So Tim, does that mean you support arming Al Qaida, unlimited, warrantless surveillance and indefinite detention without due process? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Where in the rant was arming our enemies mentioned ? Other than in the lead in.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Pay attention, Eva. You'll sound less stupid.
Not only possible, but probable !

Imagine if Bill Ayers, Vann Jones, Khalid Rashidi, or Jeremiah Wright was president. Obama was raised by radicals, is friends with radicals and associates with radicals. It is reasonable to assume he shares their views. It would be unreasonable to assume he does not.

Is it possible that Obama is deliberately undermining our national security? What would Bill Ayers do if he were president?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnlRrxXv-v8 Originally Posted by joe bloe
Randy4Candy's Avatar
We know Obama is arming our enemy Al Qaeda; what known enemy did Reagan arm ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Osama bin Laden in Afghanisan, 'tard.
Your the stupid one; at the time OSL wasn't our enemy. He actually was helping the mujahadeen defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Again, we know Obama is arming our known enemy; what known enemy did Reagan arm ?

Answer: NONE !
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Your the stupid one; at the time OSL wasn't our enemy. He actually was helping the mujahadeen defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Again, we know Obama is arming our known enemy; what known enemy did Reagan arm ?

Answer: NONE ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Ahhhh, true revisionism at its best!!! Since you have dug way past ground level, let me toss you a light.
Breaking story on more Obama nonsense....

Apparently, Obama is arming Hezbollah (defacto leadership in Lebanon)......


The U.S., Canada, Israel, and others classify Hezbollah strictly as a terrorist organization,

You don't even know what revisionism is....

Ahhhh, true revisionism at its best!!! Since you have dug way past ground level, let me toss you a light. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Sorry to have spoiled it for the rest of you by depleting Trendaway's "best" arguments before you others had the opportunity to take your shots at him on this topic. I didn't realize it wouldn't take very long.
RaggedyAndy, does that make it right? I didn't know you were such a big fan of President Reagan. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette. Did I spell that right? Doesn't look right.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, you spelled it wrong. But it didn't make any sense anyway.
Sorry to have spoiled it for the rest of you by depleting Trendaway's "best" arguments before you others had the opportunity to take your shots at him on this topic. I didn't realize it wouldn't take very long. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Yeah, it never does.

He'll be off to his next insupportable propaganda factoid post/headline before the day is out anyway....he says enough stupid shit for everybody. I'll catch the next one.
You "depleted" nothing.....but you did bankroll a surplus of stupidity into your account.....

You falsely made the case that Reagan acted in the same manner as Obama because Reagan sold weapons to the mujaheddin, some members who later morphed into Al Qaeda; Obama knows Al Qaeda has declared war on us and has killed thousands of our citizens, we have spent blood and treasure trying to defeat Al Qaeda, but Obama sends them weapons and armaments....Reagan did nothing of the sort (collaborate) with our enemies !
No, you spelled it wrong. But it didn't make any sense anyway. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Makes perfect sense. You're cranky today.

I dunno if we're arming AQ or not. You assume that's true and I haven't seen any proof that supports the assertion. But, probably some of what we're giving to the resistance in Libya is ending up in the wrong hands. Wouldn't surprise me. I guess my thought on that would be not to give them any air-to-ground ordnance or other technologically sophisticated weapons.... and I'm sure we're not.

My other thought would be to ask whether or not anybody has noticed if AQ has historically been having trouble locating weaponry? Huh? Dumbasses? The fact is that they receive a river of weaponry from various middle eastern supporters. They're not short of weapons.....the post and the article make it sound like we are enabling AQ to operate by supplying them with ordnance. And that's bullshit. They're going to operate anyway.

The TSA shit, I've commented on previously. The level of paranoia you dimwits exhibit is truly astonishing. Again, I can only presume it lends some drama to your otherwise mundane lives. Whatever blows up your skirt. You should begin plotting your revolution and civil war. Resist!

The indefinite detention and warrantless surveillance: if it's directed at folks looking to harm Americans, and of course, that is exactly what it is intended to do... I've got no problem with it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The indefinite detention and warrantless surveillance: if it's directed at folks looking to harm Americans, and of course, that is exactly what it is intended to do... I've got no problem with it. Originally Posted by timpage
Problem with indefinite detention is, you are guilty if the government thinks you're guilty. You have no opportunity to prove your innocence.

Too bad you are will to shred the Bill of Rights based on a hunch. But that's liberalism for you.