DeMint bolts from the Senate

Smart Move. Gov Haley will appoint another Conservative, and DeMint goes from a $174,000 a year job to (just an estimate), over $500,000.

It's a win-win for the Republicans. They get DeMint out of the way so they can go more to the center, and DeMint goes to a place where he can do some good for the Conservative Movement.

Whether the Tea Party id crumbling will not really be known untill the 2014 mid terms. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No, it's known now. The sane members of the GOP now recognize that loons like DeMint are a detriment to the party and are shutting them out. Couple of Tea Partiers were removed from their committee positions in the past few days. The mainstream GOP has recognized that the Tea Party and the absurd extremist positions the Tea Party advocates are detrimental to the Republican party and hurt them in the elections last month.

DeMint is being run out of town. You can spin it any way you like, and I'm glad he and Dick Armey (whose being run out of his current TP spot because he's too moderate) are cashing in....but, it is what it is. He had previously announced that he would be serving out his current term to 2016. He's leaving because his agenda is no longer welcome in the GOP and he's viewed as a liability, not an asset.... and that's been made known to him.

Good riddance. He's a douchebag.
Your an idiot Timmyboy.

Armey isn't being "run out of his current TP spot because he's too moderate." He quit because he thinks the head of Freedom Works is cashing in on a book deal, and Armey doesn't want to be part of it. The Army resignation has nothing to do with TP policy and everything to do with internal personality conflicts.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The TP agenda is NOT in retreat. Where do you come up with those crazy ideas?
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Because he's fucking crazy!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2012, 10:18 AM
Your an idiot Timmyboy.

Armey isn't being "run out of his current TP spot because he's too moderate." He quit because he thinks the head of Freedom Works is cashing in on a book deal, and Armey doesn't want to be part of it. The Army resignation has nothing to do with TP policy and everything to do with internal personality conflicts. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And they had to give Armey 8 million dollars because of what now?

Timmyboy is spot on. The big boys in the GOP are fed up with the Tea Pukes. Life was not going to be pretty for DeMint in his own party had he stayed!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2012, 10:18 AM
Because he's fucking crazy! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I didn't have to pay someone 8 million dollars to quit!
Freedom Works DID NOT give Armey $8 million contract.

And you have no link to support your phony claim.

And yes, the GOP establishment wants to neuter the Tea Party. That is no genius of an observation !

And they had to give Armey 8 million dollars because of what now?

Timmyboy is spot on. The big boys in the GOP are fed up with the Tea Pukes. Life was not going to be pretty for DeMint in his own party had he stayed! Originally Posted by WTF
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  • WTF
  • 12-06-2012, 10:26 AM
Freedom Works DID NOT give Armey $8 million contract.

And you have no link to support your phony claim.

And yes, the GOP establishment wants to neuter the Tea Party. That is no genius of an observation ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
so instead of Stephenson donating that money to freedomworks, he will be paying dick!

confidential contract obtained by The Associated Press shows that Armey agreed in September to resign from his role as chairman of Washington-based FreedomWorks in exchange for $8 million in consulting fees paid in annual $400,000 installments. Dated Sept. 24, the contract specifies that Armey would resign his position at both FreedomWorks and its sister organization, the FreedomWorks Foundation, by the end of November.

According to the contract, Armey’s consulting fees will be paid by Richard J. Stephenson, a prominent fundraiser and founder and chairman of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, a national cancer treatment network. Stephenson is on the board of directors of FreedomWorks.
Interestingly, the WAPO story claims the Associated Press has the "secret contract" that says Armey was forced out in exchange for payments, but the WAPO hasn't seen the contract and the AP won't print the contract so we can see for ourselves what the language of the contract is. That is what is called yellow journalism. If the AP or WAPO has the smoking gun, let them print it. They don't, so they make up the storyline to fit their liberal narrative.

Not to mention that Freedom Works will not be making payments; and Army will be a consultant to whom? The WAPO story leaves this out......Why?

so instead of Stephenson donating that money to freedomworks, he will be paying dick!

confidential contract obtained by The Associated Press shows that Armey agreed in September to resign from his role as chairman of Washington-based FreedomWorks in exchange for $8 million in consulting fees paid in annual $400,000 installments. Dated Sept. 24, the contract specifies that Armey would resign his position at both FreedomWorks and its sister organization, the FreedomWorks Foundation, by the end of November.

According to the contract, Armey’s consulting fees will be paid by Richard J. Stephenson, a prominent fundraiser and founder and chairman of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, a national cancer treatment network. Stephenson is on the board of directors of FreedomWorks. Originally Posted by WTF
Interestingly, the WAPO story claims the Associated Press has the "secret contract" that says Armey was forced out in exchange for payments, but the WAPO hasn't seen the contract and the AP won't print the contract so we can see for ourselves what the language of the contract is. That is what is called yellow journalism. If the AP or WAPO has the smoking gun, let them print it. They don't, so they make up the storyline to fit their liberal narrative. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Keep tap-dancing you fucking pinhead.
So Army gets a consulting gig; resigns from Freedom Works over the book deal and you think it is some sign that the Tea Party is in shambles?

Your an idiot.
But Susan Rice lies to the American public over Benghazi, the killing of Americans by Islamist, and you are ok with that ?

Your liberal retards are amazing....
markroxny's Avatar
But Susan Rice lies to the American public over Benghazi, the killing of Americans by Islamist, and you are ok with that ?

Your liberal retards are amazing.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
She didn't lie. She used the unclassified info that was provided to her by the CIA (and edited by the intel community too Whrily...not the White HOuse as you tried to imply).

She was not allowed to speak on the classified info and you know it.

You and McCain need to get the fuck over it.
Susan Rice, and more importantly, Obama knew the "approved talking points" were a lie.

Both Rice and Obama let the lie hang out for American consumption weeks before the election.

Rice claimed a video was an underlying cause of the attack; that claim was never put forth by the approved talking points. Obama let that lie stand because it worked to his advantage. Obama repeated the lies in subsequent appearances on late night TV.

And Rice claimed that Al Qaeda was decimated. Another lie that Obama and Rice knew not to be true.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think this shows that the Republican Party can not, and will not, be reformed from within. Whenever someone departs from the statist GOP line, they will be marginalized, and eventually forced out so the RINO's, like Boehner and McConnell can continue their cooperation with the Democrats to lead the country to disaster.

The Republican Party needs to fade into history, so new party, based on freedom and Constitutional principles can rise it its place. The current mainstream Republican Party is as much a hindrance to liberty as the Democrats are.
So Army gets a consulting gig; resigns from Freedom Works over the book deal and you think it is some sign that the Tea Party is in shambles?

Your an idiot. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Armey is illustrative of the current friction between the mainstream GOP and the Baggers.

DeMint even more so. Do you deny that DeMint has been one of the highest profile elected Baggers? And do you contend that him abruptly leaving the senate is just business as usual? And the loss of the committee positions by tea partiers elected in 2010 is meaningless?

Read and learn douchebag: