Veronicaluvs side of the story (re: bs cash and dash)

dearhunter's Avatar
At the end of June I was texted by a person going by tolkengod. We agreed on a 2hr incall that morning. So, we remained in contact via text up until he claimed he was there, got the room number, and then all communication abruptly ceased from his end, and after I waited awhile I left pissed off at some jerk pulling a hoax appt on me. Later that day a regular client called me to tell me that someone was bashing me on this board, claiming I cash and dashed him. Later, when I went to check this shit out, I couldn't log in- no matter what I tried. So I accessed as a guest and saw the fake reviews written by tolkengod and senator (a person who I had also never seen, and turned out quite obviously to be the same person), and also saw that he was labeling my number AND his number as my number. Once I convinced the mod I was who I said I was and I accessed my acct again, I saw that this person had changed my number on my showcase and signature line to his (google voice) number. I also saw he had been answering my Pms, and had pmed the same mod claiming to be me saying I was in some trouble and needed advice on how to take my info down.
This person also gave my personal address out to a potential client who showed up to my apartment, while I wasn't home, and told my sister he was there for Veronica. At the same time I was receiving threatening texts (from the same google voice number!!) and a yahoo email acct claiming to be a concerned family member and that warned I had better quit the business "or else".
(My family would just say it to my face!)
It was obvious to me who this person was. I had a client who had some serious codependency issues, who was telling me he loved me, begging me to move into his house, and trying to take me home to mama. He wanted me to see only him, and he wanted me over every day. If I couldn't or wouldn't come over he would bombard me with texts and phone calls over and over through the night and the next morning until I answered. If I couldn't come over, he'd beg to come to my house. Even when I was sick with food poisoning he was blowing my phone up begging me to let him come over.
Anyways, when I confronted this person, at first he lied, then finally admitted to everything (and yes, he was "senator" too). He also detailed sitting outsider apartment, and researching my private info as much as he could.
After I showed proof to the mod here that the 2 reviews and the alert were fake and they responded that they don't remove reviews, I angrily removed my showcase from here, put my other ads elsewhere on hiatus, changed my phone number and email and decided to only see established clients. I wasn't going to post my side, as I felt that it would be pointless, but I've a had a few clients urge me to do so. After all I have decided to put my showcase back up and re activate my ads. I also want to thank those that saw those idiotic reviews for what they were, and even that they were both written by the same guy. Originally Posted by VeronicaLuv
I was going to just leave it alone..........but, here we go.

The Blue: You say that tolkengod wrote a fake review of you.....then, you turn around and admit that tolkengod and some other smuck handle are actually a regular of yours who has some problems (I will get to that part in a moment). If he was a regular, the reviews were not necessarily fake. They were most definitely not the work of some stranger as you first implied.

The Red: Why did you allow one of your regulars access to your account?

The gay color: It is a violation of ECCIE guidelines to speculate about certain "dependencies" on the board.

The Purple: You should have listened to this voice and ignored the fucktard advice........ijs
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
OK.....Mod perspective here.... the above post notwithstanding.....

A couple of key points here to consider......

As a rule, board wide, we do not remove review threads in which discussion has taken place..... meaning, as soon as a threads begins to receive replies, it is now the communities thread. Again, reason Why we don't just shut down a thread when an OP requests it closed. (It's taken under advisement but is not the last word )

Second, as far as "proof" goes, screenshots of texts are not proof. Ask LD... I can provide you a screenshot saying anything you want from any number you choose. Too easily faked to say the least. Now if it were in a PM that was RTM'd that would be different. Not that it would cause a removal of the review for the reasons stated above, but at least that would be considered actual "proof".

Let me let you in on a secret..... a little "look behind the curtain" if you will...... the number of "No" reviews on eccie providers that are RTM'd by said provider are not 100%, but It's DAMN close, and almost all of those are said to be fake..... the community is smarter and discerning in regards to the information They believe to be true, than people think. Look on the reviews in question.... seems to me the guys posting on the reviews have a very good read on the legitimacy of the OP of said reviews.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Thanks JaD for the clarification. I always knew there was a reason I liked you.
dearhunter's Avatar
I notice that tolkengod and senator still have PA and are not banned

Second, as far as "proof" goes, screenshots of texts are not proof. Ask LD... I can provide you a screenshot saying anything you want from any number you choose. Too easily faked to say the least. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
He's right. I can spoof the hell out of you from mojoho's number right now and set up an appointment, or from HPD's downtown number or any other number you want to see (or don't) call or text you. It's not hard love. If you move on and ignore that asshole, EVENTUALLY he will find easier prey and move on. Thanks for telling your side love and be safe.
No, "Tolkien god" and "senator" were fake handles my ex regular created and with one lured me to a ncns with, acting like he was a new customer that I have never met, with the other he just straight up posted b.s. He hacked into my eccie acct, I didn't give him access. I thought I made these facts obvious. Also I thought I made it apparent that his goal was to get me to quit by ruining my rep and doing things to scare me.
And as far as being wrong for posting something alluding to a medical disorder by saying he has codependency issues, I never presented that as a definite diagnosis that I was revealing on the board. That is my opinion of his seriously fucked up needy behavior that he had around me.
I know it can be faked, but that's the proof I had. I had to do something. He was actively fucking with me. As for moving on, I have. I just decided to post after people kept bringing it up to me. It seemed like it needed to be broached by me. And now I'm done with it.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Opinions on medical conditions are the same as speculating. Should not be done on the board.

You made it apparent your thoughts on What's is goal(s) were... and again, the board members are a sharp bunch.... They will rule on What seems to be true and What seems to next fabricated.......

And if in fact you have proof these are multiple handles on his end, we would like to see that. We are investigating the matter.... but gathering of evidence is required.
I'm not interested in pursuing it. I just wanted to post my side.
Thank you.
And I must say that I do understand that mods do get alot of providers yelling fake! About "no" reviews. I'm not asking you to believe me or not. I simply wanted my side to be out there. There's nothing I can do about individual opinion, but I do believe I have personally met many intelligent people from this board who can think for themselves. That's why I eventually posted.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Please don't misunderstand me..... I am not saying you are wrong or are not being truthful, I am saying proving these things are generally difficult.

Like I was saying before.... it was quite obvious that one of the handles in question had an obvious axe to grind.... folks can see that. Also (and this is pretty much for all the ladies) in regards to reviews and How the educated fucktard views them: General rule of thumb when perusing a list of reviews on a provider you're thinking of seeing, throw out the top and bottom 10% of them. Meaning the extremes of both ends from "OMG greatest provider ever!!" To the "Worst waste of time and money!"..... YMMV is a HUGE factor No matter who you see. Reviews typically show whether or not there is consistency, menu and rates. Beyond that you never truly know How the session will go until you show up. A REALLY bad review won't destroy your reputation any more than a single FANTASTIC one will set you up for the long haul.
Wakeup's Avatar
Forum violations abound..:
give it up.... the girl said he hacked her account.
dearhunter's Avatar
Almost 100% of the time when a fucktard has access to a hooktards account, the hooktard screams that he hacked her account.........kind of like that "no" review thing.........ijs
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 08-01-2013, 05:07 PM
......kind of like that "no" review thing.........ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
Same thing. Only different.