Bush ... ooops I mean Obama is banging the war drums

flghtr65's Avatar
Seems like Obama really isn't much different than Bush after all. You liberals have to admit Obama is the same. He is sending troops to Iraq, and possibly to Syria. He has not committed to keeping 10,000 troops in Afghanistan for another year. I don't give a shit what excuses you liberals come up with, you know damn well he is just like Bush.

http://news.yahoo.com/us-afghanistan...093220447.html Originally Posted by satexasguy
Al-Quaida was responsible for 911 not Sadam Hussein. Bush wanted to go to Iraq after he lost OBL in the Ag mountains to enhance his legacy. The WMD's which were never found was just an excuse Bush gave to the American people so everyone would buy in. Most of congress supported going. Obama did not. Obama is not the same as Bush. Bush had the USA in Iraq for 8 years, spent 2 trillion, 4 thousand soldiers dead and no WMD's were ever found. Bush was a disaster.

Malicah got the government that he wanted. He didn't want the USA there. With ISIS beheading innocent US citizens, if Obama didn't go back you would be saying Obama doesn't care about defending the USA.
Callie Valleywood's Avatar
I was coming to same article they evacuated 6 hours before bush had to leave because they wanted to make Obama the failure of our society..We have children and seniors struggling here in U.S. I'm not political but you couldn't have said it better!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Al-Quaida was responsible for 911 not Sadam Hussein. Bush wanted to go to Iraq after he lost OBL in the Ag mountains to enhance his legacy. The WMD's which were never found was just an excuse Bush gave to the American people so everyone would buy in. Most of congress supported going. Obama did not. Obama is not the same as Bush. Bush had the USA in Iraq for 8 years, spent 2 trillion, 4 thousand soldiers dead and no WMD's were ever found. Bush was a disaster.

Malicah got the government that he wanted. He didn't want the USA there. With ISIS beheading innocent US citizens, if Obama didn't go back you would be saying Obama doesn't care about defending the USA
. Originally Posted by flghtr65
How does that change the fact that Saddam repeatedly violated the terms of the armistice, flighty? Or do you propose that Odumbo's red lines in the sand -- like with Syria -- would have "skeered" Saddam into submission? Hell, flighty, even Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator made war on Saddam, or did you forget, flighty?
LexusLover's Avatar
I was coming ... Originally Posted by Callie Valleywood
Callie are you actually only 130 pounds?
boardman's Avatar
Show me a 5'5" girl with 36DDD and 130 pounds, I'll show you an anorexic with fake tits.
LexusLover's Avatar
... or did you forget, flighty? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No. He didn't.

He just doesn't want to be reminded about a truce Saddam approved*.

*Technically he didn't sign it. At least that is my understanding.

Oh, I almost forgot:


"But there was yellowcake, lots of it. Noah Shachtman, non-resident fellow at the liberal Brookings Institute researched the 400,000 leaked documents and discovered that for years afterward, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specs in toxins and uncover WMD ... and especially chemical weapons on the Iraqi battlefield.

"Remnants of Saddam's toxic arsenal remained and there was evidence of other countries, possible Iran, coming into Iraq to help themselves and make their own deadly agents.

"In 2008, our military shipped out on 37 flights in 3,500 barrels the last of what the AP called the major remnants of Hussein's nuclear program - 550 METRIC TONS OF YELLOWCAKE."


"We were told two days ago that ISIS now has control of a WMD factory with chemical weapons. This is after being told there were no WMDs in Iraq and then being told they were all destroyed by the US and coalition forces. Now that Iraq is a complete disaster, we are again being told George W. Bush is solely responsible. We are being fed lies.

"There were WMDs found in Iraq as late as 2008 according to The Atlantic which went through a trove of documents uncovered by wikileaks. From 2004 – 2008, WMDs were unearthed. In 2011, Hillary admitted that there were WMDs in Iraq."

There are endless articles from different sources and directions ... sorry.

In fact, it is now being reported that ISIS has captured an Iraqi chemical weapons plant. Is it "possible" THE ONE IN THE WHITE HOUSE wanted to get the hell out of Iraq before evidence of WMDs was found, and now wants to eradicated ISIS to prevent tales of WMD's .... OR ..... HE doesn't want U.S. servicemembers to come "home" burned up with chemicals that "never existed" delivered with systems "never built"?
No. He didn't.

He just doesn't want to be reminded about a truce Saddam approved*.

*Technically he didn't sign it. At least that is my understanding.

Oh, I almost forgot:


"But there was yellowcake, lots of it. Noah Shachtman, non-resident fellow at the liberal Brookings Institute researched the 400,000 leaked documents and discovered that for years afterward, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specs in toxins and uncover WMD ... and especially chemical weapons on the Iraqi battlefield.

"Remnants of Saddam's toxic arsenal remained and there was evidence of other countries, possible Iran, coming into Iraq to help themselves and make their own deadly agents.

"In 2008, our military shipped out on 37 flights in 3,500 barrels the last of what the AP called the major remnants of Hussein's nuclear program - 550 METRIC TONS OF YELLOWCAKE."


"We were told two days ago that ISIS now has control of a WMD factory with chemical weapons. This is after being told there were no WMDs in Iraq and then being told they were all destroyed by the US and coalition forces. Now that Iraq is a complete disaster, we are again being told George W. Bush is solely responsible. We are being fed lies.

"There were WMDs found in Iraq as late as 2008 according to The Atlantic which went through a trove of documents uncovered by wikileaks. From 2004 – 2008, WMDs were unearthed. In 2011, Hillary admitted that there were WMDs in Iraq."

There are endless articles from different sources and directions ... sorry.

In fact, it is now being reported that ISIS has captured an Iraqi chemical weapons plant. Is it "possible" THE ONE IN THE WHITE HOUSE wanted to get the hell out of Iraq before evidence of WMDs was found, and now wants to eradicated ISIS to prevent tales of WMD's .... OR ..... HE doesn't want U.S. servicemembers to come "home" burned up with chemicals that "never existed" delivered with systems "never built"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I will ask again as you never replied the last time.
If what you say is true why the fuck weren't they destroyed so ISIL can;t occupy them now?
You blame Obie for something that wasn't done earlier.
No. He didn't.

He just doesn't want to be reminded about a truce Saddam approved*.

*Technically he didn't sign it. At least that is my understanding.

Oh, I almost forgot:


"But there was yellowcake, lots of it. Noah Shachtman, non-resident fellow at the liberal Brookings Institute researched the 400,000 leaked documents and discovered that for years afterward, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specs in toxins and uncover WMD ... and especially chemical weapons on the Iraqi battlefield.

"Remnants of Saddam's toxic arsenal remained and there was evidence of other countries, possible Iran, coming into Iraq to help themselves and make their own deadly agents.

"In 2008, our military shipped out on 37 flights in 3,500 barrels the last of what the AP called the major remnants of Hussein's nuclear program - 550 METRIC TONS OF YELLOWCAKE."


"We were told two days ago that ISIS now has control of a WMD factory with chemical weapons. This is after being told there were no WMDs in Iraq and then being told they were all destroyed by the US and coalition forces. Now that Iraq is a complete disaster, we are again being told George W. Bush is solely responsible. We are being fed lies.

"There were WMDs found in Iraq as late as 2008 according to The Atlantic which went through a trove of documents uncovered by wikileaks. From 2004 – 2008, WMDs were unearthed. In 2011, Hillary admitted that there were WMDs in Iraq."

There are endless articles from different sources and directions ... sorry.

In fact, it is now being reported that ISIS has captured an Iraqi chemical weapons plant. Is it "possible" THE ONE IN THE WHITE HOUSE wanted to get the hell out of Iraq before evidence of WMDs was found, and now wants to eradicated ISIS to prevent tales of WMD's .... OR ..... HE doesn't want U.S. servicemembers to come "home" burned up with chemicals that "never existed" delivered with systems "never built"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I will ask again as you never replied the last time.
If what you say is true why the fuck weren't they destroyed so ISIL can;t occupy them now? You blame Obie for something that wasn't done earlier.
LexusLover's Avatar
I will ask again as you never replied the last time. When?
If what you say is true (I didn't "say it" .... that is why I provided the links for those who reported the truth) why the fuck weren't they destroyed so ISIL can;t occupy them now? (You didn't read the reports did you?)

You blame Obie for something that wasn't done earlier.(Did I post any where that I "blamed" anyone?)
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I'm not saying you are as bad as WTF or BigTits, but ..... what you just posted reads like something they would post when taking what someone posts and distorts it ..... IJS.

It has been reported for years that materiel and material associated with WMDs were found in Iraq DURING and AFTER the initial 2003 "RE-invasion" of Iraq.

"In 2008, our military shipped out on 37 flights in 3,500 barrels the last of what the AP called the major remnants of Hussein's nuclear program - 550 METRIC TONS OF YELLOWCAKE."

Just out of curiosity ... do you actually believe Obminable was NOT BRIEFED on 37 flights carrying "550 METRIC TONS OF YELLOWCAKE" .. out of Iraq at least in the transition period before he was sworn?

Now, granted he might have been setting up his golf lessons during the discussions .... errr.... "briefings" .... but it was there for him to hear.

Just like a lot of other shit he ignores.

You ignore the point: There were WMD's "in-country" in Iraq, there were materiel and material for WMD's, and facilities to reconstitute the programs.

Now to your question about Obaminable ... since you asked:

#1: Why would he be concerned about WMDs that he said DIDN'T EXIST! If he were to order WMDs and the WMD program facilities destroyed, then he would be acknowledging they EXISTED ..... kinda like throwing the clubs in the back of the Suburban and proclaiming he didn't play golf ....?

#2: Why would he be concerned about ISIS getting WMDs when he said they were a bunch of JV do nothings and he wasn't worried about them? If he ordered the STUFF DESTROYED so ISIS couldn't get the shit, then he would have to admit that ISIS EXISTED and he was worried they might use the shit on the U.S. ..... Then he would have to do something about ISIS, so they wouldn't get the shit that DIDN'T EXIST .... according to him..... kinda like throwing the clubs in the back of the Suburban and proclaiming he didn't play golf ....?

If you have a doctor you like, you can still keep them, and if you like your insurance coverage for the doctor you like, you can keep that too. Right?

"The check (as opposed to MONEY) is in the mail"!
"I won't cum in your mouth"!!!

Obaminable wanted Bush to be a LIAR. So, he LIED ABOUT THE TRUTH.



Now, here is the "final" answer to your query:

""We knew this day would come. We've known it for some time. But still there is something profound about the end of a war that has lasted so long," said Obama. "It's harder to end a war than begin one. Everything that American troops have done in Iraq - all the fighting, all the dying, the bleeding and the building and the training and the partnering, all of it has landed to this moment of success."


"Iraq's not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we're leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self reliant Iraq with a representative government that was elected by its people. We're building a new partnership between our nations and we are ending a war not with a final battle but with a final march toward home. This is an extraordinary achievement," he said.

In 2011: "..we are ending a war...with a final march toward home."

And just before that:

.."we're leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self reliant Iraq..."

You can keep your doctor if you like your doctor.
You can keep your insurance if you like your insurance.
It was a video tape.
Wait until after the elections. I can be more "flexible" then.
Do you even read what you post lexie lacking? God you are dumb.
flghtr65's Avatar
No. He didn't.

He just doesn't want to be reminded about a truce Saddam approved*.

*Technically he didn't sign it. At least that is my understanding.

Oh, I almost forgot:


"But there was yellowcake, lots of it. Noah Shachtman, non-resident fellow at the liberal Brookings Institute researched the 400,000 leaked documents and discovered that for years afterward, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specs in toxins and uncover WMD ... and especially chemical weapons on the Iraqi battlefield.

"Remnants of Saddam's toxic arsenal remained and there was evidence of other countries, possible Iran, coming into Iraq to help themselves and make their own deadly agents.

"In 2008, our military shipped out on 37 flights in 3,500 barrels the last of what the AP called the major remnants of Hussein's nuclear program - 550 METRIC TONS OF YELLOWCAKE."
Originally Posted by LexusLover
From your link:

On top of that it was, well, old...maybe degraded. Not what they expected the military would find. Didn't look like WMD.

Old and degraded Yellowcake does not mean functional WMD. Bush lied to the American people to enhance his legacy. Bush asked 4,000 soldiers to make the ultimate sacrifice for some old Yellowcake?

According Colin Powell's Powerpoint presentation before the United Nations there was suppose to Warehouses full of WMD's.

Who is Kingman, she has no more credibility than you do. When Megan Kelly of Fox was grilling Dick Cheney, he never said anything about this yellowcake.
flghtr65's Avatar
Hell, flighty, even Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator made war on Saddam, or did you forget, flighty?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Slick Willie did not have the USA stay in Iraq for 8 years, spend 2 trillion dollars and have 4 thousand soldiers make the ultimate sacrifice.
flghtr65's Avatar
We have children and seniors struggling here in U.S. I'm not political but you couldn't have said it better! Originally Posted by Callie Valleywood

Thanks Callie.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I hate to admit it, but I'm with Fluffy on this one. We had no reason to attack Iraq. That action, in retrospect, has caused much more trouble than it solved.
flghtr65's Avatar
I hate to admit it, but I'm with Flghtr65 on this one. We had no reason to attack Iraq. That action, in retrospect, has caused much more trouble than it solved. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Fixed it for you.