Curious minds want to know: Question 2

I know EXACTLY what you mean, SummerBella! My experiences have been great as well. I have some REALLY super clients and when I have fun with them, I tell them! SO many times I have heard, 'oh, you're just being nice' or 'you probably feel like you HAVE to say that'. NO, I DON'T!!!

I am way too old and have been in business way too long to have to BS my way through it.

I made a pretty darn good living and enjoyed working as a nurse. If I DIDN'T enjoy what I was doing, I'd change professions.

If I pay you a compliment or say something "nice"...I MEAN IT!

I think a lot of you gentlemen are WAY too hard on yourselves. I tell my guys, I don't know who programmed you or did a number on you but get over are fine! LOL! Wouldn't THAT be GFE? Fussing at you? LOL!

Seriously, I love the interactions with my gentlemen! Of course, if it's not a good time for me then you will know that as well. It really isn't ALL about the money!