Jussie Smollett Indicted on 16 Felony Counts by Chicago Grand Jury

47 months seems to be a popular sentence for bullshit artists. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So when do you start serving YOUR 47 months...since that is a popular sentence for BS artists...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I wouldn’t call his bull shit art.
And the little dude is still saying he's not guilty. Can't wait to see what his defense is gonna be. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Who's his lawyers? Last I heard it was some DNC high powered lawyers.

Remember, there are two types of good lawyers: ones who know how to pick apart the law and the other ones who know how to pick a jury.
I would think it easy to pick a sympathetic jury in Dim Chicago.

I think he will only get probation from the pc culture police. Originally Posted by winn dixie
He'll get a good talkin' to by the judge. Other than that, he's a hero. BLM! BLM! BLM! BLM!
The Smollet situation should never have been turned into such a big news event. It might not have been had that twisted, shallow shit not added the Trump issue to his attack. That transformed it, especially for the TV propogandists. Sure, Smollet was a celebrity on some level, I guess. But adding that Trump stuff to his attack sent the TV sensationalists into overdrive. He should be fined sufficiently to repay law enforcement in Chicago. He should be sent to prison for a year or two. He should be made to stuff and lick fundraising letters for the Trump campaign from now until Trump loses the election.
themystic's Avatar
Who want's people dead...do tell TM. Originally Posted by bb1961
Your little "southern belle" Moscow Ellen said she hoped he would kill himself.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I agree with Agrarian , but the liberal/socialists are very good at using the Lame-stream media to push an agenda ( haters of everything , MAGA , Race, Gay) HOWEVER , this time it the truth came out
So when do you start serving YOUR 47 months...since that is a popular sentence for BS artists... Originally Posted by bb1961

No worries. He's busy serving a LIFE sentence as Icky's resident idiot dimmturd……

themystic's Avatar
Jussie and his 16 Lies. He has a way to go to catch the biggest MAGA Gay Liar

Yeppers, if what he did turned out to be true that's probably the only choice he has left. BUT YOU turned it into Ellen said "all gay people should killed themselves." You have a reading comprehension problem so darling you need to go buy yourself a new brain. Hell, buy yourself a new personality while you're at it because your idiotic posts are getting tedious. You must of been dropped on the head as child. Of course, now that I've read some of your
stupid shit I can't say I blame them!!!

Your little "southern belle" Moscow Ellen said she hoped he would kill himself. Originally Posted by themystic
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Smollet situation should never have been turned into such a big news event. It might not have been had that twisted, shallow shit not added the Trump issue to his attack. That transformed it, especially for the TV propogandists. Sure, Smollet was a celebrity on some level, I guess. But adding that Trump stuff to his attack sent the TV sensationalists into overdrive. He should be fined sufficiently to repay law enforcement in Chicago. He should be sent to prison for a year or two. He should be made to stuff and lick fundraising letters for the Trump campaign from now until Trump loses the election. Originally Posted by agrarian

he's already a gift to Trump's re-election. not exactly what he had in mind i'm sure but that's what he gets for falsely playing both the race card and the .. wait for it .. TRUMP card!

while not "fake" news by the media directly, it validates the bias the media has against Trump and all things conservative.
bamscram's Avatar
Lying didn't use to be a good trait till Trump was elected.
JS will prob have it plea bargained and pay a fine, unless the feds get him for the letter he mailed to himself.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
So when do you start serving YOUR 47 months...since that is a popular sentence for BS artists... Originally Posted by bb1961
I wouldn’t call his BS art.

It’s verbal vomit.
themystic's Avatar
Yeppers, if what he did turned out to be true that's probably the only choice he has left. BUT YOU turned it into Ellen said "all gay people should killed themselves." You have a reading comprehension problem so darling you need to go buy yourself a new brain. Hell, buy yourself a new personality while you're at it because your idiotic posts are getting tedious. You must of been dropped on the head as child. Of course, now that I've read some of your
stupid shit I can't say I blame them!!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Oh bless your heart Moscow Ellen. You seem to have a credibility problem. Liars support other Liars. Trump, Lusty and Moscow Ellen. Wow. That's probably approaching 30,000 lies. What a bunch of phony un American losers


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Smollet situation should never have been turned into such a big news event. It might not have been had that twisted, shallow shit not added the Trump issue to his attack. That transformed it, especially for the TV propogandists. Sure, Smollet was a celebrity on some level, I guess. But adding that Trump stuff to his attack sent the TV sensationalists into overdrive. He should be fined sufficiently to repay law enforcement in Chicago. He should be sent to prison for a year or two. He should be made to stuff and lick fundraising letters for the Trump campaign from now until Trump loses the election. Originally Posted by agrarian
You should know any time that the MAGA hat, anti-gay lynching mob is involved...Trump hater comes forward...and without ANY evidence the Trump hating MSM jumps on it without vetting it and makes it front page news.

I guess I missed the candidate that was going to defeat Trump...please share that information...so I can contact my bookie in time and win BIG!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeppers, if what he did turned out to be true that's probably the only choice he has left. BUT YOU turned it into Ellen said "all gay people should killed themselves." You have a reading comprehension problem so darling you need to go buy yourself a new brain. Hell, buy yourself a new personality while you're at it because your idiotic posts are getting tedious. You must of been dropped on the head as child. Of course, now that I've read some of your
stupid shit I can't say I blame them!!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Why don’t you respond with a tedious meme, Ellen? That seems to be your preferred mode of debate.

Or you could shake them well worn Pom poms of yours!