Kathy Griffin

TheDaliLama's Avatar
You are right about one thing WTF.

Political correctness has effected a lot of comedians. Many are not doing colleges anymore.

Jerry Seinfeld opinion

I see nothing wrong with this at all.
Let her do her thing. Go on the Jimmy Kimmel show, give Bill Maher a whirl.
Heck, put her on a Prime Time Spot on a Major Network.

More Counties turn Red.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-30-2017, 07:27 PM

She said she went to far. Maybe she should come to this forum!
bamscram's Avatar
A right wing patriot.

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/jeremy-j...attack-police/ Originally Posted by bamscram
No, he's not. He's a piece of shit Murderer.

I just hope there is a gurney and a needle in his future.
Could not care less about Kathy. What is disturbing is the left not finding this and late night tv offensive. This would have never happened to Obama. If it did the left would have been up in arms. Jokes based on a politician's characteristics and mannorisims are funny. Jokes about cutting off one's head or a movie about killing Bush are not.

I am not suggesting these "entertainers" should be silenced. But those that watch/condone them (the liberals) are showing their true disgusting character.

Liberals are mean spirited, angry, two faced scrum bags.
bamscram's Avatar
No, he's not. He's a piece of shit Murderer.

I just hope there is a gurney and a needle in his future. Originally Posted by Jackie S
But, but, but he hates blacks, liberals and muzzies.
This proves my last post. You say he is republican. Maybe so. We Republicans are disgusted by his actions. We know wrong when we see it and we say so.

Liberals on the other hand refuse to condem late night tv and this Kunt Kathy chopping off Trumps' head.

But, but, but he hates blacks, liberals and muzzies. Originally Posted by bamscram
I B Hankering's Avatar
A right wing patriot.

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/jeremy-j...attack-police/ Originally Posted by bamscram
Jeremy Joseph Christian was a Bernie Sanders man, Ekim the Inbred Chimp:

Jeremy Christian December 31, 2016 ·

Hillary Rodham Clinton, you exemplify what is wrong with America!!! Go sit in the corner with your dunce cap on!!! You epitomize the problems we face!!! Hiding because you are devastated....Poor baby. I thought you were gonna stick by the little guy, work for the middle class, and help out the world with your great plans??? Well I don't see anything about it on social media or the news....Could it be you had no ideas in the first place and what was represented as your ideas were simply written down by others and passed to you to pass off as your own just like Mussolini??? Now you are passing the buck to "elected politicians", I bet that will be your line if we hear from you again. I cannot even begin to imagine the stagnation you would have presided over....Bernie Sanders was the President I wanted. He voiced my heart and mind. The one who spoke about the way America should gone. Away from the Military and Prison Industrial Complexes. The Trump is who America needs now that Bernie got ripped off. In a pick your poison election, I would have voted for his fast poison vs. your slow poison. Where are your grand ideas Hillary??? Yeah, just get back in the corner and put your dunce cap back on.... (Facebook)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Kathy Griffin apologizes for beheaded Trump photo: 'I crossed the line'

yep. you most certainly did, bitch.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-30-2017, 09:32 PM
This proves my last post. You say he is republican. Maybe so. We Republicans are disgusted by his actions. We know wrong when we see it and we say so.

Liberals on the other hand refuse to condem late night tv and this Kunt Kathy chopping off Trumps' head.

Sz Originally Posted by tonyvicksa
She did not chop off The Donald s real head.

Somebody should chop off his twitter account!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
She did not chop off The Donald s real head.

Somebody should chop off his twitter account! Originally Posted by WTF

Trump should chop off your fingers so you can't stuff paper bags with cash to pay your illegal hombres

this is what you'll look like when they find you in an alley when you don't bring that paper bag of cash

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Never been called a scrum bag before

REWARD OFFERED=> $1,000 to Anyone Who Flashes “CNN Is ISIS” with Kathy Griffin Beheading Pic During CNN Live-Feed


gfejunkie's Avatar
The Secret Service is on it.


If you think this shit's funny you're beyond sick. Trump derangement syndrome is out of control.

The left, the lamestream media, and the dimretards will never get their credibility back. They've made themselves completely irrelevant to any discourse whatsoever. Your self-inflicted damage has made it so. Congratulations!