Dems Break Ranks And Support Ammending Obamacare

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Another object in futility like shutting down the government by trying to defund obamacare. it will go nowhere. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Looks like Obamacare is doing itself in. This will go on for the next year like Watergate for Nixon. Then next year the businesses catch it and most people have their health insurance from work. This all starts over but multiply by 5.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
congress shut down the government ... duuuuurrrrrr

said it before and I'll say it again, pay attention Originally Posted by CJ7
No, it was Obama that shut the government down. The House stayed in session, passed bills, and agreed to negoiate. Obama went on campaign trips, played golf, and refused to make any deal (with Harry Reid). Obama also shut down memorials, national parks, called out the riot police on veterans. Harry Reid refused to help veterans and children with cancer. So tell me WHO shut down the government considering that all spending bills come out of the House by law. Constitutionally, the House did every thing it was supposed to do. It was the Senate and White House who failed.
ramblinman69's Avatar
And yet, from what I've seen the standard response is , "fuck you ", "you're an idiot", "you're an asshole"...etc., with no factual basis or definitive factual response. I can't assume anything will be different with Hillary in charge can we? assup?
No, it was Obama that shut the government down. The House stayed in session, passed bills, and agreed to negoiate. Obama went on campaign trips, played golf, and refused to make any deal (with Harry Reid). Obama also shut down memorials, national parks, called out the riot police on veterans. Harry Reid refused to help veterans and children with cancer. So tell me WHO shut down the government considering that all spending bills come out of the House by law. Constitutionally, the House did every thing it was supposed to do. It was the Senate and White House who failed. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

LOL as I have mentioned before you are a myopic SOB.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-16-2013, 08:39 AM
No, it was Obama that shut the government down. The House stayed in session, passed bills, and agreed to negoiate. Obama went on campaign trips, played golf, and refused to make any deal (with Harry Reid). Obama also shut down memorials, national parks, called out the riot police on veterans. Harry Reid refused to help veterans and children with cancer. So tell me WHO shut down the government considering that all spending bills come out of the House by law. Constitutionally, the House did every thing it was supposed to do. It was the Senate and White House who failed. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
uh huh, yes, sure thing... a POTUS has full control of congress when an opposing party holds a majority in one of the two chambers ... got it.

apparently you're no civics teacher are you Mr .02% uber-intellectual
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And yet, from what I've seen the standard response is , "fuck you ", "you're an idiot", "you're an asshole"...etc., with no factual basis or definitive factual response. I can't assume anything will be different with Hillary in charge can we? assup? Originally Posted by ramblinman69
How can you assume it won't? Please provide some detail supporting your claim, with citation to give us an idea as to the type of "news sources" that help you from your opinion.

I don't understand your blunt edged entry into this fray. But then again, I guess you're just another squirrel looking for a nut. Shall I make up some insulting nickname for you now? Your agenda is obvious.

Do some reading and then the reason for the "standard responses" will become painfully clear.

if not, then fuck you!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-16-2013, 10:18 AM
Dems Break Ranks And Support Ammending Obamacare

so do I, I just don't support throwing it in the shitcan ... this country has been on the runaway health care train too long with Dr's and insurance companies at the controls ... finally its on the books ... amend the law to better support the people its intended to help, and amend it as necessary in the future ... that's what we do with laws ... its pretty hard to find a law that hasn't been amended... or if you prefer ammended , do that too.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-16-2013, 12:07 PM
No, it was Obama that shut the government down. The House stayed in session, passed bills, and agreed to negoiate. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Claiming to negotiate is far from actually being willing to negotiate in good faith. I heard plenty from Rep sources that indicated there was no real intent by the RWW part of the party to negotiate.

The only good thing these past months has been the evidence that the wackos in both parties might be losing some of their hold on things. Some Reps broke ranks with the extremist Cruz, and some Dems are breaking ranks with the extremist version of Obamacare.

One can only home saner heads will continue to shove the RWWs and LWWs to the margins and get back to what GOVERNING is actually about.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... and some Dems are breaking ranks with the extremist version of Obamacare. Originally Posted by Old-T
Are there more than one "version"? One for the "left" and one for the "right"?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-16-2013, 05:44 PM
where's Ted Cruz now that you really need him? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think he is imaging himself the Canadian version of Robert E Lee.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's off on another senseless crusade now...
I think he is imaging himself the Canadian version of Robert E Lee. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
I think you are imaging yourself, as a gayer version of Richard Simmons.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Dems Break Ranks And Support Ammending Obamacare

so do I, I just don't support throwing it in the shitcan ... this country has been on the runaway health care train too long with Dr's and insurance companies at the controls ... finally its on the books ... amend the law to better support the people its intended to help, and amend it as necessary in the future ... that's what we do with laws ... its pretty hard to find a law that hasn't been amended... or if you prefer ammended , do that too. Originally Posted by CJ7
So, CBJ7, what part(s) of Obamacare need to be amended? How would you change them?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
For a man whose army was outnumbered and outmanned Bobby Lee did pretty good. He won almost every battle that he fought. At the end he was so outnumbered that he could win and he still lost. We know that Bertie has no, zero, null, nada military experience.