So, open carry passed in Texas...

trexxxs's Avatar
I'm sure it'll play out like it has in all the other states that allow open carry. All the hyperbole of bloodbaths in the streets will fade away as it proves to be no big deal.
matthh1987's Avatar
I get to talk to a lot of CHL holders and their opinion (mine too as a CHL holder) is that they (we) will still concealed carry. The benefit is if I am at the grocery store and I reach up to grab something and my gun is exposed a little and it frightens a soccer mom, I won't get charged with brandishing my firearm.

And to the point that all cops will see someone open carrying and assume they are good guys that went through the proper channels to obtain their license. What is to stop a criminal who doesn't care about "the right thing" to open carry and lump himself into a generalization? If you read the penal code, the cop cannot ask to see the CHL unless there provocation. This will then get into a civil liberties innocent until proven guilty debate.

Basic rule: any law telling me I CAN do something is still a restriction.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
There was a fear of homicides increasing when the CC laws passed. NADA.

I am a CHL holder, and I practice it most of the time. I am not for open carry - it makes you the first target for any BGs.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Will be interesting to see if the death rate by handguns go up.

I would like them to bring back the gunfight at noon in the quadrangle myself.

It's going to make cops jobs a lot harder i think. Originally Posted by dallasfan
Experience in open carry results in less deaths but the media of course along with government suppress the facts; they can't admit they are the failure to disclose reality and the solution to the reasons we have deaths by gun in violence.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Back in the day, you wanted to poke, there was a sign: hang your guns here. Lonesome Dove !! Besides which, my Grandpa told me the rule. Odd back then, no mention of a raincoat. Well that is another statistical story.
pyramider's Avatar
I get to talk to a lot of CHL holders and their opinion (mine too as a CHL holder) is that they (we) will still concealed carry. The benefit is if I am at the grocery store and I reach up to grab something and my gun is exposed a little and it frightens a soccer mom, I won't get charged with brandishing my firearm. Originally Posted by matthh1987
Concealed means not exposed. You need to refresh yourself on the concealed part.
Phil McGroin's Avatar
@Trexxxs. I'm pretty sure the blood baths that play out on television weekly are not hyperbole. The Florida guy who shot the teenagers due to music being to loud, was a law abiding citizen likely characterized as a "good guy with a gun" until the moment he became a bad guy with a gun. The whole "good guy with a gun" is BS since there is absolutely no guarantee that each person that starts out with good intentions will continue with law abiding intentions. Florida retired police chief shoots some guy for throwing popcorn at him?!?. How much more of a "good guy with a gun" could a retired police chief be? Up to the moment when he felt like it was a good idea to shoot someone for throwing popcorn. His lawyer even said the good guy with a gun shot a "criminal throwing a deadly missile"
Before you flame away, consider I am a CHL holder that never ever ever wants to draw his firearm. Killing someone, even while in combat, will have permanent're going to have to trust me on that one.
Phil McGroin's Avatar
@Doug DFW, would you please site any credible source with research that backs up your claim that open carry "results in less death"? It is interesting that the studies by the CDC largely resulted in much much safer automobiles. Moreover, the US government has made it illegal for the CDC to study gun violence. The gun industry does not support research into gun violence. If you would like me to cite credible sources please send me a pm and I will be happy to provide empirical, peer reviewed research of any claim i've made.

Thank you.
trexxxs's Avatar
@Trexxxs. I'm pretty sure the blood baths that play out on television weekly are not hyperbole. Originally Posted by Phil McGroin
Which of these was caused by someone legally open-carrying a handgun - and would not have happened if the person was prohibited from openly carrying?
The Florida guy who shot the teenagers due to music being to loud, was a law abiding citizen likely characterized as a "good guy with a gun" until the moment he became a bad guy with a gun. The whole "good guy with a gun" is BS since there is absolutely no guarantee that each person that starts out with good intentions will continue with law abiding intentions. Florida retired police chief shoots some guy for throwing popcorn at him?!?. How much more of a "good guy with a gun" could a retired police chief be? Up to the moment when he felt like it was a good idea to shoot someone for throwing popcorn. His lawyer even said the good guy with a gun shot a "criminal throwing a deadly missile"
No, they were both assholes with guns. But these examples don't have anything to do with the topic, which is open carry passing in Texas.
Before you flame away, consider I am a CHL holder that never ever ever wants to draw his firearm. Killing someone, even while in combat, will have permanent're going to have to trust me on that one.
I am glad you have chosen to embrace your right to defend yourself. And you clearly have the right attitude about carrying. Having a gun on you is not going to turn you into a murderer if you don't already have that mentality.
Phil McGroin's Avatar
Having a gun on you is not going to turn you into a murderer if you don't already have that mentality. Originally Posted by trexxxs
In the 2 Florida examples, both had weapons and both killed someone that was clearly not self-defense. Both were law abiding citizens until the point they lost their heads and started shooting first.
BTW CHL was clearly being discussed prior to my comment, hence your statement of being off topic is unfounded IMHO
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Every cop that I ask is all for it. Anyone carrying has to go through the CHL training and all of the background checks. So they know if your carrying your not the type that's going to use it for the wrong reasons. Originally Posted by tortpicker
I know cops too and I think you're bullshitting. Cops don't want people with guns strapped to their belts. Who knows who has a permit and who doesn't? When someone is packing, EVERY confrontation becomes life-and-death. Cops are trained to shoot first in those situations, as they should be. Open carry is for idiots.
  • zebra
  • 12-27-2015, 09:32 AM
I would like them to bring back the gunfight at noon in the quadrangle myself.

Do you think ?? It's going make a lot of Pigs real nervous! I guarantee it!
It's going to make cops jobs a lot harder i think.
matthh1987's Avatar
Concealed means not exposed. You need to refresh yourself on the concealed part. Originally Posted by pyramider
What I meant was, if I am concealed carrying somewhere and I move my body in a way to where my firearm is visible to an onlooker I won't incur any legal repercussions. You're telling me when you carry you have NEVER had your gun showing? Even for a split second? Ever?

Trust me, I am not trying to justify OC. I am merely pointing out a benefit of the ruling.
Let's call it open gun carry. No euphemisms needed. Here's my take.

A Cock has 3 uses: fuckin', pissin', and jackin' it. Pull it out when you're ready to do one of those things.

A Glock has 3 uses: shooting targets, killing animals, and killing people. Pull it out when you're ready to do one of those things.

Pulling a gun out for intimidation will get you killed. Don't show it unless you're ready to fire it.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
look a white conservative heading to starbucks for a latte

im sorry i am all for 2nd amendment but if you feel your life is in such danger you must carry a gun where ever you go than fear has won over your life. From a disabled Navy veteran.
