
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Whoops double post.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Another thing - I post a lot and don’t remember every single thing I said months and months ago but the last time I can actually recall feeling bad or embarrassed about hassling someone (or anything I posted) was when California Lexi came to Albany. I realized I grossly overreacted and I promptly made a public apology.
I think he also conveniently didn't notice the part where she called you a cunt
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Honestly I call myself and my best friend a cunt playfully on the regular :-). I’m all about the nasty names. It’s hard to offend me :-). Cunt as a term of endearment is regular in my circles.
I love her humor. She is the only reason why I even look at Eccie.
When you find one like this it is hard to settle for second best. I used an agency for all my companion bookings to attend high profile functions until I came across her add. I want somebody to compliment me, not get lost in my shadow. This girl is amazing to say the least-to see how see can work a room for me makes me proud that she is with me even if only for one evening a month, that is enough to hold me over till the next time we meet. There are better things in life to do then harass this girl-be happy to have a true beauty like this here.
First line I wrote explained that Kayleemarie was wrong in terminology on highjacking. She obviously does not spend as much time on here as some but is the one who catches all hell because she will not lower her standards blow a mod or his crew. That is the obvious problem that I personally see here and have been seeing this girl adds nothing but substance to the boards and not polluting it with one liners, or so called prolific posting. Why nose into another persons actual business? This week, last week, last year, mind your own.Could you present to me anything from you worth reading that I might have missed in the last two years here? I have been here for eight. when I am having a great time reading her post imagining her smile as she cusses turns me on, and then there comes a post from you and all Happy thoughts are extinguished into pure disgust that a lady that represents herself the way you do and sits at a low 4 on a scale takes a shot at a class act for attention.


Has she ever jumped on one of your threads and said you should stop putting yourself out there like you do and clean your act up and make yourself more presentable and stop acting like such a bitch? Why are you being the predator? You got what you asked for and then cried for assistance, but in no shape or form did this mature woman fall into your games. This is a board for discussion, don't bail when it gets hot and she has you at a loss of words backed into a corner because you are in the wrong. You have to admit and know that you are on a whole different level. I am on a different level as you as well. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. You have to give Kaylee credit on the safe word comment when you tried to tap out of her playful exchange of words. I spit my juice this morning.
And glad you didn't take cunt as a bad thing, helps her case that you understood, she did spell it out and labeled how and why it was used. I spoke to her briefly earlier and she wants everyone to know that she received 5 points for derailing the Big girls thread for a total of 20. That she was able to make contact with an outside source before Loki Pk hit the ban button again when she wrote back in message that she was not taking the points and was going to challenge it and has evidence against him to prove that he should not be allowed to manipulate others by using his position. She said the familiar blue screen popped up and said banned for unnecessary rudeness.

It was not there that she found her help, she went about it in a civil and mature fashion and came up with a response from the God of ECCIE,the creator himself. She sent me a picture of bodies of the emails, to discreetly show that she was indeed in contact with the God. I am more pleased than ever to be a long time member here knowing that changes are coming and that it will hopefully attract more guys like myself, more ladies like Kayleemarie and cut out the prolific posting couch potatoes. Biggirl, have you seen the latest sub to visit, she is in our area as well. That looks to be a respectable young lady that takes care of herself, she has been here since 2010 with a little over 300 posts. Less is more.

But as for you. Looks you need to keep living like a flea on dogs ass, surrounded by many. My oeace has been said with you. Please stop following Kayleemarie.
And.. "he" waits 8 years to create his first post. LOL
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Too funny. How long will he/she have to go before they say something that phases me?

I’m beyond amused that a 2-3 sentence comment I made several months ago has gotten this/these individuals in such a tizzy.
  • dvae1
  • 04-03-2018, 12:32 PM
Amazing,we have 2 nice women who both have excellent reviews that just obviously don't like each other. Personally find reading the posts amusing,as do many others it seems. st them go at it, not can tell them to take it private which he/she should have and that would have been the end of it.
One observation,a statement was made that a mod was using their position to obtain favors. I can't say one way or the other. But perception is everything in the real world and this perception is not good.
Thanks to all for their reviews.
Highwayman64's Avatar
Guys and gals...as most of you know this site has certain guidelines it tries to uphold, any many of you may agree or disagree with them but they are the rule here. If a member does not follow the guidelines here they get warned at first and if they continue to not follow the guidelines points or bans are to follow. No one will be exempt from this here plain and simple and if they cross that line they will be dealt with. Trust me that there is no power trip for the mods in doing so either, the last thing I want to do is ban a member and especially a provider. As other sites are going away and/or getting shut down these guidelines we have here just may help the site survive too. So in the meantime I only suggest that everyone plays nicely together and focus on the real reason we come here.
Loki Pk's Avatar
One observation,a statement was made that a mod was using their position to obtain favors. I can't say one way or the other. But perception is everything in the real world and this perception is not good.
Thanks to all for their reviews. Originally Posted by dvae1
Sir, I would respectfully ask that you show one single instance where I have shown favoritism, asked for special treatment or given any, or had any type of skewed dealings with anyone on this board or hobby...ever.

No one finds it odd that the only one crying the blues is Kayleemarie and now 3-4 WK's who have taken up her banner?
I've never asked to see her...never had ANY dealings with her except as a mod on this board.
The guidelines are set and equal for all and I do my best to apply them equally to all.

Nobody is ever happy when mods have to step in and warn and point or ban... So I'm sorry if certain parties are dissatisfied when staff needs to step in....but if people would stick to the rules they wouldn't have to suffer the penalties.

Trying to smear my reputation is a ploy for the weak. Until this drama whipped up, point to 1 single instance that supports that statement..... I'll wait.

Two bans in less then a month...how many points does it take to be banned? She only had 20......
Loki Pk's Avatar
Two bans in less then a month...how many points does it take to be banned? She only had 20...... Originally Posted by harry8rucker
How do you know how many points she had?

Justin Herpantz's Avatar
How do you know how many points she had?

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Mandles have a way with knowing that stuff...
In my opinion , Kayleemarie’s biggest problem is HERSELF ! I posted a comment in the thread that got her banned that I thought she had this “ holier than thou” , chip on her shoulder attitude. This second ban appears to be her conceit and “ attack mode “ comments bringing her down again . To be clear ,I’ve never met or have had any communication with either provider. For you white knight members to try to blame any moderator or anyone else for what is clearly Kayleemarie’s arrogance is not warranted. One of you white knights may best advise her to take a step back and actually think before she spews shit !