So What About The Rolling Stone Rape Article?

  • shanm
  • 04-07-2015, 11:43 AM
Actually they are quite similar. They both wrote the story for a political outcome, not factual outcome. The biggest lie they did in the Michael Brown story is not show a current picture of a 300 lb 17 or 18 year old bully, but rather a 10 year old boy. Totally misleading to the facts of the story. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Tell me come you and your buddies are so willing to accept the DOJ's decision labeling officer Wilson as 'not guilty', but aren't so willing to accept the subsequent report(by the same department) that shows that entire Ferguson police department and justice system was riddled with racial bias and discrimination?

It suits your narrative. Thats why.

You mean you and BigTits aka bigtex or all of your personalities? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No I meant everyone from here to the dark side of the moon.

"Victims All"!

The liberal biased media constantly plays the selective victim card. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't know who you think you're fooling with this bullshit. The Liberal media plays the "victims all" card a little less than Faux news plays the "Victim rich white conservative" one.

The difference between Liberal media and Conservative media is that the Liberal one is based completely on sensationalism; they'll cover any story, positive or negative, as long as they can get people to pay for it.

The conservative media on the other hand, has a single narrative which pushes solely the republican agenda. It's a bunch of paranoid political hacks telling their 80 yr old viewers exactly what to think, because, obviously, they can't think for themselves.
LexusLover's Avatar
So in essence Rolling Stone has no accountability for what it prints? That is fucked up and just plain WRONG. Originally Posted by Seedy
I didn't suggest the Rag has "no accountability" ... the question is whether the "accountability" is effective in changing behavior. For the most part our justice system does not "change behavior," since the costs and burdens are shifted to the consumers and insurance carriers (and then consumers). Does our criminal justice system "change behavior"? Not really.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't know who you think you're fooling with this bullshit. Originally Posted by shanm
You. Why not just blame it all on Bush?

Fox News is slamming them "left" and "right"! The liberal media is hiding from the story.

That's what Obaminable is all about ... the victimization of "minorities" (protected classes of persons) in this country.

That's one of 2 reasons for the Harvard Prof getting a beer in the garden with the cop. The other was "victory lap" for the student who "made good"! Go figure ... the law professor was a "victim" of police brutality. Michael Brown too!

And "we" all know Muslims are victims!!! Of American aggression. Now don't "we"? (sarcasm alert)

Let's turn the clock back to the 1920's .... don't develop the oil in their ground. See how that works for them.
  • shanm
  • 04-07-2015, 12:04 PM
You. Why not just blame it all on Bush?

Fox News is slamming them "left" and "right"! The liberal media is hiding from the story.

That's what Obaminable is all about ... the victimization of "minorities" (protected classes of persons) in this country.

That's one of 2 reasons for the Harvard Prof getting a beer in the garden with the cop. The other was "victory lap" for the student who "made good"! Go figure ... the law professor was a "victim" of police brutality. Michael Brown too!

And "we" all know Muslims are victims!!! Of American aggression. Now don't "we"? (sarcasm alert)

Let's turn the clock back to the 1920's .... don't develop the oil in their ground. See how that works for them. Originally Posted by LexusLover
^This deserves a medal for the most incoherent piece of bullshit ever posted on this forum.

And that includes Cjohnny and his money.
this sort of thing has been going on a long time- lies and false narratives and visceral hatred and racism causing closed minds and conclusion jumping

any one recall the following??:

Michael Sheppard- 21 year old supposed gay martyr- actually a drug deal gone bad

Reginald Denny- beaten for being white

Philly thugs at polling place- try not to do it again fellas

Acorn- remember them..teach you to cheat on your taxes, lie and oh yeah vote-

Planned parenthood- protecting child rapists in the name of abortion

The Philly abortion doctor- no we cant talk about that it might give fuel to anti abortionists

Trayvon Martin- could be my son- forget about the thugness- oh yeah a white Hispanic

Eric Garner- killed by liberal tax policies and a bad heart

Duke La Crosse team- here comes sharpton, Jackson, a lying DA and all those stupid professors and the liberal media...

the knock out game- no mention of who and why

wildings and flash mobs- and mob beatings on streets and in parks- no we cant talk about that

Zemir Begic - beaten to death by "teens" with hammers

Detroit man beaten unconscious and in critical condition, 54 years old - stopped to help after an accident

The Stupid Cambridge police

Univ of Virginia rapes

Anything written by lena dunham

the complete lie of the ferguson Michael Brown fiasco

racism and racist signs at tea party rallies- and oh yeah..they spit on me

and the list goes on
STFU idiot unless you have something relevant to the comment. Other than increasing your count.Had they checked the source the article would not have been published. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Thank you Captain Obvious.

Comparing the Michael Brown case to this one when it has absolutely no relevance. One is a completely fabricated rape case and the other is an actual fucking incident that lead to the death of a person. Originally Posted by shanm
Actually the two have a great deal in common. Both are examples of narrative driven 'reporting' rather than fact driven reporting.

Lets add in MSNBC's hilarious but shameful attempt at stirring up race paranoia by deliberately editing a clip of a man carrying an assault rifle to a Tea Party rally. They edited their footage to show only the man's back with no skin visible, while voicing over the clip with musings about the racial implications of the man since we now have a black president. The bimbo on film wondered if the rifle wasn't an implied threat to our first black president. The only problem was that the man carrying the rifle was black, something MSNBC knew perfectly well since they actually interviewed him. The fact that he was black didn't suit their narrative though, so the interview was never aired, and the only footage of him used disguised his race.

These are all examples of news media being more interested in the narrative they have to tell - whether its the idea of rampant sexual assault on college campuses, or racial animus. Facts are secondary to the narrative, and only utilized if they fit the narrative.

In the case of MSNBC, the narrative was blatant. They had the facts and chose to hide them.

In the case of Michael Brown, within 3 days of the incident, a Youtube video surfaced that completely debunked the "hands up" lie. It was footage shot in the minutes after the shooting. You can see police arriving at the scene, beginning to string up crime scene tape, and talking to the gathering crowd. In the midst of that, you can clearly hear a bystander recounting what he saw. He describes events that track with Wilson's account. He clearly states that Brown charged the officer, and even as Wilson fired the first few shots at Brown, Brown continued to charge. If any media outlet had investigated that footage, the "hands up" lie would never have persisted as long as it did.

CNN devoted not one, but two full segments to audio recorded on some guy's phone, even going so far as to have the FBI analyze it, because it contained the audio of the bullets being fired. The audio provided no probative value whatsoever, other than to confirm the number of shots fired, but CNN drooled over it just the same. Meanwhile, footage that made it clear that Wilson acted in self defense languished on Youtube, where you can still find it if you are curious, and was completely ignored by all media outlets. Hell, even FOX missed it as far as I've been able to determine. If they aired the footage, I missed it.

Again, the narrative drove the media coverage, not facts.

Lastly, the same was true of the Rolling Stone piece. RS was so excited to have the story, and to print a story that supported the hot topic of sexual assault on campus, that they never bothered to check their facts. Damn the facts, lets get the narrative out there!

Tell me come you and your buddies are so willing to accept the DOJ's decision labeling officer Wilson as 'not guilty', but aren't so willing to accept the subsequent report(by the same department) that shows that entire Ferguson police department and justice system was riddled with racial bias and discrimination? Originally Posted by shanm
Well, for one thing, the evidence made it clear that Wilson did nothing wrong. Furthermore, there is not one shred of evidence to indicate that Wilson is or has ever been guilty of racism. No excessive force complaints in his jacket, no complaints of racial profiling. He was clean as a whistle on the day he had his confrontation with Brown. So those are pretty good reasons to accept the DOJ's finding that Wilson was not guilty of any wrong doing.

As to the finding that the entire department was racist, well that is a pretty broad brush to paint with, and yes actually I have strong doubts about some of the facts relied upon to paint the entire department as racist. Debating the merits of the DOJ's findings has nothing to do with the topic of Rolling Stone's massive face plant though, so I'll be glad to join you on a new thread to discuss the DOJ's hunt for the rainbow unicorn of racism in the city of Ferguson.

Now then, my concerns about the Rolling Stone article are several.

First off, does anyone know why claims of sexual assault or rape on a college campus are handled differently from reports made anywhere else? This is something that baffles me. Anytime a college woman claims that she was sexually assaulted or raped, the University steps in to conduct its own investigation, and may or may not bring in the authorities. Why is this ok? What the hell does a college university have to do with investigating a crime? I read a comment once saying that there is a law that requires universities to handle sexual assault claims, but that makes no sense to me. Any of you legal experts know anything about this?

Secondly, if Rolling Stone truly repented the error of their ways, they would immediately release the name of the woman who made the claims. I do hope that the fraternity sues the shit out of Rolling Stone, but even more so, I hope they sue the ever loving shit out of this woman. Rape claims are often derided as it is, and women who are victimized often face an uphill battle where their every motive is questioned. Incidents like this only make it harder for genuine victims to seek justice. Whoever this woman is, she deserves to be strung up by her nipples and her Chicks Rule card revoked for life.
LexusLover's Avatar
First off, does anyone know why claims of sexual assault or rape on a college campus are handled differently from reports made anywhere else? This is something that baffles me. Anytime a college woman claims that she was sexually assaulted or raped, the University steps in to conduct its own investigation, and may or may not bring in the authorities. Why is this ok? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Most colleges and universities have their own police force, and speaking specifically about Texas, the jurisdiction of the campus cops is determined by the Education Code and then the Penal Code with the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. Although there may be "overlapping" jurisdiction there is mutual assistance, but not always a sharing of the authority. Pre-911 and for the most part "post-911" agencies are still not cooperating with one another ..... It's tough to teach old dogs new tricks. Although they do pay lip service to it on occasion, e.g. area task forces and mutual aid agreements.

To further complicate the response the schools have policies on campus that are implemented to protect the privacy of the students and faculty. Education Codes as well, and depending on the states involved the age of the student or students involved become a factor in the "handling" of information.

Finally, and probably most particularly historically there has been a movement to keep LE separated from political influences, although that too has been difficult at best (the recent NYPD response is an example), and the administration of colleges and universities are political animals of the highest sort ... from the board down to the classroom professor/instructor ... vying for "tenure" and "longevity" in their positions. Protecting the school's image is protecting their jobs .... violence and sexual assaults tarnish that image, reduce enrollment, and create an anxious learning environment... all counterproductive to the "proper" school goals of increasing enrollment while improving the safety of all on the campus. Playing down the incident and minimizing the publicity maintains the low profile that gives the appearance of a safe place to learn.

Whereas LE might want to publicize the incident to warn others in the community and/or obtain leads on the perpetrator, the school officials do not. In addition for the most part schools are run by liberals who historically are anti-LE so full cooperation with LE is not the standard ... simply because they don't trust LE and don't like how they "operate." Liberals tend to want to modify behavior to reduce crime, while conservatives seem to prefer removing the threat from their community to reduce crime. The differing philosophies produce conflicting approaches to the offense, and the investigation.
The woman behind the RS story is a liar; but the press is protecting her. Her name should be released to the general public.

Astonishingly, the Columbia School of Journalism treats the woman who floated phony rape stories to the RS as a victim.

The real (and only victims) in this story are the guys and the fraternity who were falsely accused of brutal rape and sodomy.
Tell me come you and your buddies are so willing to accept the DOJ's decision labeling officer Wilson as 'not guilty', but aren't so willing to accept the subsequent report(by the same department) that shows that entire Ferguson police department and justice system was riddled with racial bias and discrimination?

It suits your narrative. Thats why.

No I meant everyone from here to the dark side of the moon.

I don't know who you think you're fooling with this bullshit. The Liberal media plays the "victims all" card a little less than Faux news plays the "Victim rich white conservative" one.

The difference between Liberal media and Conservative media is that the Liberal one is based completely on sensationalism; they'll cover any story, positive or negative, as long as they can get people to pay for it.

The conservative media on the other hand, has a single narrative which pushes solely the republican agenda. It's a bunch of paranoid political hacks telling their 80 yr old viewers exactly what to think, because, obviously, they can't think for themselves. Originally Posted by shanm
^^^^This from the self admitted racist in the forum.

I saw the the DOJ report on the web, not the actual report itself. If they can only find seven examples of "racist" emails by going thru the entire email log of a police dept of 50 officers (and who knows how many support staff) and those seven examples never used the N word and were as lame as they were, then they didn't find much.
LexusLover's Avatar
^^^^This from the self admitted racist in the forum.

I saw the the DOJ report on the web, not the actual report itself. If they can only find seven examples of "racist" emails by going thru the entire email log of a police dept of 50 officers (and who knows how many support staff) and those seven examples never used the N word and were as lame as they were, then they didn't find much. Originally Posted by gnadfly
What's unbelievable is he actually calls himself a "Democrat"!!!

He HATES ...

.... minorities, women, and old people. 2/3 of them from "entitlement crowd" who form the base for the Democrats.

Amazing, ignorance.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Journalism died the day Rupert Murdoch set foot in America. I imagine if Ed Murrow were alive today, he'd be fighting with Kvetchin Gretchen for air time.

I know you ALL have been following this story, since ALL of you are avid RS readers...

It's simple. You fuck up, you pay. The rest is just you boyz gnashing your false teeth.
LexusLover's Avatar
Journalism died .... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What's being smeared all over the media is primarily blogging gossip ... not "journalism."

When ratings control the motivation, the quality of factual reporting suffers.

Boards and forums like this one are perfect examples. The spurious accusations are published forever.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-08-2015, 08:54 AM

It's simple. You fuck up, you pay. . Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I agree with this. ^^^^^
LexusLover's Avatar
I agree with this. ^^^^^ Originally Posted by Seedy
I'm just trying to figure out when YR's parents are going "to pay"!

Perhaps they have suffered daily for years, which is sufficient punishment for their creation.
  • shanm
  • 04-08-2015, 09:11 AM
^^^^This from the self admitted racist in the forum. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Would you like to post a link as to where I "self-admitted" I was a racist?

What's unbelievable is he actually calls himself a "Democrat"!!!

He HATES ...

.... minorities, women, and old people. 2/3 of them from "entitlement crowd" who form the base for the Democrats. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Would you also like to post a link as to where I said I "hate minorities, women and old people"?
Or is this another one of your chickenshit posts with a lot off huff puff and no substance?