you say the woman or prostitute is committing illegal activities OK well what about The Man?It's called "concealed carry" for a reason. It simply does not belong at a session where I am concerned. I have no doubts women have the ability to protect themselves. Just keep it out of my sight.
The woman is participating in an illegal act multiple times a day, day after day, and is a known cash rich target to some that might want to interrupt a session. Yes, a man is engaging in an illegal activity at the time he engages her services. Far less frequently in a month though and some never get comfortable with it.
Also another way to look at it, how would you gentlemen like it if you walked in and the woman had a gun on her dresser?
As a client I would leave.
In all seriousness , would it piss you off, creep u out, Make you maybe not want to see her again?
All of the above. It's not a typical accessory needed for my pleasure which a session is about. I have not met many prostitutes stable enough that I would trust with a weapon.
And suppose the woman is registered to carry a gun? Just interested in how a gentleman would feel Originally Posted by Ambree Austin
I'm not concerned with what the other side feels about most subjects.