And Jews Will Still Vote Democrat

Nice pictures there, Yssup... They've been "photo-shopped"...
Images there that don't fit scale.

Like those naked pictures I've seen of Hillary!

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nice one. LOLLING.
'Course Hillary never "fit the scale" either.
Just ask Bill!

But you're a decent mate, Yssup - for a liberal.
Some o' the lads here (BOTH sides) are just here to barney
and do shitty insults to each other... Gets a bit old...

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Right you are, boyo.

I envision a small child walking into his daddy’s study and getting called names and scatologies by a parent who’s face is stuck in a permanent angry face.

  • oeb11
  • 10-06-2021, 07:56 AM
Such a shame - DPSTs post troll material - lies and fakes

According to their own narrative idiotology
marxist DPST tyranny Uber alles - their mantra.

so SAD!
Such a shame - DPSTs post troll material - lies and fakes

According to their own narrative idiotology
marxist DPST tyranny Uber alles - their mantra.

so SAD! Originally Posted by oeb11
Interpreter please
  • oeb11
  • 10-06-2021, 08:03 AM
Try getting an education - and also training in reading comprehension.

and - not teh usual marxist indoctrination of teh DPST party agenda.

Thank U - 1b1
The holocaust deniers I’ve heard of are on the right. But please provide a quote if you can. Originally Posted by NoirMan
I don't think it's fair to say that the bulk of Holocaust Deniers are Conservative or Republican. The Holocaust obviously took place. Thousands of people mostly Jewish were placed in Work Camps in various locations in Europe. We all have been exposed to the common knowledge that people met their end through the Gas Chambers. People also succumbed to disease as well. During that time there was a Typhus Epidemic which took as many lives as the Gas Chambers did.
  • oeb11
  • 10-06-2021, 11:42 AM
The DPSTs are now denying teh Holocaust - L-17
typical of them
They are antiSemtic racist - and intent on their new holocaust world -wide!

Articles on teh holocaust -

Showing results for How many People were murdered during the holocaust
Search instead for How many Peoples were murdered during teh holocaust

Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi ... › content › article › do...

Dec 8, 2020 — There is no single wartime document that spells out how many people were killed. Key Facts. 1. Towards the end of the war, the Nazis and their ...

The Holocaust - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Holocaust

The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators ...
Names of the Holocaust · ‎Responsibility · ‎Aftermath · ‎Category:The Holocaust

  • Holocaust victims were people targeted by the government of Nazi Germany based on their ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, or sexual orientation.

Holocaust Misconceptions - Illinois Holocaust Museum › holocaust-miscon...

In addition, 75% of the Jews killed in the Holocaust perished before the tide of war turned in the Battle of Stalingrad. Further, half of all Holocaust victims ...

11 million, not 6 million, died in the Holocaust - The ... › 2017/05/26

May 26, 2017 — The May 9 Metro article “A place to store the mementos of horror” said, “The Holocaust was the systematic murder by the Nazis and their ...

• Chart: 17 Million Fell Victim to the Nazi Regime | Statista › ... › Anti-Semitism in Europe

Jan 26, 2021 — This is where the Nazis had set up extermination camps, which is also where the majority of the Jewish victims were killed by the regime. Nazi ...

Quantifying the Holocaust: Hyperintense kill rates during the ... › doi › sciadv.aau7292

by L Stone · 2019 · Cited by 16 — Operation Reinhard (1942–1943) was the largest single murder campaign of the Holocaust, during which some 1.7 million Jews from German-occupied Poland were ...

Holocaust facts: Where does the figure of 6 million victims ... › holocaust-remembrance-day

One of the most well-known, if not iconic, facts known about the Holocaust is the number of Jewish victims killed by Nazi Germany up through the end of ...

Estimated Number of Jews Killed in the Final Solution - Jewish ... › estimated-numbe...

The Nazis kept detailed records of the people who passed through the camps; nevertheless, we do not know how many Jews may still have been unaccounted for ...

Horrors of Auschwitz: The Numbers Behind WWII's Deadliest › news › auschwitz-concentrati...

Jan 23, 2020 — How many were killed, how many children were sent to the site and the numbers of people who attempted to escape are among the facts that ...

The DPSTs are now denying teh Holocaust - L-17
typical of them
They are antiSemtic racist - and intent on their new holocaust world -wide!

Articles on teh holocaust -

Showing results for How many People were murdered during the holocaust
Search instead for How many Peoples were murdered during teh holocaust

Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi ... › content › article › do...

Dec 8, 2020 — There is no single wartime document that spells out how many people were killed. Key Facts. 1. Towards the end of the war, the Nazis and their ...

The Holocaust - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Holocaust

The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators ...
Names of the Holocaust · ‎Responsibility · ‎Aftermath · ‎Category:The Holocaust

  • Holocaust victims were people targeted by the government of Nazi Germany based on their ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, or sexual orientation.

Holocaust Misconceptions - Illinois Holocaust Museum › holocaust-miscon...

In addition, 75% of the Jews killed in the Holocaust perished before the tide of war turned in the Battle of Stalingrad. Further, half of all Holocaust victims ...

11 million, not 6 million, died in the Holocaust - The ... › 2017/05/26

May 26, 2017 — The May 9 Metro article “A place to store the mementos of horror” said, “The Holocaust was the systematic murder by the Nazis and their ...

• Chart: 17 Million Fell Victim to the Nazi Regime | Statista › ... › Anti-Semitism in Europe

Jan 26, 2021 — This is where the Nazis had set up extermination camps, which is also where the majority of the Jewish victims were killed by the regime. Nazi ...

Quantifying the Holocaust: Hyperintense kill rates during the ... › doi › sciadv.aau7292

by L Stone · 2019 · Cited by 16 — Operation Reinhard (1942–1943) was the largest single murder campaign of the Holocaust, during which some 1.7 million Jews from German-occupied Poland were ...

Holocaust facts: Where does the figure of 6 million victims ... › holocaust-remembrance-day

One of the most well-known, if not iconic, facts known about the Holocaust is the number of Jewish victims killed by Nazi Germany up through the end of ...

Estimated Number of Jews Killed in the Final Solution - Jewish ... › estimated-numbe...

The Nazis kept detailed records of the people who passed through the camps; nevertheless, we do not know how many Jews may still have been unaccounted for ...

Horrors of Auschwitz: The Numbers Behind WWII's Deadliest › news › auschwitz-concentrati...

Jan 23, 2020 — How many were killed, how many children were sent to the site and the numbers of people who attempted to escape are among the facts that ...

12345678910 Originally Posted by oeb11
The Holocaust is an intensely sensitive subject. The main consensus is Six Million Jews died in Gas Chambers for no other reason other than they were Jewish, that's all anyone needs to know. But it's not that cut and dry. People were murdered, they were shot, beaten ect. They also worked these people to the bone almost literally. There was poor nutrition, poor sanitation and over crowding and with that comes disease primarily Typhus. There wasn't any treatment for the disease and those that had or suspected of having it were gassed and cremated because they couldn't be buried otherwise the disease would be reintroduced into the environment. Now were healthy people gassed because they were Jewish, probably so. It's not that there is misinformation about the Holocaust or deniers saying it never happen. The whole story just isn't being told the way it should be. It's centered around one aspect and there are many facets to it besides people being gassed because of their Religious beliefs.
  • oeb11
  • 10-07-2021, 04:45 AM
The German Nazis did all that and more - as part of teh holocaust
homosexuals, gypsies, mentally and physically infirm - were all put to death for hitler's agenda
the 'whole Story' - is out there to be read.

Let's not permit the DPST anti-semitic haters adn Racists to cover up Hitler's past, and let's prevent the Holocaust future the DPST are planning.

With votes , and responsible factual journalism exposing the crimes of teh DPST criminals

Buck fiden

From my cold dead hands!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
12 million people died in the nazi holocaust.

6 million jews.
6 million non-jews which included slavs, roma (gypies), homosexuals, christians and communists.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Right they killed a lot , of non compliers ,,,,"" you can see the battle lines being drawn " ( Dusty Springfield )
HedonistForever's Avatar
Marjorie Taylor Green said Jewish Space Lasers set the California fires.

I'll see your MTG and raise you an AOC, Talib, Omar, Pressley and Bush.

Now I’m confused as to wherever the lasers themselves are Jewish by birth or converted or whether they were made by Jews. And republicans have spent months claiming mask mandates equate somehow to throwing millions of Jews in gas chambers.

Got any names to go with that? May I suggest that if you are going to make a statement like that, you at least try to back it up so you don't look so foolish.Watch a lot of news, never heard any Republican equate mask mandates with gas chambers but if I did, I'd call them idiots.

Your ability to be blind simple stuff is amazing.

You mean for such a smart guy to have a different opinion than you have is amazing?

There are 37 Jewish members of congress. 2 of which are republicans. Just like with black members of congress, all but a literal handful are democrats. If the republicans really wanted a better tent they’d have better ideas and better associates. But they can disassociate themselves from their racist brethren.

Ah, you mean like how Barack Obama and many, many other Black Democrats can't disassociate themselves from Louis Farrakhan? I see you still don't get it, thinking you are making an argument that is "different" from the argument that can be made about Democrats. Why in the world would any Jew accept Democrats that still buddy up to Louis Farrakhan?

No matter what you say ( as I have just proved ) I can show you the opposite from the Democrat side

Or rather they don’t want to.

Exactly, they do not want to disassociate themselves from the likes of Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright, BLM and Antifa because they believe what Farrakhan believes.

Even if it’s only an image problem, giving a wink and nod when disavowing they racist subset is obvious to the people the racists are against.

Giving a wink and nod? Examples please? Who? Can I have some names other than MTG please?

Until republicans learn how to disavow them and mean it, minorities wi be hard pressed to arrive at the party where they’ll be treated like the valet.

Funny you should mention being treated like the valet. Remember the party Nancy Pelosi held for high ranking Democrats, vast majorly White for some reason, when they all sat around without their masks but the Help, all Brown and Black people waited on them with masks. Why were the Black and Brown people treated differently?

You’re a prime example of why the republicans can’t attract minorities. You don’t believe there’s a racist cohort that must be dealt with because it’s apositive to your belief system. Hence you’re incapable of really hearing and accepting the issue. That’s why it can’t be fixed.

Sorry friend but you don't get to tell me what I believe. Of course there are racist in this country and some of them are Black in case you couldn't tell from resent pronouncements about how White people are the problem. Is that racism or merely true in your opinion? Saying I don't believe there is systemic racism in this country is not the same as saying there is no racism, there is and it exist ( as I have been saying on how many topics now ) in Whites and Blacks. I was for the voting rights act in 1965, I was 18 years old and have believed in civil rights my whole life that doesn't stop me and never will, from pointing out all the false narratives that go with the issue of race. Point out that Blacks commit over 50% of all violent crimes while only being 13% of the population and one is called racist for stating a fact. Point out that a majority of Black children are raised in a home without a father which every single Psychologist in the country will tell can hold back a Black child's development and one is a racist for stating this fact?

To believe that republicans can’t forcefully and continuously disinvite their racists is a tacit invitation. They could be made uncomfortable enough to walk away. But that’s something the republicans fear doing. Originally Posted by NoirMan

Just like Democrats fear coming down to hard on the anti-Semites in their party like AOC, Tlaib and Omar out of fear of offending their constituents. Sorry, but you simply can win your argument that only the Republican party has this problem.

You can't make a single argument that I can't counter using the same logic you use,period
  • oeb11
  • 10-07-2021, 05:40 PM
HF - thank for a reasoned response
You are casting Pearls befoe Swine - as indoctrinated DPSTs such as the poster you quote - are incapable of reasoned debate.

idiotology Uber alles - is the Rule

Even to imprisoning and executing concerned parents at school board meetings as 'Domeestic terrorists.

fiden/garland have fired the shot over the bow - they will force their tyranny on America and destroy our freedoms
Unless stopped.

More and more - it appears they will use military action to enforce their agenda.
they foment Civil War

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!