Any married hobbyists?

anandaman's Avatar
Honest advise

If you're the type of guy that feels guilt when doing something you know is wrong, avoid hobbying. Fortunately for me, I have zero guilt genes. I can fuck my wife and be mr. Happy hubby then go fuck a ho/girlfriend/one night stand and come home roll into bed and be mr. Happy hubby again. If you can't do that. Don't go do n the road of guilt.

It's not for everyone in that respect.

If you're like me and you can essentially not give a fuck, party on. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I agree. The guilt genes could really take you down. The other aspect is being able to cover your tracks. If you have an SO that wants to know where you are every minute, checks your phone, checks your computer, etc. Asks you a bunch of questions on where you've been. You'll have to "lie" a lot. That's tough. You'll always be fighting that battle.

Luckily for me, my SO doesn't track me much and trusts me implicitly. I pick my time and girls. I have a rule that she's never questioned which is that my electronic devices are mine and my private business. It's been that way from when we first met, so it's never been questioned. Some guys have a hobby phone.

It's not for everyone....

barrybarry39's Avatar
If you follow the little white rabbit and take the pill be prepared to enter a new dimension of this world which you can't imagine nor return from.
pyramider's Avatar
I am a married guy and have considered the hobby, which I know I probably shouldnt. However, I have only ever been with my wife and am curious about spending time with another woman, no strings attached. Let the flaming Originally Posted by captjackno

Just make sure you discuss seeing others with you wife. See how she feels about it ... you spending vacation or kids' college fund monies on hookers.
turbo-dog's Avatar
There are many married hobbyists on the board. Takes a lot of research and planning.
tornado82's Avatar
~P is Eccies official spokesperson on showering

married likely describes 80% of the guys on Eccie
~P is Eccies official spokesperson on showering
Originally Posted by tornado82
el guero's Avatar
Guilt is temporary.. memories last for ever.
wildwing's Avatar
Think I can shed some light on my experiences. First off, make sure that your SO is not the inquiring kind. If she is better to talk about it before hand to know what is important to her. Really think that if she is not really wanting to satisfy your needs, then she might be open to you having a small budget to play. Of course I might be a little jaded as my SO manages the money in our family. In any case, don't want to give you a percentage but when you stop fucking them they will want to know who you are. Just saying.
i have SO but damn i love different women to please me. i like to share myself.