CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Maybe he should have.
joe bloe's Avatar
The American taxpayer isn't paying FOUR MILLION DOLLARS for them to go Hawaii like we are for the Obamas.

It would have cost us ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS less if Queen Michelle was willing to wait a couple of days so she could go on the same flight as her husband.

waverunner234's Avatar
Bush never spent $4 million. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
We all know how careful Bush was when it comes to spending.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-20-2011, 01:16 PM
We all know how careful Bush was when it comes to spending.
Originally Posted by waverunner234
These stupid GOP fucers didn't blink an eye when we spent 4 Trillion dollars going to war but cry like titty babies when Obama spends 4 million taking a vacation in his birth place....oh wait, these same igmo's think he is from Kenya!

Hey titty babies, would you rather he spend Christmas in Kenya?.

One last thing, Can Obama sit anywhere he wants on the plane or does he still have to sit in the back where you hillbillies think he belongs!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Why would a flight cost $100,000?

I mean, I'm Low Budget Bob. I don't fathom too well spending that kind of money just to flight somewhere. I'm just curious how we get to that number.
Probably got it from Michelle Bachmann. He she is tromping in the snow while Michelle #1 is at a luau.

Bachmann is a magician with numbers without gloves or shoes.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-20-2011, 02:07 PM
Probably got it from Michelle Bachmann. He she is tromping in the snow while Michelle #1 is at a luau.

Bachmann is a magician with numbers without gloves or shoes. Originally Posted by catnipdipper
We need to elect her, she said she could drop the price of gas and with the way she is with numbers, she could make the budget deficit dissappear overnight!

Bachmann told Cooper that Obama’s south Asian trip will cost taxpayers “$200 million a day” and represents “the kind of over-the-top spending” that’s rampant in Washington.
“No one really knows the cost, because for security reasons they don’t disclose the cost,” Cooper countered. “So this idea that it’s $200 million is simply made up.”
Bachmann replied, “Well these are the numbers that have been coming out in the press.”
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good idea. With Bachmann, only our religious freedom would be in jeopardy, instead of the entire Bill of Rights with Obama, Romney, Gingrich, et. al.
The Obamas deserve a vacation as much as anyone else, but like anyone else, they need to look at the budget first. There are mandatory budget cuts facing the national government just now. There are bigger fish to fry, but it's worth noting if it's habitual which it seems to be.
waverunner234's Avatar
Just vote for Perry and it will all get better and cheaper.
He'll find a normal job and be part-time president in his spare time.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2011, 02:46 PM
Just vote for Perry and it will all get better and cheaper.
He'll find a normal job and be part-time president in his spare time. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Ole Ricky boy has the Enterprise Slush Fund from which to govern!


For the record, anyone getting worked up about Obama's vacations that did not get worked up about G W Bush's vacations or Bill Clinton's vacations or Ronnie's vacation is an idiot in the first degree.
Let me WTF-Size It For Ya..........George and Laura never took $4 million domestic vacations; and I can't ever recall Laura insisting on spending taxpayer money to get outta town a couple of hours before her husband ! So there was no reason to criticize the Bush's.

Ole Ricky boy has the Enterprise Slush Fund from which to govern!


For the record, anyone getting worked up about Obama's vacations that did not get worked up about G W Bush's vacations or Bill Clinton's vacations or Ronnie's vacation is an idiot in the first degree. Originally Posted by WTF
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just vote for Perry and it will all get better and cheaper.
He'll find a normal job and be part-time president in his spare time. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Now THAT is a good idea!!!!!

I would totally support a part-time government.
jhende3's Avatar
This is so silly it's funny. Who cares besides people who hate the Obamas. And after there gone and there another president you won't give a damn how much there travel cost
Bush never spent $4 million on a vacation within the US. it seems to be a regular thing for BHO and Princess Michelle. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well at least whirrly knows Hawaii is part of the US