Iny Light of the Paris Attack . . .

dumars's Avatar
Say what? OMG! I'd ask you to prove that but you'd just make excuses. Actually started by some obscure, RWNJ and self proclaimed "expert" on forged documents and went from there. One of Obama's "birth certificates", touted by another RWNJ was from Canada and signed off by "Dudley Dooright" (spelling?). Of course, the average republican attention span doesn't go back that far.

The birthed movement originated with Hillary. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I know republicans twisted some IRS action into a "scandal", like you are, which, of course went nowhere, as far as scandals go. No reason for tea baggers, along with a few thousand others, to be tax exempt.

Odd how the Benghazi "scandal" has been investigated for 2 years but nothing, i.e. NOTHING has been found to indicate anybody fucked up anywhere. Republicans just doing their tap dance.

Excuse me, Ron Paul.

You can't deny the IRS scandal happening, just how high up it went. Four Americans died, orders were given to stand down, and nothing was done by the White House. Yes, that's a scandal. The New York Times broke the intelligence story.

Who is Ran Paul? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Dumars, have you watched the hearings? You talk like the typical democrat. Voting for Hillary? That was rhetorical of course you are.

No amount of evidence could ever sway your mind. So yes they all are just trumped up scandals in your mind.

The EPA cover up another republican driven scandal. Isis is not just a bunch of killers with good social media another made up Republican falsehood. You seem to be buying into a lot of left wing ideas. You sure you're independent?

Let me know when a republican stance suits you. I don't think we'll be hearing from you.
dumars's Avatar
Voting for Hillary? Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
As opposed to . . . Trump? Let's see, vote for an arrogant chump or a babbling buffoon? Hmmmmmm? I don't ever remember anybody in the political arena pull shit out of their ass like Trump!! "Thousands and thousands . . . !"

No amount of evidence could ever sway your mind. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
Or put another way, you have no evidence. Just doing some childish song and dance.

I'd ask you to prove that but you'd just make excuses. Originally Posted by dumars
And that you did!

I wonder if I still have that list of republican personality traits . . . ?
love2fishfork's Avatar

Excuse me, Ron Paul. Originally Posted by dumars
You may not know this (getting news from MSNBC and all) but Ron Paul is NOT running for President. Ron Paul is the father of Rand Paul who IS running.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
The evidence was presented in the hearings which you obviously did not follow. Emails are damning, are they not?/

Not Republican. I am conservative.

Not voting for trump. Hillary is no bueno with her fucked up record. I'm hoping for Ted Cruz to pull through. I like Ben Carson but he doesn't seem equipped to be commander in chief. I do like his tone and his logic. I find that people twist his words so much that may be he should use elementary school level language to express himself to the media. He's an eloquent man who is no politician.

I think Donald is smart and capable but I don't know how he'd performed. This guy is slick and can definitely size people up but I'm not sure what his ideas will lead us into. But this fucker has big brass balls. Doesn't matter if he gets the nomination or not. He really changed the tone of the nation and really got the important issues out onto the forefront. That's important.

Rand Paul is cool but he is too radical in mindset for me. He'd limit government in very drastic ways. Not sure I'm ready for that much change.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
But if it is down between Hillary and trump, Id go for trump since he espouses my values. Yes he is a big UNKNOWN but id rather he be the president than Hillary who we VERY WELL know will fuck things further than they are now. Hillary only does things based on what's popular. She fucked up Libya. She fucked up Russian relations. She doesn't know what she thinks about TPP. She changed position on gay marriage for God knows what reasons. She's pandering to the BLM crowd for nothing more than getting votes just like Obama did with the general public with the hope for change shit. And the fucking emails? WTF is that shit? That you cannot make up. Fucker thinks she's above it all. I don't want more of that shit happening than has already been happening. Hillary just takes this power trip to the next level. Fucker will certainly ruin this nation.

The only reason to have her as president would be as a reminder of why our fucking votes count and why we need to take this shit seriously. And it will be the saddest chapter in this nations history with the current being one of the saddest.