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L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 04-14-2014, 09:27 AM
I think that pretty much no matter where your incall is that you can provide a major intersection within a few miles that would give nothing away.
South Dallas vs. North Dallas can be a 45 minute or more difference. Just get me in the general area. I don't have to know the absolute closest intersection to your incall but I need to know a better starting point than "North Dallas".
I prefer to give exact instructions on how to arrive, where to park, how to park so you won't get towed, and upon arrival the apartment number and specific instructions on how to get to it so it looks like you know exactly where you are going and you don't look out of place. I think it makes things much easier for everyone.

I don't mind giving my exact address once the appointment is confirmed because there are a bunch of apartments in my building. So if for some reason things don't work out between the confirmation and their arrival at my location, they still don't know exactly where I am.
bojulay's Avatar
I prefer to give exact instructions on how to arrive, where to park, how to park so you won't get towed, and upon arrival the apartment number and specific instructions on how to get to it so it looks like you know exactly where you are going and you don't look out of place. I think it makes things much easier for everyone.

I don't mind giving my exact address once the appointment is confirmed because there are a bunch of apartments in my building. So if for some reason things don't work out between the confirmation and their arrival at my location, they still don't know exactly where I am. Originally Posted by Jillian Price
We have a winner.

The game is over now, thanks everyone for playing.
Touchy, still, are we?

I always thought, before you blew a couple of gaskets instead of offering any useful information, that the "hole" point of your forum was to let hookers who could, if they knew where they were, advertise inside of given map quadrants so guys with random wood, money and spare time could find them. I share the following Charter Proposal:

The People's Choice Forum

Main Concept:
- Location Based Provider Ads (midcities, downtown, far north, far south, etc.... )
- FBSM Specific Ads
- Short Notice Availability Ads

Bonus Concept:
- Relevant discussions with a more civilized standard of online behavior
- No image restrictions on what can be posted (post your kitties all you want in here ladies - after all this is still the hobby! )

End Quote

You must be doing better in the polite social lemming business than the original proposition, 'cause we still seem to have a lot of lost hookers, and a lot of us dumb ass guys who can't seem to find them.
Touchy?? I'm not the one who brought it up. But thanks for the shout out anyway.

The model hasn't changed. Pretty consistent. The ad stickies get utilized often and the discussion threads even more so. Feel free to browse it at ur leisure - and maybe even comment! Thanks again!

Love Always,
Not Cinderella
Great reply JP. I was given an address via txt and upon arrival I was texted to go through the gate and drive around to the back building and number xxx
Butt I was hanging out for nine minutes trying to get the gate code. In front of the friggin office.
Talk about being left out to dry and no clue where what I was doing there.

The worst feeling ever. Guys got to be careful too so I had to flake and get the f out of there for my benefit and hers
LazurusLong's Avatar
Ponder this.

A provider has completely screened the brand new client and has checked his references.

When does she give the address?

When she sees him in the parking lot trying to act innocent while he is nervous as hell that loud ticking sound of a clock is going on in his head while he iis waiting for her to finish her "prepping" and reply to his call or text?

There are 2 issues at play here.

The first one is what the OP started this thread about and that is a pretty good idea of where the potential vagina vendor is located so he can start estimating total travel time including the essential buffer due to accidents.

I find it hilarious that what some think is "good enough" is something like North Dallas.

Really? Do you mean that entire area north of 635 between 75 and the North Dallas Tollway all the way up to where Dallas actually ends and becomes Plano?

The number of guys who can be gone from work for 3-4 hours for a 60 minute appointment can't be that large. Most guys may be able to stretch the lunch or off site meeting from 1.5-2.5 hours but even that can push it. On the way to work? Sure Good luck finding many vagina vendors who wake up as early as most white collar office guys.

On the way home? Better to some IF they find a vagina vendor they want to see that lives somewhere close to their travel path.

Would it be so easy to find a vagina vendor if she used a Zip Code? Due to how Zip Codes are defined and the number of potential delivery points in any defined Zip Code, I am pretty certain that a Zip Code would give a general enough area without being too specific.

The 2nd issue is the exact address a client needs once he has been screened and a confirmed appointment is set.
Ponder this:
Someone gets too attached to Jillian. She asks him to cease contact. He takes a print out of her eccie/p411 showcase/profile/ads (complete with face pic) to the leasing office of where her incall is. If that doesn't work, he gets a real good story together for Dallas PD with an address and a face pic.

The above scenario is way more threatening to the provider than lost time. You get the wrong leasing manager or worse, on vice's radar, and we are talking loss of residence, breech of contract, termination of lease fees, possibly loss of freedom. Even vagina vendors need a place to live.

A lot of ladies give a more precise location: galleria, high five, shops at legacy, downtown, uptown, deep ellum, etc. These are more precise areas without giving an intersection.

Narrowing down a location is what PMs are for. I have had one guy tell me he needed my address for his GPS the night before the appt and I canceled the date. One guy told me he couldn't call from the intersection and could only email or pm - appt canceled.

99.9% of guys can follow simple directions if given correctly by the provider. If its that big of a deal why not just cover the ease of finding the incall in the ladies' reviews so u know how difficult it has been for others to find her or pm the guys who reviewed her to see if they had problems. Sure beats finding out your ATF got cited and lost her lease because some jackass went sideways on her.
bojulay's Avatar
Sorry THN but I think that is some kind of false sense of security.

Your scenario would somehow have to play out somewhere within
about a 2hr period before a guy gets to the location, as soon as
he is at the location he will know the exact address anyway.

The only way to avoid the scenario you described is to change incalls
on a regular bases.

What is this idea that somewhere within a 2hr period before he arrives
he is going to go psycho and contact the FBI or something? I don't
get the logic.

If that was his plan, he could just wait until he arrives.

But no I don't think a girl should give out her address a day ahead or something
that would be unnecessary. just give someone enough time to get there.
I'm not talking about about a guy who has never been there. I'm talking about a guy who gets too attached and then has her address recorded somewhere via pm or email or text. I said it was a scenario. It happens. Guys get attached, feel shunned, retaliate in some way.

I'm saying don't give out your exact address electronically. I quoted a poster above who said that and added on to it. I'm saying don't document your location. Period. Ever. For anyone. Its been said guys like ladies to text it. Its risky. U never know where that documented address will end up. Time limits need not apply.
bojulay's Avatar
Personally I wont be seeing anyone again who can't give me some sort of
usable address, I don't care if it is the fast food place down the street,
or convince store, or whatever. Some place in the area.

Just my future personal preference.
Like Ze said above - and I also practice - an intersection and a phone number are given after screening and an appt set. Then verbal directions given from there around the time of the appt. I'm sure if it wasn't working there would have been some blemish on my record about it by now.

Honestly, some of you guys act like you never made it to an incall before the dawn of the internet and text messaging. How did we ever get this far???
I'm cool with a location near a location, been there many times. However getting the actual location 3-5min before we're suppose to meet puts me in a tizzy right before the session. Especially when I'm somewhere I'm not familiar with and lots of possibilities. I love the ladies that screen well and give me the location the night before or at least an hour before so I can plan out my adventure... Being in a dead out rush to get there and get composed kinda dampens things for me.

I would say yes you have to be careful with newbies, very careful! (sorry newbies but I've walked the walk too) however, when a guy has multiple reviews, multiple okays and a little tenure he should be trusted with a little more information. ijs...
Most ladies ive dealt with are thoughtful enough to give me location close enough that I can be where I need to be on time-ish. If it makes them more comfortable to do the two call system or whatever they have worked out, fuck it, go with it. If you don't like their directions then there are others that will guide you in like ILS on a Malaysian 777 (still too soon? Naah!)
TinMan's Avatar
Boy, this sure developed into a tempest in a teapot. Never thought the subject of directions and location would generate such heat.

My time is as valuable as anyone's, and I've seen enough women to receive instructions in every form imaginable. The only issue I have is when a new provider wants to share the address by phone vs text and I can't get my GV settings right. I figure that's my problem, not hers, and I've yet to have that become an insurmountable issue.

Maybe this is more of a problem with the new ladies who just show up in town (or a strange part of town) and don't know how to direct someone to their hotel? I guess in the end the lady's paranoia likely trumps my need for convenience, but then again, this is probably something that subconsciously plays into my decision not to travel too far outside my normal scope of operation when picking potential providers.