered an apology to anyone she has done this to (that I know of). If a guys has a rep for doing this kind of stuff all the time, he deserves to have his ass ripped all over the boards. If you treat someone with respect you deserve to be treated with respect. If you don't, well then you get what you deserve. Originally Posted by onei
This was written because I was upset at a particular guy who I had I had been seeing pretty regularly since Feb. He made an appt with me a couple weeks ago and ended up a NCNS even though we had texted that morning. I turned down other appts because I was waiting for him to call when he got off work. Turns out he wrote a review that he saw someone else the next day.
It's been a couple weeks and not a single word of apology or explanation. If he already had the other appt set before agreeing to see me all he had to do was say that he wasn't able to see me that week. I turned down 2 other appts for that morning, which I could have taken one if I'd known he wasn't coming over.
Still Looking's Avatar
If I posted EVERY time I had a NSNC I'd be the BIGGEST poster on this site!
playingnthedark's Avatar
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
If I posted EVERY time I had a NSNC I'd be the BIGGEST poster on this site! Originally Posted by Still Looking
:laughin g1:
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
This was written because I was upset at a particular guy ... Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
You were done wrong.

Now, tell us who is this "particular guy" so we can offer appropriate amounts of scorn and disdain.
If I posted EVERY time I had a NSNC I'd be the BIGGEST poster on this site! Originally Posted by Still Looking
I just caught the irony.
back in the day it happened a few times, if she ncns she then she is off the list..
I'm sorry this happened. You're a sweet lady.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
If I posted EVERY time I had a NSNC I'd be the BIGGEST poster on this site! Originally Posted by Still Looking
I don't usually post in the co-ed forum about NCNS guys. And if it wasn't for the fact that he had been a regular that has neither offered an apology, nor explanation for this disrespect from a client I looked at as a friend as well, I would not have posted here at all.
Most NCNS I can just move on from, but this one really hurt. I even got up almost 2 hours before I normally get up because of this appt. I only do that for regulars.
I normally show my clients nothing but respect, but I don't stand for being disrespected.
For those that know me, I'm going through an emotional time right now - anniversary of losing my mom and her b-day would have been tomorrow. I've talked to some of my regulars about this and that I need distraction. NCNS of a client/friend at this time makes it worse.
You were done wrong.

Now, tell us who is this "particular guy" so we can offer appropriate amounts of scorn and disdain. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I've let the ladies know who he is. For those that really want to know, PM me.
  • Imatk
  • 07-02-2014, 06:39 PM
Sorry that happened to you... IMHO there really is no excuse to NCNS.

If a person can't make it, or an emergency comes up then you call and let the person know--period.

It sucks to have cancellations either way, but a NCNS is complete bullshit.

I'd probably give someone another chance if they didn't have a track record of doing that, and if they apologized and offered to make it up to me in some way.

Otherwise... never again.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
This was his second time for being NCNS. Plus at least one cancellation that I remember.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Hmmm in that case Tammie I probably wouldn't see him again. Forgive once, even twice but for it to be a pattern I probably wouldn't see him again. Obvious he doesn't want to see you are respect you enough to cancel. Have you tried asking him about it?
Centaur's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you. I think if an ATF did that to me, I'd give her a second chance. If she did it twice, I'd move on. Sounds like it's time to give this guy the perpetual cold shoulder. I know that's harder for a provider for whom it's a matter of making a living. But ask yourself, would you give a third chance to a double NCNS you'd never seen before? If not, why give it to this hobbyist who obviously has zero respect for your time?

Perhaps if you publish who it is in this thread, he might respond here. I wouldn't hold your breadth though. If those few providers who waste hobbyists' time won't even acknowledge doing so (never mind apologize), those hobbyists who do it have even less incentive to own up to it.

For what little it's worth, I'm sorry that happened to you. I know from experience that it royally sucks to have your time completely disrespected. I can only imagine it stings that much more when it's someone you thought was a friend.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
The guy in question is Blacknhung.
He actually apologized for the first NCNS in Feb and promised to make it up to me. This time was my first hobby GB. I gave him a second chance and he showed up then. We had a great time the following week and quite a few times since then. I even gave him a special discount for his birthday. Even gave him a discount for being a regular.
Before posting this thread I tried twice to contact him (once in text 5 days after the NCNS, then an email 3 days later after I saw the review). I had hoped that I would get some kind of response or apology since I thought we were friends. I hoped he would say that he went home and passed out after work, but that he'd make it up to me like he did after the first time.
At the last Austin social we set up the appt for the following morning. If he had set up something with this other lady at the social, he NEVER should have set something up with me. At the very least, he should have cancelled instead of making me think he was still coming by that Thursday. Or should have seen both of us, instead of insulting someone that he had referred to as his ATF like this.
I'm not unreasonable, and do understand the desire for variety, which is what the hobby is about. And I've even vouched for him with other ladies and for socials. But to get treated like this??
I'm not into drama, which most of my clients and friends know, but this hurt. I'm a provider in a hobby where there are many ladies and guys want their variety - but if a guy sets an appt with me (esp a regular) I don't expect NCNS with no regard to my feelings or time or money as well. Not only did he not show up but kept me from taking another appt. I had a guy text me before I went to sleep asking for an 8 am appt. And another guy text that morning to see me at 9 or 10 am but since I already made plans with him I turned both down.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
Thank you SO much for putting the handle out there, Tammie!! *round of applause*

I have no respect for those who do not respect others' time, efforts, etc.

Keep on Rocking, Doll!
