plural marriages by two or more persons of suitable ages will be recognized by all government entities. That is more specific and avoids many undesirable consequences.
Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You opened up a big can of worms with that one TTH. To me, that is the perfect counterbalance to the gay marriage issue.
This is really an economic not moral argument. Gays want the same tax rates and health benefits that married straights have. Instead of the stupid I love my dog and want to marry it argument, you raise a point that would have the liberals running for cover, how about we allow polygamy?
If polygamy were allowed, the U.S. would probably have a Mormon majority in all of fifty years, and the Democrats would be forever in the minority.
That is a much better though far less political correct argument.
For what it's worth, I think married people shouldn't get tax or health benefits but those who raise children should. From a demographic point of view, I want as many young people as possible to support me as I get older.
The call to enforce the borders has fallen on deaf ears because in reality the government knows that if not for those 11 to 13 million illegal immigrants, the U.S. economy would be in real trouble.
Fortunately, the U.S. is in better shape than Europe. With the paltry rate Italians are having children, the Italian race that is based in Italy is likely to cease to exist if the current birth rate continues.
So IMO if gays want to marry and then adopt children from abroad and raise them, they should get the health and tax benefits that married couples raising children should.