Majority of americans want Higher taxes on rich and deep spending cuts.

... the proposal that Obama and the Dems offered which was deep spending cuts and Higher Taxes on the Rich and corporations. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Please provide a link to Obama's proposal...especially his "deep spending cuts".
TexTushHog's Avatar
When they're calling a small business owner, such as myself, that grosses more than 200K a year "rich", fuck them and the horse they rode in on! Originally Posted by riday
You don't pay on your gross. And if you do, you need to fire you accountant. What do you show on your K-1 or Schedule C as your net business income? If you only gross 200k, then unless your profit margins are 25% or more, you're more likely to be in the roughly 50% that pay no income taxes (depending on whether you are married, have earned income through your wife, number of dependents, etc.)
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Please provide a link to Obama's proposal...especially his "deep spending cuts". Originally Posted by gnadfly
Here you go:

Keep in mind he offered to originally cut 4 trillion Boehner wanted to cut 3 trillion so who was taking it more seriously?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
When they're calling a small business owner, such as myself, that grosses more than 200K a year "rich", fuck them and the horse they rode in on!
How am I supposed to expand my business and put more people to work if I'm "rich", need to pay more taxes and I can't hardly pay my own bills and keep the doors open on my shop?

Also, you fuckers that always want higher taxes on the coorperations keep forgetting that if those corporations don't hire you then you're getting a freaking check from the government. (IE ME and everyone else that WORKS FOR A LIVING!)
And the other part of the population that is NOT employed by major corps probably have half their 401k in them, whether they know it or not.

Damn, I try and stay out of they political "debates" but sometimes I get so SICK of hearing the same old shit!
The vast majority of Americans will vote themselves a pay-raise at every chance they get, especially if everyone else is paying the tab, but most of them are stupid.

We DO NOT have an income problem, we have a SPENDING problem!!!! Originally Posted by riday
oh crap not one of these right wingers who wants to preach Trickle down economics again!!!
So how did the trickle down economics work with you? Did you make record profit during the Bush years?
Also, based on what you just mentioned- you would get a tax break under Obama- you do consider yourself a small business owner correct?
Also, in 2009- Obama wanted to use the re-paid loans from TARP to be available for small business owners and guess what party blocked it??? You betcha the GOP!!!!!
My Republican brothers go to bed early. They have to make money to pay for your BS. LOL
CPT Savajo's Avatar
So all of your Republican brothers are failures?
Here you go:

Keep in mind he offered to originally cut 4 trillion Boehner wanted to cut 3 trillion so who was taking it more seriously? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Puh-lease. BHO never revealed his budget, his Press Secretary admitted to it.

Your link is to a "press release" that said he wanted to lower spending 4 trillion over 12 years...the majority of those "cuts" (no real cuts - just smaller raises for the most part) happened after he left office.

In honor of Marshall:
Doove's Avatar
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  • 08-11-2011, 04:16 AM
You don't pay on your gross. And if you do, you need to fire you accountant. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
My guess is he has the same accountant as JDriller, who had him paying 35% on his first $200K.
In honor of Marshall:
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Two peas in a pod!!!!!
BigLouie's Avatar
Here are some simple facts that are easily available on line.

The richest 400 families in America have a combine wealth that is equal to the combined wealth of 50% of the rest of us. They pay a tax rate of 16.6% thanks to the Republicans. When there is talk of taxing the rich they mean raising the rate on these 400 families to something more in line with what the rest of us pay. But of course the Republicans will never do this.
seventonine's Avatar
BigLouie, I have no problem with forcing the top 400 families, as you say, to pay that 28-35% just as I do every year.

What happens in reality is that when the tax rules get passed my income bracket is tied to these 400 families because someone in Washington believes that $180k and up is somehow super wealthy.

The 400 families pay people to find the loopholes <-- which was my point earlier. I either have to find those loopholes or pay through the nose.
Fortunately; the American tax system doesn't levy taxes based on net worth, but on by quoting Michael Moore you are being somewhat deceitful.....and your quote is only relevant if you can provide us with their tax rate paid under the Clinton years.....for all we know, they may have paid less under the Clinton scheme, since we don't know what kind of capital investments, losses, and other deductions they may have availed.

That said; the progessive "Citizens For Tax Justice" finds that the most recent numbers show that at the higher end of the scale, the top fifth pay about 30 percent of their income in taxes.

But who pays for the government????

The Evil Rich provide the lion’s share of the income taxes. According to the Tax Foundation, the top 5 percent of income earners bring home about 35% of the nation’s income, but pay 59% of federal income tax. The Super Evil Rich – people who earn over $6 million per year, a new category the IRS has been tracking recently - earn 10% of the income, but pay 18.5% of income taxes. Meanwhile, the bottom half of earners account for roughly 13% of our national income, but pay only 3% of the federal income tax.

The problem isn't that the Evil Rich don't pay enough, the problem is that the burden of paying for the government isn't fairly distributed to the lower end of the scale; these people don't pay enough for the government services they demand !

If your point is that America needs to take more of the net worth from the wealthiests and re-distribute it to the more needy, just say so......then we can get to the nut of your position which is Leninism/Marxism/Communism.

Here are some simple facts that are easily available on line.

The richest 400 families in America have a combine wealth that is equal to the combined wealth of 50% of the rest of us. They pay a tax rate of 16.6% thanks to the Republicans. When there is talk of taxing the rich they mean raising the rate on these 400 families to something more in line with what the rest of us pay. But of course the Republicans will never do this. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Old-T's Avatar
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  • 08-11-2011, 08:00 AM
Looks like according to a recent CNN poll that most Americans- vast majority of them I might add want the proposal that Obama and the Dems offered which was deep spending cuts and Higher Taxes on the Rich and corporations.

This let's me know who America stands behind during this debt crisis. Americans overwhelmingly want the Rich to pay their fair share- unlike the Republicans who rather give more tax breaks to the Wealthy. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
"Rich" is a relative term. It usually means anyone who makes more that the person doing the talking.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-11-2011, 09:35 AM
Fortunately; the American tax system doesn't levy taxes based on net worth, but on by quoting Michael Moore you are being somewhat deceitful.....
. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He wasn't quoting MM. It is a fact that anyone with a brain can find online.

And our tax structure can levy taxes based on wealth. That is WTF it does when you die. Yet there are some that do not even want the rich to pay their fair share even in death.

What a joke.

If your point is that America needs to take more of the net worth from the wealthiests and re-distribute it to the more needy, just say so......then we can get to the nut of your position which is Leninism/Marxism/Communism. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did you ever figure out the difference between regressive taxes and progressive.

By only talking about the Federal progressive tax structure, you are leaving out the regressive part. You know that part that the poor pay the majority of their income towards.

If you had a clue just how the tax system actually worked , you would not be spouting off stupid Rush talking points.

The super rich pay at a low tax rate because they have bribed their way into getting tax breaks for things like stocks. Something the poor do not derive their income from.

A little less talking and a little more studing up on the subject matter at hand is what the doctor has ordered you.
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  • 08-11-2011, 09:38 AM

The problem isn't that the Evil Rich don't pay enough, the problem is that the burden of paying for the government isn't fairly distributed to the lower end of the scale; these people don't pay enough for the government services they demand !

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The things the poor fight for....SS and Medicare are running a surplus. Or they had been.

The thing the rich like, military has not. So the rich have not been paying for the thing they like to spend money on.

Get your shit straight before coming on here and making a fool of yourself by quoting numbers on things that are out of context.

The sad part is you do not even understand that they are out of context!