Body of a black man was found hanging from a tree in Mississippi

LexusLover's Avatar, white, yellow, whatever....that fights with the cops is going to get his ass kicked. That is an immutable law of the universe. Originally Posted by timpage
In the video it shows him pulling his right wrist/hand away from his back several times while they were trying to put the cuff on his right wrist. He was resisting from the beginning. His face was a wet mess, but all he has to do is turn around and put his hands behind his back. That's all he has to do to keep his pretty face.
  • DSK
  • 03-20-2015, 03:42 PM
You're a fucking idiot if you don't think that a black man found hanging in a tree in Mississippi under unknown circumstances is going to get more attention than a black man shot in Chicago. And, it probably should. And, the FBI ought to be the investigatory agency. Shit, I bet the local police are glad the FBI is involved.

The shit that you morons get spun up about never ceases to amaze me. I continue to take the position that we need a racial forum where you can go bleat and quack about how badly white people are treated and how nobody should really give a shit if a black man is found hanging in a tree.

Now, I'll tell you what gets me spun up....this University of Virginia kid who apparently shows up at a bar drunk, with fake ID, starts arguing with the bouncer at the doorway to the club and then starts fighting with the cops when they show up. He gets his ass kicked and was bleating about racism before they even had the cuffs on him. Now, all you see is his poor bloody face plastered all over the internet.

What a maroon., white, yellow, whatever....that fights with the cops is going to get his ass kicked. That is an immutable law of the universe. Originally Posted by timpage
He got what he deserved.
LexusLover's Avatar
He got what he deserved. Originally Posted by DSK
The tactic of claiming "police brutality" is at epidemic levels, because those fools think it's a defense to the crime .. and they get a free shot at the cops.

Then they find an attorney who likes to get in front of the cameras .. and its on!
When did a black man hanging from a tree in Mississippi become news? They have been known to try swimming with a stolen chain. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You know if you float with across the river with a watermelon underneath each arm the chain won't be a problem...ijs.
rioseco's Avatar
I guess not because I can't find any mention of it anywhere and I don't recall it.

But, even if it's true, what is your point? Was it some black guys that dragged him and was it done for racial reasons?

Is this yet another example of how white people are really the victims of racism.....all appearances and evidence to the contrary? Originally Posted by timpage
So now since you have made the implication.......
All minority groups are incapable of hate....correct ?
White people can not be offended or harassed by blacks, browns,reds,greens or whatever based on race alone ?

I call bullshit on that !

You must be part of that club. The one that empathizes with some groups while hating white folks. Do you hate your own race ?
You see this is the funny part. I would have said (if talking about this in conversation) that a MAN was founding from a tree in Mississippi but it looks like suicide. So why are the feds there? OMG! I'm color blind! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

White girl spontaneously combusts in Mississippi... oh well another day in merica...
So now since you have made the implication.......
All minority groups are incapable of hate....correct ?
White people can not be offended or harassed by blacks, browns,reds,greens or whatever based on race alone ?

I call bullshit on that !

You must be part of that club. The one that empathizes with some groups while hating white folks. Do you hate your own race ?
Originally Posted by rioseco
You will never get it. I could talk till I was blue in the face. You just don't have the capacity for critical thought that will allow you to understand it. That's not a knock on you, it's just who you are. Whenever something happens to a black person and people like you immediately want to shift it to reverse racism, I know right away that you just don't have a clue. We won't always be the majority in this country. In fact, in probably less than 20 years, we won't be. Woe be to you that don't get it.
  • DSK
  • 03-20-2015, 08:28 PM
You will never get it. I could talk till I was blue in the face. You just don't have the capacity for critical thought that will allow you to understand it. That's not a knock on you, it's just who you are. Whenever something happens to a black person and people like you immediately want to shift it to reverse racism, I know right away that you just don't have a clue. We won't always be the majority in this country. In fact, in probably less than 20 years, we won't be. Woe be to you that don't get it. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Why - are they going to kill all the white people for revenge?
Why - are they going to kill all the white people for revenge? Originally Posted by DSK
Does that prospect frighten you?
  • DSK
  • 03-20-2015, 09:17 PM
Does that prospect frighten you? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Not in the least. I don't think they will. Look at South Africa. They could have raped and pillaged and messed that place up, and had a better reason to kill white folks than they do here. However, you saw fit to warn us, so does it worry you?
You will never get it. I could talk till I was blue in the face. You just don't have the capacity for critical thought that will allow you to understand it. That's not a knock on you, it's just who you are. Whenever something happens to a black person and people like you immediately want to shift it to reverse racism, I know right away that you just don't have a clue. We won't always be the majority in this country. In fact, in probably less than 20 years, we won't be. Woe be to you that don't get it. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Your boyfriend BLEW in your face and your family tree stopped, you swallowed it ... LMAO...
You got a little snack snack after you slurp slurped... you could eat an abortion too.
Not in the least. I don't think they will. Look at South Africa. They could have raped and pillaged and messed that place up, and had a better reason to kill white folks than they do here. However, you saw fit to warn us, so does it worry you? Originally Posted by DSK
Nope. It was more of a reality check. It's coming. Warning or no warning.
  • MrGiz
  • 03-20-2015, 10:18 PM
Do something about it. Go forth and procreate, as well as other races appear able to. You're right, no use bitchin 'bout it. We aren't as fertile!! duh!

Now we get it.
So now since you have made the implication.......
All minority groups are incapable of hate....correct ?
White people can not be offended or harassed by blacks, browns,reds,greens or whatever based on race alone ?

I call bullshit on that !

You must be part of that club. The one that empathizes with some groups while hating white folks. Do you hate your own race ? Originally Posted by rioseco
he sounds more like the angry black man
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know what they don't mention? That as the number of "white" people becomes proportionally less the number of people who can claim to be bi or multi racial will increase. I think it is more important that people start thinking of themselves as Americans rather than be divided by demagogues like Obama. Obama could have been something different having parent of two different races and he might have been a good president, an American president. His life's training had turned him into the first black president, the avenger of all wrongs, real or otherwise. Everything something racial has popped up on the radar Obama has felt that he had to comment....and he has been wrong everytime.

Back to the OP, a man was found hanged in Mississippi. Why is that news? Is it only because he is black or by the method by which he died? An 18 year old man was shot down in Ferguson, MO and the country exploded. A 19 year old man was shot down in Utah the same week under lesser circumstances (a unarmed white man shot by a black police officer while leaving a convenience store that had reported a possible robbery) but no explosion. No White House comment, no Justice department investigation, no nothing. This president has divided this country along racial lines and even if he is ultimately unsuccessful he has tried.

So far the NAACP is waiting for the evidence to be collected but it is the media that is speculating about things that has no evidence to support it. The Justice Department has not learned either. The rank and file American is willing to wait but the press and politicians won't.