To whom it may concern

Great job,JL. I figured it would be you to shit on Memorial Day.

Thanks for your service. Now go back to the safety and protection you get here in America ... As long as your wife doesn't tell you otherwise, you simpering pussywhip.

You are a disgrace to the memories of everyone who died, willingly or unwillingly, in the course of human events.

Fraud. Naw. You're an asshole! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I suspect the Patriarch is now proud of his youngest son!

In any event, a special shout out to my Mom's oldest Brother, a Naval Aviator, who was killed in WW II.

I never met him but I now have all of his personal effects which were left behind!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Great job,JL. I figured it would be you to shit on Memorial Day.

Thanks for your service. Now go back to the safety and protection you get here in America ... As long as your wife doesn't tell you otherwise, you simpering pussywhip.

You are a disgrace to the memories of everyone who died, willingly or unwillingly, in the course of human events. (So I'm a disgrace to the memory of nazi soldiers who died the the course of human events in World War II, you stupid fuck?)

Fraud. Naw. You're an asshole! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Did you not serve for freedom of speech, freedom of thought?
I'm exercising mine now. We have the right to petition for redress of our grievances against our government. Our government, in the thrall of suicidal liberalism, has fucked up the country.
I can also say that I think our current government is cheating those veterans who did serve. Our government has betrayed them.
Did you not serve for freedom of speech, freedom of thought?
I'm exercising mine now. We have the right to petition for redress of our grievances against our government. Our government, in the thrall of suicidal liberalism, has fucked up the country.
I can also say that I think our current government is cheating those veterans who did serve. Our government has betrayed them. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I am sure the Patriarch of the Idiot Family is very proud of his youngest son for shitting on a Memorial Day thread honoring those who have given their lives for the very same country you are trying to defect from.

Don't let the door hit ya on your way out!!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I am sure the Patriarch of the Idiot Family is very proud of his youngest son for shitting on a Memorial Day thread honoring those who have given their lives for the very same country you are trying to defect from.

Don't let the door hit ya on your way out!! Originally Posted by bigtex
The people who should be maddest at our government would be the survivors of those who gave their lives thinking it was for America, not the new world order of liberalism and state control. Do you really want to die so 20 million bureaucrats can retain their cushy government jobs telling everyone what to do?
The people who should be maddest at our government would be the survivors of those who gave their lives thinking it was for America, not the new world order of liberalism and state control. Do you really want to die so 20 million bureaucrats can retain their cushy government jobs telling everyone what to do? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Go to another thread for your unpatriotic, Anti-America rants and raves. Let this thread serve to honor the memories of those who have died for this country. Not for political purposes but so that we all could be free.
The people who should be maddest at our government would be the survivors of those who gave their lives thinking it was for America, not the new world order of liberalism and state control. Do you really want to die so 20 million bureaucrats can retain their cushy government jobs telling everyone what to do? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

A very sincere fuck you, go back to your homeland.
A very sincere fuck you, go back to your homeland. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The people who should be maddest at our government would be the survivors of those who gave their lives thinking it was for America, not the new world order of liberalism and state control. Do you really want to die so 20 million bureaucrats can retain their cushy government jobs telling everyone what to do? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I wonder who you haven't insulted with this one, Uncle Hand?

Your bullshit is completely out of line. I don't think anybody here stand with you on this one ... For a change.

You're a complete FRAUD and an affront to America.

Pathetic old pussy whip.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
All three of you little pussies can go fuck yourself.
Thanks for helping destroy America with liberalism.
Since you guys are supporters of the theory of man made global warming, you are just a bunch of unpatriotic racists.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Go to another thread for your unpatriotic, Anti-America rants and raves. Let this thread serve to honor the memories of those who have died for this country. Not for political purposes but so that we all could be free. Originally Posted by bigtex
Your fake ass "honoring" of soldiers on the political forum does not absolve you for supporting the liberal policies that are destroying the military and endangering the lives of those who serve.
So, take your sanctimonious bullshit and shove it up your unpatriotic ass.
sanctimonious Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Did you learn that big word from your older, (Identical Twin) Brother?

IBIdiot must have been your 'Tooter'?

Here's a Toot Out for the Idiot Brothers, JD, IB & JL.

Toot, Toot, Toot!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Of course we honor the memory who died on the battlefield. We respect their service, and they are heroes all. We remember and pray for their families. No words or actions can atone for their sacrifice.

But let's be honest. America is not what she used to be. We are no longer that "shining city on a hill". Since at least WWII, our wars have not been fought for freedom. Rather, they have been fought to further corporate interests and line the pockets of people invested in the war industry. And during that time, what freedom there was has quickly vanished. The influence of America on the world stage is diminishing. We are rapidly becoming a shadow of our former self.

Honor our fallen? ABSOLUTELY! But to take this day and turn it into a bunch of pompous, phony flag-waving nationalism is disrespectful to their memory, and to the America in which they believed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course we honor the memory who died on the battlefield. We respect their service, and they are heroes all. We remember and pray for their families. No words or actions can atone for their sacrifice.

But let's be honest. America is not what she used to be. We are no longer that "shining city on a hill". Since at least WWII, our wars have not been fought for freedom. Rather, they have been fought to further corporate interests and line the pockets of people invested in the war industry. And during that time, what freedom there was has quickly vanished. The influence of America on the world stage is diminishing. We are rapidly becoming a shadow of our former self.

Honor our fallen? ABSOLUTELY! But to take this day and turn it into a bunch of pompous, phony flag-waving nationalism is disrespectful to their memory, and to the America in which they believed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Fuck you Whiny. I guess nationalism, remembrance and honor only mattered when Bush was in office.

STFU, and pick it up on Tuesday.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fuck you Whiny. I guess nationalism, remembrance and honor only mattered when Bush was in office.

STFU, and pick it up on Tuesday. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bush was a disgrace. He's a big part of America's decline. His stupid wars for oil and revenge dishonors their memory.

Nationalism is not a compliment, you moron, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014.

Let's truly honor our fallen by returning our country to the foundation that made her great, and avoid wars for profit.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Of course we honor the memory who died on the battlefield. We respect their service, and they are heroes all. We remember and pray for their families. No words or actions can atone for their sacrifice.

But let's be honest. America is not what she used to be. We are no longer that "shining city on a hill". Since at least WWII, our wars have not been fought for freedom. Rather, they have been fought to further corporate interests and line the pockets of people invested in the war industry. And during that time, what freedom there was has quickly vanished. The influence of America on the world stage is diminishing. We are rapidly becoming a shadow of our former self.

Honor our fallen? ABSOLUTELY! But to take this day and turn it into a bunch of pompous, phony flag-waving nationalism is disrespectful to their memory, and to the America in which they believed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Very well said.