Do you smoke cigarettes?

eccieuser9500's Avatar

Do you smoke cigarettes? Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde

Not cigarettes.

I don't smoke cigarettes...

but let me fuck with yall for a minute...

I'll fuck her sure but she has to taste nice before I kiss... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Your style is beginning to grow on me. Like a fungus.

You only get one facepalm from me, and not the audience.

I smoked cigarettes for almost 30 years. I switched to e-cigs about 4 & 1/2 years ago. (yes, do the math, I started smoking when I was only 10yrs old)

I smoked around 2 packs a day so I know I smelled of it everywhere, all the time. But I didn't smell it of course.

Now, I am very sensitive to the smell. But I don't find it completely repugnant. It's somewhat nostalgic. My Father (RIP) smoked 4 packs a day and partook of the occasional cigar and/or pipe on occasion.

But I would rather not have the smell on me, my hair, or my clothes. If I stop for a beer at my fave dive, I will be washing my clothes and hair ASAP after leaving.

I still have my nicotine addiction. I didn't quit that. But I don't stink anymore or hack and cough. And vapor doesn't leave a smell on clothes or in a room so.....also good.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Not only no, but HELL NO! And like you, just a whiff of that smell nauseates me. Originally Posted by bbkid
Same here.

I HATE cigarettes! I was talking briefly with a lady yesterday and thought I caught bronchitis. No joke. Everything about her and on her was a nasty smoke smell. She had cigarette hair. Her clothes smelled of cigarettes.
She was telling me about her bronchial infection.
Ugh! I can't with this woman.
It was such a strong smell it was making me sick. I came home and immediately showered.

I wish there were smoking bans here.
There are no smoking ban communities in Denver and some jobs have started a no hire smoking policy. They're not hiring smokers. If they hire you and later piss you and youre positive for nicotine you're fired. I'm glad. I hope more companies start doing this.

Booo to the smokers and to the clients and providers who lie about smoking.
There are providers who put in their showcase -non smoker when they know they smoke. Smh Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
This is exactly how I feel. I am so sensitive to smoke it is almost alarming. I simply cannot deal with it. If I go some where service oriented (nails, hair, massage, ect) and the person that is servicing me is a smoker, I will never go back, regardless of how great the service may have been.

I totally agree with the smoking bans as well, especially in places like downtown where it's very crowed and most of the people are walking. If there is one asshole smoking, they are effecting the air of everyone around them. That shit just sits and lingers in the air and if you are walking directly behind someone that is smoking, you might as well be smoking yourself.

I don't smoke cigarettes...

but let me fuck with yall for a minute... would you rather walk into a public restroom and smell someone shitting their guts out or would you rather smell cigarette smoke.

point being their are much worse smells than smoke. That being said it depends on how hot she is... I'd rather not kiss a smoker...I'll fuck her sure but she has to taste nice before I kiss... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I can handle the shit smell any day. I can even handle the smelliest of homeless people, those gross smells just don't spread like smoke. Even generator fumes don't bother me as much as smoke and generator fumes can be pretty rough.

I have one every now and then. It is my last real vice left. I even gave up carbs! Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
You gave up carbs? You are a much stronger women then me.

My list of vices would exceed the character limit in this box... Originally Posted by rustyshackleford112.7
LOL ... now we are talking ... my vices are a mile long as well.

Agree...i have always been able to tell a smoker from a non-smoker. In the hobby, just one kiss and boom, smoker or non-smoker. If u r a non-smoker, it's obvious. Nothing of the I couldn't tell - I assume I couldn't tell means "she is a smoker and I know that but she cleaned up well."

For me, it's like an allergy, my throat feels rough, my tongue senses the taste. I can't get away from it soon enough irl. Originally Posted by iquit
That's exactly right. People that have smoked for decades, even after they shower, you can still smell it, it's like it is literally oozing out of their pores. If I am in a convenient store or walgreens and the line is long, I'll play a game with myself trying to figure out who is in line buying cigarettes. It's so easy to tell from their skin and nails.

You gave up carbs? You are a much stronger women then me.
Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde

Giiiirl, tell me about it! I just low carb it nowadays. I miss bread!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar

Now, I am very sensitive to the smell. But I don't find it completely repugnant. It's somewhat nostalgic. My Father (RIP) smoked 4 packs a day and partook of the occasional cigar and/or pipe on occasion.
Originally Posted by Krystal_RoseBBW
Wow! My mom smoked a pack a day of menthol 120's and it seemed like she was always smoking, so 4 packs is nuts. I can't even do the math in my head of how many per hour that would break down too.

Smoking was the demise of my mom and by demise I don't just mean her death, it took so much of her life. From all the breaks she needed in my younger years so she could sneak away and have a smoke, to her not being able to do anything with me in my older years because she could hardly breathe.

The ugliest fights we ever had were in regards to her smoking. She finally died at only 63 years old and it was horrible to watch. She was in the hospital for 6 months before she passed and the doctors said just about the entire time that there was nothing they could do for her.

Even with a tracheostomy that had a big ass hose in her neck shooting air as hard as a freaking firehose shoots water, she still could hardly breathe. I remember her oxygen numbers being in the high 80's which is very bad.
Wow! My mom smoked a pack a day of menthol 120's and it seemed like she was always smoking, so 4 packs is nuts. I can't even do the math in my head of how many per hour that would break down too.

Smoking was the demise of my mom and by demise I don't just mean her death, it took so much of her life. From all the breaks she needed in my younger years so she could sneak away and have a smoke, to her not being able to do anything with me in my older years because she could hardly breathe.

The ugliest fights we ever had were in regards to her smoking. She finally died at only 63 years old and it was horrible to watch. She was in the hospital for 6 months before she passed and the doctors said just about the entire time that there was nothing they could do for her.

Even with a tracheostomy that had a big ass hose in her neck shooting air as hard as a freaking firehose shoots water, she still could hardly breathe. I remember her oxygen numbers being in the high 80's which is very bad. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Sorry for your loss. That is REALLY sad, really brings awareness to the one of the many dangers of smoking. It's also bad to be a smoker and to be on birth control. It causes blood clots....
cinderbella's Avatar
I remember back when I used to work as a nurse aide for home health care. One of my older female client patient's was on oxygen.

She would take off her oxygen tubing and go into another room to smoke a cigarette while I was there.

I would have to go outside during her smoke break. Cigarette smoke makes me physically ill.

I do not get acrylic nails either. The fumes are awful.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-09-2018, 02:44 PM
I smoke @$%& everyday, no cigs. The board won't let me mention it. They point me like some bitches. I use to stink of it but I use vaporizers now.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The board won't let me mention it. Originally Posted by Trey

Because it's a daily "medical" necessity. Right?
I don't care for the smell but some of you are just pussies. /TheEnd
eccieuser9500's Avatar
This thread cracks me up. One one side we have the dickheads that try to demean on purpose and on the other the ass kissers talking about how they are wired to give women pleasure. You're all losers lol. Good times. Originally Posted by MASTODON

Somebody found some fermented fruit.

Nah, I'm more of a fermented grain mash kind of guy.
SCBOY's Avatar
  • 01-10-2018, 05:31 AM
Knowing what we know today of all of the ill health effects of smoking cigarettes. If you are still smoking cigarettes NOW, you are a damn fool.
Knowing what we know today of all of the ill health effects of smoking cigarettes. If you are still smoking cigarettes NOW, you are a damn fool. Originally Posted by SCBOY

Same thing could be said of banging hookers.
AlexisMoore's Avatar
I smoke @$%& everyday, no cigs. The board won't let me mention it. They point me like some bitches. I use to stink of it but I use vaporizers now. Originally Posted by Trey

I use to smoke cigarettes. But watching my grandmother and lung cancer, I was over it. Now I just vape. And smoke @$#% for bed to help with insomnia. Miss smoking sometimes though but im healthier.