Just an observation

knotty man's Avatar
guess since the cops had the dunkin donuts covered,
they had to get their own spot
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Mods? Whut chew talkin' 'bout mods fer? Is you sum kinda Quadropheniac?

Cadence Steele's Avatar
Knotty never cleans out his inbox lol
No sniveling pussies allowed...
Enter at your own risk, if you don't like it, GTFO!

Don't worry one of my mutiple handles will be along shortly to fuck wirh you some more.

We were all new at some point, if you don't review cause your skeeered, then you're just a puss.
winn dixie's Avatar
[QUOTE=rockerrick;1060081518]No sniveling pussies allowed...
Enter at your own risk, if you don't like it, GTFO!

Don't worry one of my mutiple handles will be along shortly to fuck wirh you some more

Was I called?? These ballet and arts types just need to learn to stay outta the jungle........
We had a matta once...

Nuthin' the matta anymore though... Originally Posted by lizshue81
I love the pun. You made me come out of my Eccie shell!

512 563 5618
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-16-2017, 09:45 AM
I stepped away from the board for a couple of years, as I decided I wasn't paying enough for pussy, so I got a girlfriend. I'm back because if I don't start getting laid right away I'll be susceptible when she starts calling again. When I left, it was gladly because every review by newbies was IMMEDIATELY insulted and discredited, and because nobody could start any kind of thread, be it review or co-ed discussion without it quickly escalating into the ugliest kind of flame war, and always by the same couple of people, allegedly with multiple handles. Now I'm back, and nothing's changed. Other boards I've been on had their cycles from civil and mutually respectful to hateful and ugly, but they always cycled back around. I suppose it's possible that I just happened to come back right when things started to get ugly again, but reading a few threads I get the impression that it's just been dragging the bottom for over two years. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.) My observation is directed at the moderators, and with much more respect than is shown to individual members: you are the only ones who have the power to make this a place where people can exchange ideas and opinions in a polite, respectful way. One has only to read the thread on old providers in the co-ed section to see that, again with all respect due, you're doing a very poor job of it. I don't know how many mods there are, or what the turnover is: maybe you're so swamped due to having a real life outside of the hobby, or there's just too much infighting for all of you to handle it. If either of those is the case, it's your responsibility to recognize that and take steps to correct it, maybe by recruiting more mods. There's too much name-calling(Faggot? Really, guys?) and attacks, and though I have no direct knowledge of it, I see long-time members talking about multiple accounts. I also see a lot of "please delete my account" threads. I see a LOT of things that, frankly, indicate you're not doing your job well, for whatever reason. I imagine some of you may be tired of dealing with it. Then quit! I've quit jobs I wasn't good at before- it felt a hell of a lot better than knowing I was doing a shitty job. I don't really care if this is a place for people talking about illegal activities, it's a public forum of supposed adults who should be expected, nay, compelled, to treat each other with respect. On behalf of those of us who are capable of treating other adults with respect, I ask that you own up to your responsibilities or quit. Having said all this in a polite, civil manner, I'm interested to see if this gets me banned while people who call other members "faggot" or "hag" get away with it scot-free. That alone will be very revealing, I think. Originally Posted by Txcruiser
Always nice to see that there really are a few reasonable people on here still. Thanks.

Of course your post serves another purpose as you have seen. It causes some people to self-identify: those unable to digest more than a dozen words at once, and those who think it is cool to be a jerk. And a few who are both.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Txcrusier I have wondered the same thing myself time and time again. There is also so much evidence pointing to these facts that I no longer believe that this is a site for "open communication, exchange or ideas, anything that was the original intent of this site". Power and greed took over. It happens because both power and greed are very addictive.
Whispers's Avatar
....Power and greed took over. It happens because both power and greed are very addictive. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Do you realize that your post is shorter than the ad you run for your side business of selling illegal medication to prospective clients in your signature?

Ad "Desperation" in there with greed....
Do you realize that your post is shorter than the ad you run for your side business of selling illegal medication to prospective clients in your signature?

Ad "Desperation" in there with greed.... Originally Posted by Whispers

I didn't realize that was what her sig was referring to but now that you mention it.

That is definitely "Record breaking level stupid" and at the very least is begging for serious attention from the wrong parties. They'll usually turn a blind eye toward hobbying but this they will jump on in a heartbeat.

What happens if some monger keels over after taking one of her little stiffy helpers?

We're talking involuntary manslaughter at the very least not to mention dealing in illegal substances.

I wouldn't even give one to a fellow monger as a favor for this reason but actually selling them for use during the commission of a separate illegal activity? Judge would have a field day with her.

I'm guessing she buys them in bulk for $1 per generic item online from India or Canada and then tries to resell them as an American product at $30+ per.

Treetop78759's Avatar

Y'all are dumb. She isn't selling illegal prescription meds. Just like a gas station doesn't sell illegal prescription meds.

Y'all are dumb. She isn't selling illegal prescription meds. Just like a gas station doesn't sell illegal prescription meds. Originally Posted by Treetop78759

How do you know what she's selling? You're talking out of your ass as usual.

I specifically remember a rant she herself started some while back where she was upset and venting about a monger "biz partner" who she claimed owed her money. She eventually divulged in the thread it was money toward the cost of having purchased "supposed Viagra" to resell to clients.

Board members gave her a hard time about it at the time. I also made the same comment back then about the strong likelihood that it was the cheap bulk generic Canadian or Indian stuff at $1 per which she would probably then pawn off as a far more expensive American product to resell. Never thought she would actually still pursue it after all of the reaming Whispers, myself and others gave her over it at the time.

Who the fuck is dumb enough to advertise "I can supply you with product" (of any type) on a fuck site which is risky enough as it is? Brings dumb to a whole new level with plenty of reckless thrown in for good measure.
