Review: “Righty” – reliable but hardly remarkable

knotty man's Avatar
rightys record is 1 loss - 27498 homeruns! id be perfect if it wasnt for my damn mom!
Gives new meaning to the term "Righty Tighty".

So tell me is it true that "One in the Hand is worth two in the Bush?"
Fucking Brilliant Review.

Reminds me of some one I see occasionally. Goes by the name of Rosy. Last name Palm.

Ooops! Shit, I outed someone....
Bobave's Avatar
With a credible review in hand... I think you should encourage Righty to become a registered provider... the line is already forming.
alcatraz's Avatar

I am pretty sure CJ does bareback with "Righty". I read no mention of a glove. Just the little hairs on the back of bare "Righty"

Perhaps Leslie/Humpty has taken over CJ's account.
Great review CJ, just worried that going bareback is the smart thing to do unless "Righty" is SO but what of "Lefty".

austinkboy's Avatar
Aaah yes, the trusted Righty. Never a NCNS, always on time. No drama.
Just curious though... in some cultures, your supposed to wipe with your Lefty, and eat with your Righty. Or, was it the other way around? So what happens when Righty is your go to hitter?

In any case, I understand well how stressful the Holidays are for some. So, CJ have you been true to your vows?
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 12-30-2010, 03:18 PM
I like to do do doubles with Righty and Porno Web Site.
Righty often brings up retiring to me, I think it's just a ploy for me to visit one last time...
im sure CIM was offered...if you would just 'suck it up'