I'm kind of tired hearing about Trayvon

LexusLover's Avatar
RACIST you made a typo "white people" for the "black peoples''" . Originally Posted by flghtr65
Thank you. You made my point. It's "racist" to make a typo according to WTF.

But like you, WTF is drowning from grasping that straw he depends on so much. ... the race card!

What a sad and negative world he inhabits ... he sees all things as being about race and politics. Do you?
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  • 07-21-2013, 06:32 PM

As long as he can blame "white people" for the "black peoples''" problems he doesn't have to do anything about the "black peoples''" problems because he is one of them, just like he said ... he's a victim just like them.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
White people are people but black people are peoples....Why you calling them peoples LL? Didn't look like no typo to me, you did it twice! You trying to talk black slang?

Look it is ok, I already knew we are all racist. I'm not playing no card, I'm telling it like the fuc it is.
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  • 07-21-2013, 06:44 PM
I'm kind of tired hearing about Trayvon Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Now you know how some of feel about


You poor bastards beat that horse to death....you still shit your pants when you hear the word Benghazi

On the first page of the political section, JD has started two threads on Mr Martin, Jackie S has started two threads and Whirly has started two threads.

You folks on the right are sick of T Martin so much that you start six threads on....drum roll please, T Martin.....Oh and none of you have a racist bone in your body! LOL

In other news:

Zimmerman, according to the self-admitted racist WTF, is trending manslaughter!

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  • 07-21-2013, 08:14 PM
In other news:

Zimmerman, according to the self-admitted racist WTF, is trending manslaughter!

Originally Posted by gnadfly
I have admitted that you are a racist too. You forget to mention that small fact. We are all racist now!

The first vote was 3 not guilty , two for manslaughter and one for 2nd degree murder.

Was I wrong?....Yes, by much ? No.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now you know how some of feel about


You poor bastards beat that horse to death....you still shit your pants when you hear the word Benghazi

On the first page of the political section, JD has started two threads on Mr Martin, Jackie S has started two threads and Whirly has started two threads.

You folks on the right are sick of T Martin so much that you start six threads on....drum roll please, T Martin.....Oh and none of you have a racist bone in your body! LOL

Originally Posted by WTF
Amen. Im ready for this shit to go away too.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have admitted that you are a racist too. You forget to mention that small fact. We are all racist now!

The first vote was 3 not guilty , two for manslaughter and one for 2nd degree murder.

Was I wrong?....Yes, by much ? No. Originally Posted by WTF
Then they sat down and studied the statutes in detail, analyzed the evidence and then came to the only decision they could make based on the law and ruled "Not Guilty." Alternate juror E54 has also stated he would have ruled "Not Guilty".

Watch this video, but notice in particular what Juror E54 says at about 5:15:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obviously Mr. Anal Obsession DOESN'T want to stop talking about the Zimmerman trial. It's just something else he can smear himself in...
I'm not sick of the Zimmerman-Martin thing at all. The more it goes on, the more stupidity is shown by all of the low information Americans who by choice ignore all of the facts, as established by sworn testimony in a court of law, and continue swallow the swill fed to them by the poverty pimps, race baiters, polititians, and liberal press.

I said in another thread that it was time for President Obama step up and diffuse this situation by admitting that the cause of Travon's death was Travon, just as the jury said. If the judge would have allowed all of Travon's cell phone records, we all would know that he was well on his way to being a punk little thug. Testimony showed that he decided to do a beat down on Zimmerman, and got shot for his effort. It's really that simple.

His good friend "precious", now the darling of the left, even said in her interview with Pierce Morgan that doing beat downs was an accepted way of solving problems in "her generation". Well guess what, this ignorant bitch does't have a clue as to how 99 percent of the rest of the world thinks about that.

President Obama stated in his last demagoguing presentation how he could have been Travon. Really? You could have been a punk wanna be gangsta casing houses in the rain for your buddies to break into later?

You could have been a punk who decided to sneak back on a "cracka", put him on the ground with a punch to the nose, and teach him a lesson by doing a "beat down" on him.

That says a lot.

The person I really feel sad for is Travon's mother. She is an educated woman who, like so many parents, lost her son to the hip hop and gangsta culture. If there is a civil trial, regardless of who brings it, the real truth that was barred from the criminal proceedings will be drug out. She will have to endure the humiliation of seeing what her son really had become.
Doove's Avatar
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  • 07-21-2013, 09:16 PM
The person I really feel sad for is Travon's mother. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And i feel sorry for the angry old white men who seem bitter at the entire world outside of other angry white men.
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  • 07-21-2013, 09:17 PM
Then they sat down and studied the statutes in detail, analyzed the evidence and then came to the only decision they could make based on the law and ruled "Not Guilty." Alternate juror E54 has also stated he would have ruled "Not Guilty".

Watch this video, but notice in particular what Juror E54 says at about 5:15:

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
None of that changes the fact that the initial vote was three not guilty, two for manslaughter and one for second degree murder, if we are to believe the blabber mouth jurist on Anderson Cooper. I'd say that was a pretty contested trial. It might have been 6-0 in the end but that wasn't how it started.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
flight65....I am shocked. Didn't you know that using the word "retarded" is akin to using the N word nowadays. What are you? Some kind of monster.

I think it's becoming obvious that SSOB (his real name) doesn't know jack shit about very much.
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  • 07-21-2013, 09:57 PM
flight65....I am shocked. Didn't you know that using the word "retarded" is akin to using the N word nowadays. What are you? Some kind of monster.

I think it's becoming obvious that SSOB (his real name) doesn't know jack shit about very much. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I know that Martin is as tiring to you as Benghazi was to me.
LexusLover's Avatar
Was I wrong?....Yes, by much ? No. Originally Posted by WTF
So? You are basing your chest beating and back patting from one juror's interview?

Is that the juror who said she was going to "do a book" and then changed her mind?
LexusLover's Avatar
None of that changes the fact that the initial vote was three not guilty,

I'd say that was a pretty contested trial. Originally Posted by WTF
Every trial is contested, but you have already proven you don't know shit about trials.

From the government's point of view a 50% not guilty vote right out of the gate is a loss....particularly when the remaining 50% are split in their decision "right out of the gate."

Don't hurt yourself with the self chest and back pounding. Listening to all the hype, including yours, this should have been a 15 minute, slam dunk verdict with 5 of that to elect a fore person. ... just think about it ... HALF of the jurors from the FIRST MINUTE of deliberations didn't buy the government's bullshit, which means they didn't buy YOURS!

Move on.

How's the jury going to do on Hernandez? Or the latest killer in Cleveland?