The laws in Mexico???

I have to disagree with the naysayers subject to certain caveats. I go there every year, sometimes twice a year. I go to Playa del Carmen. I rent a condo and have never had a problem. Basically, if you stay in the tourist frequented areas and don't head off the beaten path and you behave, you shouldn't have a problem. When I am down there, I do not usually drive though I have done it in the past. If you speak the language, as I do, it really helps. Let's also be clear that certain parts of Mexico are not nearly as safe as others. I absolutely would not venture over to Juarez or Tijuana along with a number of other towns, some of which are in the interior rather than on the border.
seventonine's Avatar
I agree with many of those above me. I traveled (note the use of past tense because I will not go back) into Mexico for 18 months. On two separate occasions, I saw the murdered bodies of people lying in the intersection less than a 1/4 mile from my hotel and place of business. The area had been traditionally considered very safe even by the locals.

Random act of violence -- no way. Targeted at American(s) -- unlikely. These near-do-wells don't care who gets caught in the middle so long as they get those they are gunnin' for.

If you decide to go, use caution and common sense at all times and never let your guard down. Stay completely away from the border towns unless you know what you are doing and are fluent in the native tongue.

Bottom line: Don't listen to us as we each have our own agendas and experiences. Instead, refer to the State Dept website, check travel advisories, and determine if the trip is right for you.

Here's a thread with some interesting stories about hobbying in Mexico:

I wouldn't risk it if I were you. At best you make a small amount of money versus if you went to an American or Canadian city because rates in Mexico are so much less. At worst you could end up killed. The middle scenario is you would have all of your money taken by corrupt police in a shakedown .

I agree with most stay out of Mexico. As a US Citizen you will be subject to the laws of Mexico, no such thing as "bill of rights" and you could end up in a Mexican Jail for a long time without a trial. To me this is like asking to visit Berlin Germany in 1945. The Mexican government is at war with the drug cartels and those guys play for keeps. No sense in putting yourself at risk if you dont have to. Even the resort areas of Mexico have seen gun battles in the streets and kidnapping and other violent crimes.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Dear Elizabeth,
If you choose to work in Mexico...chances are you will hurt, killed or taken hostage and held for ransom. It is very dangerous, especially for Caucasian American women... unless you have very strong protection do not risk it. Mexico is not safe at all anymore... it is run by cartels and the value for human life is much different than the one we have been raised to have here in the USA. Kidnapping is a very common occurance, and if you look like an easy target who might bring some money...(American white woman) they will hold you for ransom...even if the ransom is paid it is very unlikely you will survive the ordeal...9 times out of 10 the hostage is killed. It is common now all over Mexico and even in the tourist spots. I have good friends in Mexico who live and work there who are doctors and executives although they live below the radar and don't show the public in any way, shape or form that they are worth more than anybody else even by wearing a nicer's not only foreigners at risk of kidnappings it is so bad that natives are also at risk. If you are wealthy or prominent in Mexico you have paid bodyguards 24 hrs. The country is corrupt and the law enforcement crooked. If you are arrested for any reason you could be held an untold amount of time in a Mexican jail...where if you don't have someone to bring it to you, you get a blanket, etc. Everything must be bought. Including your freedom which could come at a very high price. I am Latina, speak fluent Spanish and have traveled in Mexico extensively in the past...but I will no longer go there myself even to Acapulco or Cancun. It is TOO DANGEROUS!!! Please do not entertain the notion of a quaint adventure to Old Mexico any longer. Feel free to call me if you want more information from a first hand source. There is much more I can tell you that I cannot post in this forum. Believe me I know what I am talking about.
Most Sincerely...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
working as in "working girl" working [aka consulting, aka providing]

or working as in "gainfully employed in non-asp profession" [like modeling, architecture, restaurant, etc]

if the former, if it were me, i wouldnt do it.
i'd just go enjoy the sun, the sights, the history, the cool drinks, the food [but only cooked veggies]. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Guess that I should explain myself a bit more. pmdelites asked an excellent question and well, I sincerely have appreciated the responses.

I have traveled to Mexico about nine or ten times in my life. But the last time that I was there, I backpacked in the woods and through the "gringo trail" for about two months.

I've slept in tents in the jungle, and really roughed it at times and well, I'm pretty familiar with the country.

However, things have changed. I wouldn't take my child there.

But I have a friend who is going to live there and write for about a year and I wish to go and spend time with her. It's an artist's area with lots of expats there.

So I was curious if I went there for a few days to a few weeks to just enjoy myself, how would the laws shake out if opportunity were to present itself?

So I wouldn't be going there to work at all. But I tend to look for opportunity!!!

My question was just kindof an off the cuff one and I had a wild hair on Sunday and was curious what others had experienced.

I know the horror stories. But I also know people who go there to time shares once a year and haven't stopped going.

It's bad. Real bad in some parts. But it was bad in some parts twenty years ago.

Thanks for all of the advice, folks. I'll probably just go, if I go at all, for fun and frolic!!!


P.S. Mercianna, THANK YOU for your offer of advice. I sincerely appreciate it and will probably take you up on your offer just to answer some of my curiosity about the changes. I've only been to Cancun once and it's been 18 years since I've been. It was a cesspool back then although I know that it's a tourist destination that many adore.

I, however, didn't care for that area at all. Just my thoughts.
Boltfan's Avatar

When I lived in El Paso I met some of the local guys who hobbied in Mexico. That was aspd days but I know several of them made it here to eccie. Perhaps you could post in that forum and ask one to PM you. If they still frequent south of the border they might have a bit more insight that us here in DFW.

Good luck.
KittyLamour's Avatar
These might help convince you to stay out of Mexico...

Exploding Violence in Mexico

Kidnapping Rampant in Mexico

Kidnapping in Mexico- BEWARE

Human Rights Violations in Mexico

Mexico: High Body Count Likely in Drug Wars in 2012

*2011- 17,000 dead from cartel violence, over 1,400 per month
*Since 2008- 45,000 dead from cartel violence.

My most recent review was by a doctor in Mexico...he is a very charming and distinguished gentleman and I'd be happy to ask him to discuss the topic with you.

I also have family who lived half the year in Cancun and no longer return there for safety reasons and they are Latinos.

I have personally experienced the depravity first hand and Elizabeth I DO NOT recommend Mexico...better to go to Brazil or Costa Rica, visit the Caribbean...but Mexico...please don't scare me that you will go there....Only if you have family there who can protect you. It is not worth the risk.
What YaddaYadda said. Monterrey, even Guadalajara, one of my favorite places in Mexico, are becoming unsafe. Hell parts of Guadalajara used to look like a southern California retirement community. If you go someplace, fly in. Go to where you're staying and enjoy the safe zones. Get in your car and drive out in the open, I wouldn't give you 50/50 odds of getting where you need to go. Used to make the drive from Reynosa to Monterrey all the time. No way hose a would I do that now unless I was looking to disappear around the used tire place in China...

Mordida talks, bullshit walks and gringos get killed. Simple as that. Go someplace else, like Geyserville or Healdsburg or Cloverdale or Philo or Mendocino even....somewhere this side of civilzation. And if you get killed at least the body is still stateside!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Well ... it's certainly sounding like an awful place to visit these days!

Which is too bad. In my dreams, it was actually a place (of a few) that I had considered retiring to. Guess that will remain a dream, huh?
KittyLamour's Avatar
Well ... it's certainly sounding like an awful place to visit these days!

Which is too bad. In my dreams, it was actually a place (of a few) that I had considered retiring to. Guess that will remain a dream, huh? Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Mexico ... it truly hurts my heart as well Elizabeth... my dream for Mexico that the land will not spill so much blood and the people will rise... Vivo Mexico.

Don't give up on your day we will go back to that beautiful place... I have every confidence in the good of the people and that light will always penetrate and thus conquer over darkness.

I want to retire on an island in the French Polynesian....Bora Bora will suffice. (TeeHee while we're dreaming...)
KittyLamour's Avatar
I think I would rather be thrown naked into a Turkish Prison than visit Mexico right now.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You mean that there are laws in Mexico?
Just stay away from the border, only get in a cab that a reputable hotel has ordered for you, dress down, and turn on your radar. I enjoy interior Mexico and the coast. Money solves many problems down there.