Providers weigh in

TheWanderer's Avatar
This happens quite often actually. It's understandable. After all, you are spending intimate time with a person of the opposite sex and it's all fun isn't it? Of course affection is a side effect.
I doubt that you have spent a day working in the heat with her have you? Probably haven't painted a house, attended a relatives funeral, washed a car, cleaned up a nasty mess or even had an argument.
You are living in a fantasy world with her and trying to move that fantasy over into your real world. You probably don't even know each other at all.
See what I am saying? It comes from experience.
As was stated before, run, don't walk. Or at least make a decent attempt to put things into perspective.
LindseyLacey's Avatar
it is heady stuff...
love and such...
it is July...
enjoy the high...
one hour at a time...
keep it in perspective...
enjoy the one hour dimension...
then leave it behind...
until next time...
do not let it go to your head...

here is a song for you...

You go to my head
And you linger like a haunting refrain
And I find you spinning round in my brain
Like the bubbles in a glass of champagne
You go to my head
Like a sip of sparkling burgundy brew
And I find the very mention of you
Like the kicker in a julep or two
The thrill of the thought
That you might give a thought to my plea
Casts a spell over me
Still I say to myself "Get a hold of yourself"
Can't you see that it never can be
You go to my head
With a smile that makes my temperature rise
Like a summer with a thousand Julys
You intoxicate my soul with your eyes
Though I'm certain that this heart of mine
Hasn't a ghost of a chance in this crazy romance
You go to my head
Though I'm certain that this heart of mine
Hasn't a ghost of a chance in this crazy romance
You go to my head
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Quote after a famous ASPD couple crashed and burned, I think Logan said it, "Trying to make a girlfriend out of a hooker is like trying to make a house cat out of a mountain lion."
Brandofan's Avatar
Unless she has feelings for you, the best bet is just to move on. It will not end well. Rare is the hobby borne relationship that works. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
But it can happen. I ended up in a long-term relationship with the first provider I ever saw and we're still great friends to this day. But it is rare and she either needs to be willing to leave sex work behind or you both need to be the kind of people that can separate love from the hobby.

Make 100% sure she reciprocates your feelings and is the kind of person you willing to take a leap of faith for because the odds are against you.

Otherwise you need to walk away. If you continue to see a provider that doesn't return your feelings WILL end up very badly.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
first i saw the title and thought..."woot woot provider boxing match"

hobby relationships do not work. honestly when Im in love, the hobby is the last thing on my mind. Then i tell every guy that if your wanting me off the market you have to be willing to support my life.

jealousy WILL come into play. She is going to be tired, cranky and REAL.

Just walk away...
TinMan's Avatar
OP, has she given you any indication that she feels the same? And I don’t mean IOP.
Guest090819's Avatar
Then i tell every guy that if your wanting me off the market you have to be willing to support my life. Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
Exactly this.

It's hard for one guy to support a life that was once funded by many men one to two hours at a time.

I'm not going to say it's impossible, but your signup for more difficulties than with a non-provider, and that is on top of the normal relationship rough patches.

Even if she comes to you and say she'll give it all up for you, you will still have challenges related to her previous experiences as a provider.

I would play the odds (i.e. don't do it), but I also wouldn't want to stop you from finding the love of your life, even if it doesn't last.

Good luck.
Lookzfun61's Avatar
Been there , done that , twice . Way to much back history to deal with on BOTH parts in the long term.
Seems ideal , then an ordeal ..... then we’re seeking a new deal .
Plain and simple , water seeks its own level . There will be a time of indifference , and most always , no amount love , or lust can erase our past from our present .
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Move on. Just move on.