Prices for non standard services

You are paying for her time, her rates are posted. Originally Posted by Lioness
I agree..I for one hire the girl for the isn't necessarily the highest priority. .it's a wonderful finish but not the highest..and at four to twelve dollars a along,crooning or snuggling or just being there ..if your in a hurry for it to be over and want to rush the visit don't expect a tip or a callback. If sex is all you have in mind the let me know right away before I waste the money. We are all in the hobby for various reasons..for the clients it's usually fulfilling what we're lacking without destroying a good relationship..for some it's the excitement or variety..and some just to see how many..all in all its a fulfillment of our fantasies so if the guy wants to play computer games so what your making money to fulfill that companionship he desires..pretend your having a blast..