Bankrupt - How Cronyism and Corruption Brought Down Detroit

It will happen to this whole country... if it does not wake up soon Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

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  • BJerk
  • 02-05-2014, 10:12 PM
I am on my cell and don't feel like typing out a long response. It is poor city planning that goes back to the early 1900s that laid the groundwork for the fall. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Heckfire BL, I'm on your side and believe Detroit was cheated at the end by Republicans, but even I can't see how bad planning a hundred years ago is to blame.
BigLouie's Avatar
This has already been talked to death in one thread but I guess some just don't want to accept the truth. Detroit is in the situation it is in because in the time between 1890-1910 when the auto industry was just getting started in Detroit a decision was made to turn Detroit into one big auto making plant. Instead of upper and middle class neighborhoods, instead of schools and parks and shops Detroit built train yards and warehouses and plants. Then the suppliers built warehouses and the like. Detroit has the largest concentrations of basic tract homes in the US. The heart of the problem is that the city could not build up a tax base, it could not build itself up like all of the other large cities in the US. What it did between 1890-1910 resulted in blight by 1950. In the 1950s and 1960s they were already talking about blight and what to do. Based on what was built there was little they could do. Then people panicked and tried desperate measure none of which the city was designed for. The situation the city is in now is the result of things done a very long time ago.

Although I don't think a discussion of what went wrong in Detroit is the purpose of the thread. It seems the purpose is to post some crackpot video that makes no statement and then bump it every day. That's the purpose.
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  • BJerk
  • 02-06-2014, 04:46 PM
What's funny about what you say is that if someone where the head of his economic development corporation, he would want a new auto plant!!!
This has already been talked to death in one thread but I guess some just don't want to accept the truth. Detroit is in the situation it is in because in the time between 1890-1910 when the auto industry was just getting started in Detroit a decision was made to turn Detroit into one big auto making plant. Instead of upper and middle class neighborhoods, instead of schools and parks and shops Detroit built train yards and warehouses and plants. Then the suppliers built warehouses and the like. Detroit has the largest concentrations of basic tract homes in the US. The heart of the problem is that the city could not build up a tax base, it could not build itself up like all of the other large cities in the US. What it did between 1890-1910 resulted in blight by 1950. In the 1950s and 1960s they were already talking about blight and what to do. Based on what was built there was little they could do. Then people panicked and tried desperate measure none of which the city was designed for. The situation the city is in now is the result of things done a very long time ago.

Although I don't think a discussion of what went wrong in Detroit is the purpose of the thread. It seems the purpose is to post some crackpot video that makes no statement and then bump it every day. That's the purpose. Originally Posted by BigLouie

You are joking, right... You are trolling us... fucker
BigLouie's Avatar
I'm trolling? That's the whole purpose of all your threads, to troll with off beat ideas.
off beat ideas cannot hold a candle to the off-beatness and novelty and grasping at straws of the auto industry being at fault for detroits failure

it seems as though that is an attempt at all costs to deflect from the typical result of liberal policies

new york city , didn't it declare bankruptcy or was close to it at one time?

have you been to buffalo, new york lately?

the wastelands of new jersey?

illinois, California et all

the first time I was in los angeles was 1962- granted I was young, but the infrastructure was new, the palm trees and flowers lining the freeways, the buildings, the allure, I thought it was magical- ive been back many times....the same areas are there..only 50 years older and dilapidated and sad looking...
BigLouie's Avatar
Not the auto industry but the design of the city to accommodate the auto industry. It's a pretty much accepted fact with urban planners