Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Funny how so many of you people are making a bid deal out of this shit. Some of you old timers are probably scared of your own shadows.

Just FYI, although I am no spy, I assume there are much more efficient and effective ways to spy on a country to obtain intel than using a big ass balloon as a resource/asset to do so. LOL
This just in, CNN reporting………” 51 intelligence experts are assuring us that this was just a weather balloon”. Originally Posted by Jackie S
... We're laughing... But YOU bring up a great point, mate.

... Remember what we were told FIRST. ... It's just
a weather balloon that got blown off-track.

... NOW it's a Spy Balloon that Biden's military
blew out of the sky.

... And WHAT will it be tomorrow?? ...

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This just in, CNN reporting………” 51 intelligence experts are assuring us that this was just a weather balloon”. Originally Posted by Jackie S

also in the news ..

Ripmany's Avatar

Another very good video of the air force piping a balloon
I assume there are much more efficient and effective ways to spy Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Spy satellites can see almost everything, balloons equipped with high-tech sensors can hover over a site far longer and can pick up radio, cellular and other transmissions that cannot be detected from space.
The multiple balloons over trump land story originally came from the Pentagon.

The trumpys are bitching Biden didn't act quick enough. At least they detected the balloon.
The trumpys didn't even detect 3 balloons that went over...or so they claim.

Which is the deal with china? Not shooting down one we detected?
Or not shooting down 3 the trumpys claimed "they never saw"?

That's easy to figure out.

Mission Accomplished.

From the fox link.

"Two things can be true at once: this happened, and it wasn’t detected," the official told Fox News Digital."


"Former president Donald Trump claimed that President Biden now “has surrendered American airspace to Communist China,” even though the Pentagon reports that Chinese balloons had crossed into U.S. airspace at least three times during Trump’s own presidency.“

Biden official "Spy balloons went undetected until after President Trump left office" Originally Posted by LayingPipe
Mike Turner admits he was briefed on the Trump era balloon incursions and the fact that the Trump pentagon failed to even realize that the balloons were over the US until after the fact.

No wonder Trump didn’t order them shot down. I guess Bolton, Esper et al were truthful that they were unaware of it happening. But not for a good reason.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Mike Turner admits he was briefed on the Trump era balloon incursions and the fact that the Trump pentagon failed to even realize that the balloons were over the US until after the fact.

No wonder Trump didn’t order them shot down. I guess Bolton, Esper et al were truthful that they were unaware of it happening. But not for a good reason. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

did he? i'm sure we'd like to see the source you cite? seems you misread this article...

House Intelligence Chair accuses Biden of 'trying to change the news' by offering Congress a Trump classified documents briefing on the SAME day as Chinese spy balloon uproar began

  • Republican Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio revealed that Congress will be briefed this week on classified documents improperly possessed by Trump, Biden, Pence
  • He has not yet heard about a Biden administration update about the spy balloon
  • 'There is nothing scheduled on the balloon, but they're scheduling Donald Trump,' the head of the powerful House Intelligence Committee said
Republican House Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner revealed on Sunday that he was offered a Congressional briefing on Donald Trump's handling of classified documents last week - on the same day Americans first learned of a suspected Chinese spy balloon flying over the country.

'You can see they want to change the news,' the Ohio Republican told NBC News' Meet The Press.

'There is nothing scheduled on the balloon, but they're scheduling Donald Trump.'

The alleged surveillance device was shot down off the coast of South Carolina by American fighter jets on Saturday after crossing over multiple U.S. states at a low enough altitude to be seen by the naked eye - alarming millions across the country.

Turner said Sunday that he has not yet been made aware of any coming security assessments by the Biden administration for Congress on the incident.

Looks like balloons over Florida and Hawaii during Trumps time in office. I’m sure more information will come out. Glad they’re getting this all cleared up and we are getting information. Trump should want to know as well since he was president at the time.

Per Mike

US Rep. Mike Turner

I have been previously briefed on incursions into US airspace by Chinese surveillance balloons. This has been and continues to be very troubling. I remain concerned that the Biden Administration is not taking this seriously and is empowering China’s increasing threat to the USA.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Looks like balloons over Florida and Hawaii during Trumps time in office. I’m sure more information will come out. Glad they’re getting this all cleared up and we are getting information. Trump should want to know as well since he was president at the time.

Per Mike

US Rep. Mike Turner

I have been previously briefed on incursions into US airspace by Chinese surveillance balloons. This has been and continues to be very troubling. I remain concerned that the Biden Administration is not taking this seriously and is empowering China’s increasing threat to the USA. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

well cased closed. slam dunk. not so fast ...

"The administration already admitted, which I've been briefed on, that China has done this before in the continental U.S. during this president's tenure."

what Turner really said. where's the Trump reference? seems to be missing. he's talking about a so-called prior incursion during Biden's admin.



CNN has less credibility than China claiming it was a "weather balloon".

the narrative here is full of holes. "unnamed senior official".

here's another

"A US military intelligence report from last year that focused on China’s use of high-altitude balloons mentioned sightings in Hawaii and Florida during the Trump presidency, according to an excerpt of the report reviewed by CNN."

and CNN has top secret clearance to see this report?

son, you being played. but let me help you out here. here's why all this "prior incidents" are being fabricated and "leaked" to the press (actually just made up by the press) ....

i give you .. Biden the Savior of America from China!

White House: Improved surveillance caught Chinese balloon

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. officials said Monday that improvements ordered by President Joe Biden to strengthen defenses against Chinese espionage helped identify last week’s spy balloon — and determine that similar flights were conducted at multiple points during the Trump administration.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Monday that after Biden took office, the U.S. “enhanced our surveillance of our territorial airspace, we enhanced our capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump administration was unable to detect.”

Speaking at the event hosted by the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, Sullivan added that as part of those efforts “we were able to go back and look at the historical patterns" and uncover "multiple instances” during the Trump administration in which Chinese surveillance balloons traversed American airspace and territory.

Several Trump administration officials have have said they didn't learn of Chinese surveillance balloons during their tenures

Before Monday, U.S. officials had said that at least three times during the Trump administration and at least one other time during Biden’s time as president balloons have crossed American airspace, but not for this long. In those instances, the United States determined the balloons belonged to China only after they had left U.S. airspace, said Gen. Glen VanHerck, head of U.S. Northern Command.

“I will tell you that we did not detect those threats,” VanHerck said of his military command. “And that’s a domain awareness gap that we have to figure out.” He added that the U.S. intelligence community “after the fact” informed his command about the balloons.

Sullivan did not explain what specifically allowed the U.S. to detect and track the latest balloon where the previous administration might not have. Officials have said, without elaborating, that China has flown similar balloons over parts of five continents in recent years.

you can read the rest from the link if you want. the spin is all above.
Mike Turner admits he was briefed on the Trump era balloon incursions and the fact that the Trump pentagon failed to even realize that the balloons were over the US until after the fact.

No wonder Trump didn’t order them shot down. I guess Bolton, Esper et al were truthful that they were unaware of it happening. But not for a good reason. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Hahahaha, You actually believe this shit is legit?
Time will tell. I suspect it’s very true.

And Wac you’re almost there. He was interviewed on CNN yesterday and the tweet was what he posted after that interview where the comment by the host was related to Trump era balloon incursions. His response was he was briefed but then deflected to lack of urgency. Just be patient.
Time will tell. I suspect it’s very true.

And Wac you’re almost there. He was interviewed on CNN yesterday and the tweet was what he posted after that interview where the comment by the host was related to Trump era balloon incursions. His response was he was briefed but then deflected to lack of urgency. Just be patient. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
It's not true and you shouldn't need anymore time to realize that. What you saw shot down was nothing but an old out dated weather balloon. It's a typical dumb shit political stunt and of course they have to put Trump in the mix that helps the dummies believe this shit even further, lol.
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  • 02-07-2023, 09:24 AM
Because the intelligence community made this a priority at the direction of President Biden, we enhanced our surveillance of our territorial airspace, we enhanced our capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump administration was unable to detect," Sullivan said.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-07-2023, 09:27 AM
I still think the balloons were just dropping off Trump ties for resell in his various golf courses where he has undocumented workers doing housekeeping and lawn work.