What would you do?

ratboy jam's Avatar
...I mean what girl makes 100s of dollars an hour(or I hope shes charging atleast that much LOL).. and cant afford a dang car!?!??! ... Originally Posted by stargirl3355
The ones who seem to think it's "snowing" in Htown all year long...
  • Chloe
  • 02-25-2010, 11:19 PM
Go with you gut! If I did with mine on the very few instances I had a bad feeling, the worst would not have happened!!!

I, when I went indie for the first time, used to riding with the agency driver and feeling like I had protection, had paid drivers and protectors with me. Not knowing how to screen and just calling a number. . . .I felt a need for protection.

Regaurdless you should ALWAYS follow your istincts and if they said leave, you did right on leaving! Follow your gut above desire/lust! Jerking off at home is way cheaper and more fulfilling than the the option of getting robbed or dealing with LE.
mietk's Avatar
  • mietk
  • 02-25-2010, 11:57 PM
I would have banged him too! 5 holes are better than 3! Originally Posted by Big Jake

Once he got a look at BIG Jake he would have bolted or paid you to let him leave.